Character raised in Andaran

Legacy of Fire

Liberty's Edge

I was thinking of how I have not had any Andaran charactors for the APs, so I had my character for Legacy of Fire raised in Andaran before we started book two of the AP. without spoilers, can anyone tell me if there will be any difficulties with this besides the general information that Katapesh is a very slaveholding society? thank you

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

For the most part it won't matter too much, but if the AP runs at its assumed spot in the timeline, then it's set a few years after Andoran essentially declared a naval war on Katapesh's slave fleet. The Andoran navy has sunk a few Katapeshi galleons since then and is causing trouble in other ways as well, with the long-term goal of crashing down the Inner Sea's international slave trade (which would take a central pillar of Katapesh's economy down with it). As a result, Andorens are persona non grata in the city of Katapesh; it's the only country the Pactmasters won't trade with, and several Andoren spies have found their way into the Pactmasters' dungeons (and not in the good way). I'd keep your character's background under your hat if you ever visit the "big city."

I have a minor side NPC in the version of the AP I'm running that's in a similar situation to your PC -- born and raised in Andoran, but not (necessarily) connected to anti-slavery espionage. She pretends to be from Cheliax, and it's pretty hard for the average Katapeshi to tell the difference.

On the other hand, the AP does not assume that your player characters agree with the cultural acceptance of slavery; they're never required to become slaveowners or anything like that, just like they aren't required to partake of pesh.

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