Retraining Cheese for Cheapskates

Pathfinder Society

Say I outfit a character with the sort of inexpensive weapons and armor 150 gp buys you, then play a scenario and "retrain" the character into the exact same character with one slight exception: the "retrained" character never bought the starting weapons and armor. I have effectively sold the gear back at cost, and now have a slight edge for buying the replacement gear. Does this work?

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

For retraining, starter gear is not "sold" back. It's changed out. Essentially you should have the total gold value of what 150 + the gold from your first scenario.

Also, things you buy with PP can't be sold back.

It seems to me that the new retraining rules have changed the first level metagame, since you no longer have to worry about the resale value of your starting gear (i.e. picking cheap weapons to minimize losses when you sell them back after you've bought better ones), you can simply change them out.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

It's cheesy, as you've pointed out in the title. But honestly it only gets you, at absolute most, 450 gp. (Up to 150 GP, changing 3 times) That's not game breaking. People stand to make more than that in a few sessions with Day Job rolls.

As Mike pointed out when he pitched the idea, the retraining is subject to some cheese and abuse by metagamers such as this you're pitching, but he felt it was overall better for new players and the community to implement this.


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Personally, if players are attempting to cheese with 150gp, I think they might have bigger problems :) Oh noes, I swapped out my 4gp weapon for a 8gp weapon! TWINK!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

I noticed, in passing, that starting off a character with GM credit let me do that - I didn't need to buy leather armour (or something) and a cheap sword until I could afford that chain shirt (and the MW rapier) for my magus.

Realistically, I doubt if it's going to make up for the cost of a single 'cure light wounds' potion, which is well within expected table variance.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Nani Pratt wrote:
Personally, if players are attempting to cheese with 150gp, I think they might have bigger problems :) Oh noes, I swapped out my 4gp weapon for a 8gp weapon! TWINK!

Nani's got it right on. If you've somehow found a way to "break" the system with 150 gold, then there's something wrong with the system. Chances are, the 150 gold will buy you a potion of healing or three and frankly, more power to you.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

It isn't really broken unless you somehow end up with more money than 150 + scenarios played.

A complete retrain is exactly that. A complete retrain.


Nani Pratt wrote:
Personally, if players are attempting to cheese with 150gp, I think they might have bigger problems :) Oh noes, I swapped out my 4gp weapon for a 8gp weapon! TWINK!

Have decided that, based on attitude alone, Nani's among my favorite VOs. :-)

At any rate, by 3rd level or so, the "extra" gold you'd "have" by doing this would effectively be rounding error. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who could reasonably consider it to be game-breaking in any real way. If this is cheese, it's extra-mild Velveeta.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Mike Mistele wrote:
Nani Pratt wrote:
Personally, if players are attempting to cheese with 150gp, I think they might have bigger problems :) Oh noes, I swapped out my 4gp weapon for a 8gp weapon! TWINK!

Have decided that, based on attitude alone, Nani's among my favorite VOs. :-)

At any rate, by 3rd level or so, the "extra" gold you'd "have" by doing this would effectively be rounding error. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who could reasonably consider it to be game-breaking in any real way. If this is cheese, it's extra-mild Velveeta.

Aye verily! Or mayhaps yon cheese didst come from a can! Cheeze wiz at best. Neither is a real cheese product.


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Aww! I have decided that, based on your comment, I am highly susceptible to flattery and bribery!

I mostly just decide to pick my battles. I'd rather be doing cool stuff as a VO than worrying about mundane Equiptment. Like talking about why your character is awesome, and where they come from, and what they would do when presented with incredibly bizarre NPCs.


Nani Pratt wrote:

Aww! I have decided that, based on your comment, I am highly susceptible to flattery and bribery!

Hee hee hee...I shall bear this in mind in the future...though, *clearly*, one as intelligent and insightful as you would not be swayed by a simple bribe. ;-)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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Careful Mike - she's married (and so were you last time I checked) :P

Besides, I saw her first *hides from a Nani-beating*



So, you're telling me if Kyle ever dies, I should look for dates on the PFS forums???


CanisDirus wrote:
Careful Mike - she's married (and so were you last time I checked) :P

Nah, that was just the aforementioned flattery (wasn't sure what would work for bribery). Besides, Kyle's a VC, as well, so he'd probably kill my characters, then kill me. :-D

Fortunately, much like Mr. Pratt, I had the wisdom to marry a gamer girl.

Nani Pratt wrote:
So, you're telling me if Kyle ever dies, I should look for dates on the PFS forums???

I can see it now: the "PFS Matchmaking" subforum. Could be very...interesting...

Silver Crusade 2/5

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Wanders in....

*blink blink*

casts expeditious retreat, moves. next round, runs.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Mike Mistele wrote:

I can see it now: the "PFS Matchmaking" subforum. Could be very...interesting...

For players or characters? Both could be interesting, just in completely different ways.


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Fromper wrote:
For players or characters?

Yes. :-D


Nani Pratt wrote:
Personally, if players are attempting to cheese with 150gp, I think they might have bigger problems :) Oh noes, I swapped out my 4gp weapon for a 8gp weapon! TWINK!

I have only two of my own characters, but I've helped plenty of newbies get started.

Armor? check
Weapon? check
Backpack? check
Rope? check
Other random mundane item? check
hmmm... what else do I spend this 78 gold on...? Oh right torches!
hmmm... what else do I spend this 77.98 gold...? a fish hook!

I dinnae think I've seen a character start with less than a dozen gold because they did not have something to spend it.


Curaigh wrote:

I dinnae think I've seen a character start with less than a dozen gold because they did not have something to spend it.

When I started out my paladin, she had 7 gp after purchasing equipment...but that's probably the exception to the rule.


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I always buy a Pathfinder's Kit and a Dungeoneering kit on every one of my characters. Rope? Check. Flint and tinder? Check, Bedroll? Check. Dagger? Check.I've been blindsided by forgetting to buy a darn rope or dagger too many times!!!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'm fond of the Chronicler's kit for my high intelligence PCs. On my low intelligence PC's I usually just ask "Shouldn't we be writing this down?"

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