{Fat Goblin Games} Return to Vathak

Product Discussion

Some of you might remember the 24 hour rpg challenge Fat Goblin Games put on several months ago, where our fans could pitch a theme for a setting and at the start time we would tally up the answers and do a complete setting in the following 24 hours. Shadows over Vathak was born, a lovecraftian/survival horror setting we managed to crank out 40 or so pages within the deadline, the next 2 weeks we wrapped up the 95 page book and released it.

Now, by popular demand we have returned to Vathak and expanded the setting to 250 pages of content. Full details on the races and options, a new class for the setting, Archetypes for all the base/core classes plus our own classes that give you more options of class play, new feats, more equipment, expanded information on the lands and religion, an entire game master section that provides details on running a horror game, random adventure generator, new rules for disease, insanity, and weather. Oh, and more creature - whooh!

If you bought the original version, guess what? The update is entirely free! If you never explored Vathak, now is your chance! Pick up the poster sized, colored map of Vathak and get familiar with the lands! It's free and available at RPGNOW. Soon available at Paizo as well. Also, look for a free Explorer's Guide to Vathak soon!

And did we mention Shadows over Vathak is going to print and distribution? Well, it is - so expect to see it in stores in a few months!

Also, while we have you over at rpgnow, check out our Cleaning House for Chron's Disease [BUNDLE].

Artist and co-owner of Fat Goblin Games, Rick Hershey's wife has chron's disease, so anything we can help support those who suffer from this chronic disease, we want to! Portions of the funds raised will be going to a local charity that is using gaming (board, card, rpg, video) to raise awareness about Chron's and other charity needs by promoting and hosting tournaments, contests, meet and greets, etc. We think this is an innovative way to raise awareness and get people to donate!
Cleaning House for Chron's Disease

That's $80 of awesome game aids for only $10!

Hail and well met!

I have had a great time working with Rick and Jason on Vathak and think that they have a solid foundation for a memorable campaign setting combining Gothic horror and survival strategy. Enjoy scaring the heck out of your players and bring the Old Ones to your gaming table by picking up Return to Vathak.

Take care and good gaming!

Troy Daniels
Developer for Fat Goblin Games
http://www.rpgnow.com/product/104529/Cleaning-House-for-Chron%27s-Disease-% 5BBUNDLE%5D

Help a great cause and get great stuff! The Clearing House for Chron's bundle from FGG also makes a great sacrifice to Old Ones attempting to storm your home! They say that the deepest cut is a paper cut, and you have a lot of options when you get eight plus high quality products from Fat Goblin Games. You also help support a great cause! So click the link!

I'm really looking forward to seeing this when it comes out. I backed the 24 hour challenge and have been very pleased with the product. My biggest complaint with the original was that they had too many cool ideas to fit into 96 pages, so I am really looking forward to all the details and expansion in the update. I also picked up the Cleaning House for Chron's bundle...good stuff in there.

For full disclosure, I am listed as a contributing author...I provided some feedback in the process and a few ideas on archetypes and monsters. From an insider's perspective, this book is awesome. Jason, Rick, Troy, and the rest of the team are great guys to work with. They didn't even pay me to say that ;-)

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