Fools for Friends question

Rules Questions

I have a question about the trait Fools for Friends from the Second Darkness Andventure Path.

Whenever you take the aid another action to help an ally, or whenever an ally aids you in this manner, a successful check grants an additional +1 trait bonus to the check for which aid was being rendered. Additionally, as long as one of your friends is within 30 feet, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

If my character uses Aid another to grant an ally a bonus to his armor class and I made my check would the recipient of my aid be granted a +3 instead of a +2?

Or would my character get a +1 in his attempt at aiding that friend thanks in part to the trait?

Or is in not relevant to defending an ally at all.

The wording on this trait is odd.


If you aid another, you normally grant a +2 bonus to whatever it is you help with. I believe the trait would boost that to +3 total. The same occurs if someone else aids you.

You don't get a bonus on your check to aid because the trigger for the +1 bonus is succeeding on your attempt to aid another.

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