Favorite alternate aliases

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

Orthos wrote:
Probably don't spend enough time in the right silly threads ;)

It seems to be mostly politics these days so I don't look at too many anymore.

Shadow Lodge

I enjoy posting as this one. See ya in the Forum Games section.

Callous Jack wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Probably don't spend enough time in the right silly threads ;)
It seems to be mostly politics these days so I don't look at too many anymore.

Me neither. I'm mostly meaning FAWTL and the various cult threads.

Tweedledumbass wrote:
Some aliases just don't get used that often.

Your name made me laugh.

Yeah there's a few funny aliases around who get used very rarely because when they come out someone generally whines about being offended.

Orthos wrote:
Yeah there's a few funny aliases around who get used very rarely because when they come out someone generally whines about being offended.

Basically, yea. If you're not offending someone you're far too dull.

Sometimes the subject just doesn't let itself well for some aliases, I guess.

Silver Crusade

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Tweedledumbass wrote:
Some aliases just don't get used that often.
Your name made me laugh.

Yep. That's about the extent of the humor of that one, which is why it doesn't get much use.


ChrisTheRobot wrote:
The Stig wrote:
Jeremy Clarkson wrote:
This thread is rubbish.



This robot needs more power.

My favorite aliases of mine are Macaroni Slaad, Jimmy Jacobs, AM CAVALIER, Prof Chaos, and Spanish Inquisitor.

Most of the aliases of other people's I like have been posted in this tread with the exception of SLaDOS and Wheatonbot.

I enjoy threads.

Sheraviel wrote:
I have no idea what happened to me...maybe I am dead. What if I'm a ghost?

You can be dead in one continuity and alive in a dozen others. Hell, for you guys' Aviona reboot, I immediately assumed that roughly 2/3 of the PCs from the last campaign ceased to exist (or never existed), and relegated the rest to "background NPC" status.

Canon is for chumps!


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