Aristin76 |

Okay, I plan on using magic jar to shake up my PCs.
I know the npc will have her mental capacities, but I plan on possessing either a barb pc, ranger pc, or fighter pc. My question is what physical abilities would be acceptable. Eg physical stats, weapon in hand, plus what feat/bab would be retained. The barbarian is 2 handed power attack style build. Could I use his rage, etc. ? Ranger is a switch hitter build? Fighter is sword and board 2 weapon style build with shield slam etc.
For the fighter, I thought just using 1 full bab attack with sword and shield would be acceptable. Power attacking with the barbarian okay? Not sure what archery based feats would be acceptable......
Any input would be appreciated........


you do not keep your players feats or class features.
You only get str,dex,con ac and items your players have.
Most wizards wont even know how to fight with a sword or what ever.
Just use spells from target body and use him till he gets knocked down and revert back to your normal body or select a new target.
For the effect you want a dominate person spell would be better.