Sarrion |

This could be a dumb question but, what are the referencing in the Magus Myrmidarch Ranged Spell Strike ability which says:
The only line of effect spells i can think of right now are dragon breath, when you use the line breath weapon and lightning bolt. Are there spells with multiple lines of effect?
I get the ray portion already. Thanks!

Sellsword2587 |

Those are the only magus spells I can think of as well. I'm sure there are a few wizard/sorcerer spells that are also line effects, which the magus can get through Greater Spell Access. But no, those create just one line effect. Chain Lightning also comes to mind, but that spell is neither a line effect nor a ranged touch.
But from my understanding of the ability, you make a ranged weapon attack, and then the line effect is cast, targeting the creature(s) you just attacked.
My issue is that line effect spells aren't ranged touch attack spells, they are vastly mechanically different. Ranged touch is an attack roll from the caster, while a line effect is a saving throw from the target. So the fact that they are even mentioned in the ability is rather confusing. Unless of course there is a ranged touch attack spell out there that creates a line effect, but none come to mind.

Sarrion |

That's what I was thinking too. I think the arrow is acting as delivery so you would just roll the hit for each one like regular spell strike with a touch spell. Now if they mean any spell that required line of effect to affect a creature (which is possible) that opens the door to a lot more spells.
Edit:that should take away the reflex save since it is being delivered via touch.

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Ranged spell strike takes the lighting bolt and makes it an attach roll against the target of the arrow (vs.AC) this removes the reflex save since the arrow hits and the spells damage is on the arrow.
This does remove all other possible targets of the lof becouse it is no longer a line it is a charge on a weapon.
magus cast lighting bolt using ranged spell strike.
(with out using spell combate)
Magus cast the spell and takes the free ranged attack verses the targets regular armor class (to include cover and miss chance if they so apply).
Target is hit by the ranged attack and takes 1d8+(what ever the bow does) and aslo takes the full damage fo the lighting bolt say 7d6 electric at min magus level to cast.
How is this good you ask. By scrificing the lof and multiple targets a regular lighting bolt can do, you gain full damge vs ac and lose the reflex chane. (Really good against evasion targets)
Keep in mind you can still cast the spell without using ranged spell strike if the situation calls for it.
As far as multiple spells that it applies to on the magus list, it's limited.
I would recomend Elemental spell meta feat for this ablility. That way you only need one spell with this ability. Getting the two traits that allow you to reduce caster level increases to a spell like magic lineage and wangs something would be awsome for that.