Catfolk Claws attack questions

Rules Questions

So the girlfriend wants to play a catfolk rogue for our game and is thinking of taking the claws. We are trying to figure out how the natural weapons work though when she gets to a +6 base attack bonus and a couple other questions.

So here we go.

1) A catfolk can get 2 claws does this mean they would have to use a full round action to attack with both claws? Or is it treated more like twf?

2) When attacking with both claws do they take a penalty like with twf?

3) Once the catfolk gets a +6 attack bonus does that mean they get 2 attacks at primary bonus and one attack at the +1 bonus?

Feel like there should be more questions here about this so if anyone can come up with some other useful info that I might of missed I would appreciate it.

1. A creature must always use a full-round action in order to attack more than once. That's the case both for creatures with multiple natural attacks, and for characters using TWF.

2. No, there's no penalty for attacking with multiple natural weapons.

(unless some of them count as secondary, but claws are always primary).

3. No, natural attacks don't benefit from iterative attacks due to a +6 or higher BAB. A catfolk with 2 claws will have 2 claw attacks on a full-round action regardless of BAB.

Bonus answer: It's possible to attack with a regular weapon in one hand, and one claw. The regular weapon will then use iterative attacks (so one attack at +6 and one at +1), while the claw will count as secondary (attacking at +1).

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