Lucendar's Recruitment for 1 Player for PF Savage Tide game


Hey all! I recently took a brief hiatus from PbP due to RL work issues, but now I'm back. My PF Savage Tide PbP (set in Eleder) lost one of its players in the interim, so I'm looking for one player to complement the group, which currently consists of:

Half-elf Barbarian 1/Sorcerer 1
Human inquisitor 2
Half-orc monk 2
Elven Oracle 2

The player would be 2nd level, 20 pt build, 1 trait, average gold. Post a character description with motivations as to why he/she would be in Eleder. Any questions, let me know.

Link to previous Recruitment Thread: Recruitment
Link to Game thread: Thread

The Exchange

A couple of weeks ago I would have been in like flynn. Just like when Baolo got in last April - Last recruitment thread in case any of those are interested?.

However now I am in three games and Cry Havoc is just about to start Shattered Star too so I'm afraid I shall have to decline. Good luck with finding a replacement.


I am interested in this, and am working on my application now.

I'll be submitting a female, half-orc ranger under this alias. I'd like to take the Guide archetype if that's ok. She'd be in Eleder looking for work, she often offers her services as a wilderness guide.

Thanks French Wolf, good luck in your games!

Thank you for your post, Helio, always get nervous until that first serious post.

Guide archetype is fine, Kirsteen.

This is my application for Flaeg, Old Dwarf Alchemist.

Relevant details
Str 11 Dex 9 Con 16 Int 16 Cha 10
Trait: Tunnel Fighter
Feat: Point Blank Shot
Discovery: Explosive Bomb

Timezone: Mountain


Flaeg has led a mediocre life. The bastard son of a dwarven coal miner, he was a bright enough lad, but he had no ambition. Content to follow in his father's footsteps, he spent over a century digging in the mines and spending his wages on ale and whores. Flaeg never sought to advance or start a family and eventually grew distant from his peers. He would instead party with the younger workers and pretend that his sight wasn't really growing blurry and that it was as easy to breathe as it had ever been.

One fateful morning, he made the most dangerous mistake of his life. Perhaps it was because he was still a bit drunk from the night before, or perhaps it was because his hands have a slight tremor that he does his best to ignore; whatever the reason, he detonated the blasting charge at exactly the wrong time. With a ear splitting crack, the stone gave way and brought down the ceiling with it.

Pinned beneath tons of rock, his panic burned the fog from his mind. Sober for the first time in a decade and alone with his thoughts, he spent two days in terrified introspection before they dug him out. As the agonizing hours drug by, he finally accepted that he wasn't young anymore. He realized that he was near the end of his life and that he didn't want to die in the coal mine -- in fact, he didn't want to die at all.

He struck out, taking the severance from the mining company and going out into the world to find some way to cheat death. None of the legends for obtaining eternal youth seemed plausible to him, but he recently learned of an artifact called the Infinite Geode. Lost somewhere in the wilds of Sargava, it is rumoured to sustain the life of anyone who can swallow it and keep it in their gut.

In his travels, he has picked up a few tricks that help him feel young again -- temporary measures until he finds the Geode. He also knows how to create explosives from his days in the mines.


Flaeg is blunt, straight-to-the-point, and can be very impatient. He's always aware of his looming demise and, motivated by his drive to live, he takes risks that few his age would consider. He will do whatever it takes to get that gemstone.


Flaeg is an old, old dwarf. His back is hunched and bent under the weight of ages, and his skin is wrinkled and tough as gristle. Rheumy eyes peer out from beneath a mane of shaggy grey hair. Its hard to tell where the hair ends and the beard begins: both hang to his waist. An odd assortment of bottles hang from his backpack, and a worn miner's pick hangs in a ring at his belt.

Character sheet is mostly done now behind this alias. Shall I go ahead and roll on here to figure out my second hit die?

French Wolf wrote:
Cry Havoc is just about to start Shattered Star

Oh really...

Grand Lodge


Corel the Clever – on a Quest for Coin and Cleavage

Corel knows nothing about his birth or early childhood. His first memories are of the streets; he was a slum kid in the metropolis of Egorian. He remembers no parents; like the other street kids, he lived on what he could beg or steal. When he was about seven, he was taken in by an old man named Sekelshen Mat. Old Sekky was a fagin; he taught children to steal, and lived off the loot they brought home. Corel was lucky, in that Old Sekky was a kind master and an honest thief. Corel became fairly good at picking locks and pockets, and an accomplished "second-story man." He loved to climb buildings on the job or just for fun. Because he was bright, agile and inconspicuous, Sekky used Corel mostly as a messenger and spy. By the time he was 15, Corel knew the city like the back of his hand . . . its roofs as well as its alleyways. That saved his life. One night, Corel awoke to find the house in flames. When he and his "family" tried to escape, crossbow bolts flew from the darkness. Someone meant for them to burn! As the flames rose higher, Corel took refuge on the building's roof -then, with a terrified leap, he made it to an adjoining building, and vanished from sight. He was the only survivor. The old thief who had been father and mother to him, as well as all his "brothers," died in the flames. Corel soon learned that the city guard had finally learned of the whereabouts of the den of thieves and had decided to root them out in a decisive manner and making an example of Old Sekky and his band of boys.

Having narrowly escaped Corel took a long hard look at what skills he possessed and decided that entering a legal profession was not an option to acquire the lifestyle he desired. Cheliax was obviously not the safest place to apply his skills and so Corel took off. Corel is now 18 years old. He is small and not strong - and sensitive about both these things. But he is quick, wiry and fairly good with weapons. He loves to boast of his exploits, and tends to embroider the truth a little. He lives by himself in a third-story garret, rented for a few pieces of silver from a drunken old couple who sell carpets down below. He makes his living by stealing (and occasionally does an almost-honest day's work, acting as messenger or go-between). He takes chances, but he has so far managed to stay alive - and that's all. Though he refuses to touch drugs or alcohol (he has seen too many people kill themselves that way), he manages to waste his money almost as soon as he steals it. He wants to be rich, famous and feared - but he also wants to have a good time, and that often takes priority over any grandiose plans he might have.

Grand Lodge

Lucendar, if you are happy with the background story, I will be submitting a straight human rogue. He is an opportunistic survivor, kind and good hearted if it doesn't cost him too much or the risks are too high.

Kirsteen: No rolling necessary, the applicant selected can do so in the Discussion thread.

Glade: Thanks for the submission, I like the background.

Good evening guys. I saw your recruitment thread for Savage Tide. I vaguely remember the overall concept, from back when I was still getting my subscription to Dungeon Magazine, but I have never played in it and it was years since I saw any of the content. None the less, its one of the AP's that I always wish I got to try out.

I'm working on a concept for a Samsaran Witch. I don't have all of the details hashed out, but the basic character concept is that Nadja feels inexorably pulled towards Eleder. She dosen't know why she needs to go there, but she knows if she doesn't, than terrible things will happen. Nadja is guided by half-forgotten memory's from a past incarnation or possibly her patron... She thinks the memory's are from a past life, but it could just as easily be her patron subtly twisting her thoughts (Patron: Shadow). If the DM was alright with the idea, we could also work in events later on in the campaign that were set in motion by one of her past lives. I know it sounds a bit crazy, but let me know how you feel about the idea before I start stating her out. If I did go this route, I would probably take the racial trait: Mystic Past Life. I feel like it would fit in with the concept.

Mechanically, Nadja would be a Witch without any multi-classing. I intend to fill the roll of a debuffer and controller in the group. Via my shadow conjuration, shadow evocation and Mystic Past Life, I have a lot of flexibility in my spell selection, not normally accessible by a witch. I looked at your group selection and it looks like I would apply a lot of synergy to the groups strengths.

Lucendar, I know this is real bare bones, but I would love any feed back you might have.

Nadja: I am not too familiar with witches, never having played one, but your concept sounds nice, so go for it.

Right now, here are the applicants so far:
Half-orc ranger 2
Dwarf alchemist 2
Human rogue 2
Human (?) witch 2

I'm thinking about closing recruitment today at 10pm EST.

Hey, Lucendar!

If recruitment hasn't closed yet I'd like to submit an aasimar fighter for consideration. Still need to work on the crunch/stat-block, but Bel'Tanis would focus on wielding a falchion and as far as mechanics go, I'd steer him toward some aasimar racial feats (this one, this one, and this one in particular) and the Critical Feats. I've always wanted to play a critical feat focused character, and with the loss of a main front-liner from your group, it could be a good fit.

motivations (spoilered for length):

As for Bel'Tanis' motivations, he's a little awkward in social situations due to all the attention he received when he was younger as his celestial heritage began to manifest itself. Born to a simple fisherman, Bel'Tanis was something of a celebrity in their small community. Such attention went to his youthful head and he was terribly prideful and prepossessed as a result, but his unique heritage didn't help him when a storm wrecked his father's boat.

Riddled with survivor's guilt, Bel'Tanis couldn't bear to be around his mother and siblings, nor could he suffer the blame he imagined the townsfolk laid on him when he wasn't looking. So, he fled to the city of Eleder - hoping perhaps to make a new start.

It was there that he was blessed with helpful ministrations from a local temple, and through a generous commune spell, Bel'Tanis learned of his celestial forebear's fate - and the revelation drove him to even greater despair. His heavenly ancestor had fallen from grace, and many good lives were lost because of it.

Now, burdened with his own guilt as well as guilt over his grandsire's misdeeds, Bel'Tanis feels he has little to lose and a great deal to make up for....

I see Bel'Tanis as a fairly good humored, burly fellow most of the time, but prone to deep despondence when he believes no one to be watching. Despite himself and his occasional moodiness, he's an encourager - always ready to offer an uplifting word to those around him. He has little patience for cruelty (be it physical or psychological) but he keeps a tight reign on his anger. He is honestly a little afraid of what he would be capable of if he ever truly lost his temper (could be fun interplay with Ialda and Kowaru).

Bel'Tanis would be a tall, striking man, with shining eyes and thick, black hair. Under the light of a full moon though, his hair shines silver. He bears a scar on his left palm from a wound he suffered when his father's ship was wrecked and he can be caught rubbing the scar with his right thumb when he his sad or distressed.

I hope I squeaked this in in time. Thanks for the consideration!

Sorry for the delay, but the tropical storm took out my Internet. Thank you to the 5 applicants and the player selected is: Corel the Clever, the human rogue. Please report to the Discussion thread (link above). Again thanks for your submissions.

Congrats Corel. Very happy for you and good luck with the game!

Grand Lodge

Thanks! :)

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