GentleGiant |

I assume the Technology section is the right place to put this, I just hope it doesn't go unnoticed. :-)
There's a new Kickstarter for something called InKarnate RPG Toolset.
It's supposed to be a web application mostly for use around the table. It seems to be a combined character creator/campaign organizer and can be used as a VTT too.
It's being made for the 3.5 ruleset first - no idea why they didn't make it for Pathfinder, since the OGL would allow them to. More rulesets will be added depending on the amount they raise.
Now, this isn't something new as such, what they DO bring to the table is the snazzy video game-like interface. The guys behind it are quite experienced it seems, two of them have worked for Blizzard.
Since it's a web application, it can be run on PCs, Macs and pads.
I think it looks very interesting and maybe with enough people throwing money at them they might change the original rules set from 3.5 to Pathfinder. :-)

![]() |

Dont worry it's on enworld so a lot of people will see it, and it looks just awesome. Of course paizo is already working on a similar project and I hope they will be successfull.
I don't know which deal they have with the creators of Hero Lab, but I guess there is some kind of license involved.
Now ther is just one question, can Hero Lab look that ... and I use the word a lot, but ... sexy ^^

Michael Boozer |

Seems like a cool little program. Not sure how they are going to accommodate the extensive amount of material, but we will see. Personally I don't like the monthly subscription aspect. I mean, if it's like DM Genie where I can use it in game and it essentially replaces my need for most of my rulebooks, then maybe.

GentleGiant |

I'm really interested in seeing where they can go with this, especially if they do a Pathfinder rules set (which they have been talking about since it's such an easy customization from 3.5).
I'm curious about the monthly subscription rate too. I think it would be better to go with a smaller one and thus hopefully more subscribers, than a larger subscription cost, which I know would deter many.

erian_7 |

The monthly subscription kills it for me. Change that to a base cost + expansions and I'd consider it, but even then starting with such an old ruleset is a put-off as well. They need to show solid support for Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, etc. in order for me to take them serious as a long-term option.

Cyderak |

I talked to the Inkarnate guys at GenCon and they are seriously thinking about NOT going with a subscription system.
Heres the indepth description from their Kickstarter page:
InKarnate is a video-game-like interface for playing the world's most popular fantasy RPG. This fully-integrated web application frees GMs and players from tedious number-crunching and stat-tracking, so more time is spent weaving epic tales of saving the world and exploring dark, deadly dungeons. InKarnate also helps you visualize your adventures with character portraits, item portraits in an equip screen, custom made maps, and more. With InKarnate, our goal is to make it easier and more fun for you and your friends to sit around a table and role-play. Here are the key features we are currently building for our launch product:
• CREATE AND RUN CHARACTERS--Roll characters in minutes. Pick a portrait, select skills, and equip your PC with illustrated items. Then run your character with the playable character sheet while the rules are calculated under the hood.
• BUILD INTERACTIVE MAPS--Create world, wilderness, city, and dungeon maps. Then link them all together to quickly and easily navigate through your entire campaign.
• LIVE EPIC CAMPAIGNS--Run your games in a shared, virtual space around a physical table or over the internet. Roll dice (or input physical rolls if you prefer), place character tokens, and more.
The $100,000 funding goal will allow us to deliver the features above with a target date of August, 2013. If we can raise additional money, estimated at $200,000, then we will also deliver:
• WRITE GRAND ADVENTURES-Writing and organizing simple encounters or epic dungeon crawls has never been easier. You'll be able to bring in and edit encounters, monsters, treasure, and NPCs, write descriptive text, and link encounter keys digitally to your maps for easy navigation.
• UPGRADED VIRTUAL GAMESPACE-- Put a party together and run your game virtually. Reward treasure, reveal maps slowly as they are explored, tie into the adventure editor to easily scan and run encounters, and much more.
• ADDITIONAL RULE SETS AND CONTENT--This one is self-explanatory. The more funding we receive, the more cool features, new rule sets, and art we can add to make the app even better.
We already have the first of these components--the Character Creator--up and running and so we can share some specifics on its features:
• InKarnate currently supports the 3.5 rule set of the original medieval fantasy role playing game. We hope to add other rule sets in the future.
• As a web app, InKarnate will run on all major browsers and platforms: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc., and will work on PCs, Macs, iPads, and Android Tablets. InKarnate has not yet been optimized for smartphones, although this is a feature we are currently working on.
• The Character Creator allows you to roll up heroes from any of the core classes and races in a quick and intuitive manner. Choose a portrait and equip illustrated items as you prepare to slay dragons and dungeon delve.
• With the flexible, Playable Character Sheet, keep track of every bit of information related to your character. Roll initiative, skill checks, damage, etc., while rules are calculated for you. Memorize and access spell information from your spellbook. Buy new items and goods and add them to your inventory.
From the little bit I got to see at Gencon, it looks phenominal!
I highly recommend investing in this Kickstarter.

marcinkarnate |
This is Marc from the InKarnate team. We greatly appreciate the comments on this thread. Couple of updates we'd like to mention are:
- We intend to add PF as our next supported rule set.
- We also are revisiting the business model by adding purchase of most components for a single upfront fee.
All of this info is now covered in one of our updates:
Also, we just posted a video showing our map builder prototype:
Would love to hear feedback from the community on what you'd like to see from InKarnate.
Thanks all...

erian_7 |

Shifting away from subscriptions and going with Pathfinder definitely helps for me. The other issue I see is not necessarily something you can fix now...I'm afraid the $100,000 goal is too big for a start-up like this. It seems to me it would have been better to set it up in stages with a lower initial goal, e.g. start with the character creator and have the rest as stretch goals.
This tool has to compete with Hero Lab, which is already very solid in providing character creation and in-game tools for Pathfinder and numerous other games. Their interface is the one aspect that most people (I don't count the ones that rail against the DRM method for software distribution in this) consider a negative; character sheet output is another. InKarnate has to show that it can delivery at least as good on character support (and that includes every piece of OGL material Paizo publishes) for me--I can take a bit of cludge in my interface if the functionality is stellar.

Cyderak |

Cyderak |

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

This tool has to compete with Hero Lab, which is already very solid in providing character creation and in-game tools for Pathfinder and numerous other games. Their interface is the one aspect that most people (I don't count the ones that rail against the DRM method for software distribution in this) consider a negative; character sheet output is another. InKarnate has to show that it can delivery at least as good on character support (and that includes every piece of OGL material Paizo publishes) for me--I can take a bit of cludge in my interface if the functionality is stellar.
OTOH, provided it's at least a decent product, if InKarnate IS DRM-free I would happily throw money at it in a heartbeat.
But I agree they seemed to have set their sights too high on the goal.

Evil Lincoln |

It does look good, but I think 100k is a little ambitious, given that Kickstarter has already been saturated with VTT projects — some of which sucked a LOT of money out of our demographic without really offering all that much!
I suggest that if the project falls through altogether, you consider putting your money into roll20.net. They're already up and running, and they seem to be very professional and well-managed. I consciously waited to see the dust settle on all of these Kickstart VTTs before choosing to support them, but with dynamic light in an HTML5 VTT, I can no longer stay impartial.
I wouldn't mind seeing a miracle and having Inkarnate make their goal, though. A little healthy competition is something that VTTs have needed for some time!

GentleGiant |

Well, they're not going to make their goal, unless someone puts most of the money in one whopping donation.
You keep describing it as a VTT Evil Lincoln, which is only part of it and a part that isn't even implemented yet. So in that regard it isn't in direct competition with the other VTT Kickstarters.
But if that's the impression other people have of it, then I can see how they might not want to back it.
Luckily, it seems like they want to go on with the whole thing, even if they don't reach the goal. So it's most likely coming out, it'll just take longer.

GentleGiant |

Well, the first function is a very visual and cross platform character creator program/online character sheet you can use at the table (on a laptop or tablet). Then there's the map tool, which doesn't in any way need to be used as/with a VTT. Campaign management is in the works. And then group it all together as a VTT down the road, although the individual "parts" can still be used as is.

ChrisRevocateur |

So basically, it would would be reproducing the functionality of hero lab-maptool integration in a single package?
It's Hero Lab, MapTools/d20Pro, Dundjinni/Campaign Cartographer, Hero Machine, and Obsidian Portal/Realm Works all in one integrated package.
Personally I think it's too big, and that it's gonna be vaporware. If they come out and prove me wrong, with full integration of the rules the same way that Hero Lab is (and d20Pro can be with some work), along with all the functionality of Dundjinni and Realm Works, then I will be switching over. But that's an extremely tall order, 4 extremely complex programs and a not too simple character illustrator all in one package?

Cyderak |

Evil Lincoln wrote:So basically, it would would be reproducing the functionality of hero lab-maptool integration in a single package?
It's Hero Lab, MapTools/d20Pro, Dundjinni/Campaign Cartographer, Hero Machine, and Obsidian Portal/Realm Works all in one integrated package.
Personally I think it's too big, and that it's gonna be vaporware. If they come out and prove me wrong, with full integration of the rules the same way that Hero Lab is (and d20Pro can be with some work), along with all the functionality of Dundjinni and Realm Works, then I will be switching over. But that's an extremely tall order, 4 extremely complex programs and a not too simple character illustrator all in one package?
Well.......Alex, the programmer for INKATNATE worked on big Blizzard entertainment projects so that in itself should be a testimonial to his abilities as a programmer.
Its going to take a while longer to develope INKARNATE because the Kikckstarter for INKARNATE was going to pay for bringing more programmers on board to help progress faster.
looking forward to the Beta test.

Doug Davison President, SmiteWorks |

It looked fantastic and there were a lot of great ideas there. Even though it competes with our product somewhat (if they got as far as the VTT), I was somewhat saddened to see it fail to get funding. I'm sure we'll see more from these guys and gals again.
I really like the idea of the race specific rag-doll approach to inventory. We use a body location hit chart in our BRP ruleset that looks somewhat similar, but not as nice as that. It has the wheels turning.

Cyderak |

Well, the INKARNATE guys are finishing up some tweaks to release the first BETA test soon.
I guess their website will have updates soon too.