Putting the 'Romance' in Necromancy...

Gamer Life General Discussion

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BOOM! Maximized Explosive Runes!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

The title of this thread actually reminds me of a character I once got to play for two sessions; an awakened rooster necromancer who wished to win the heart of Wee Jas.

I miss that little clucker.

I suppose velcro zippers are essential in any thread regarding romance...

Silver Crusade

What happens in Osirion stays in Osirion.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Herbo wrote:
I suppose velcro zippers are essential in any thread regarding romance...

They sure ain't a drawback.

Man! Where's the vampires and werewolves?! WHERE'S THE GLITTER?!
*ducks for (improved) cover before the things fly at face*

Silver Crusade

Vampires and werewolves are yesterday's fetish!

The new hotness now is creatures from the Black Lagoon!

I wouldn't consider this NSFW, but I'd not advise listening to it at work.

That's... awful!
(Also this thread and that song has made me realize yet one more reason why the Twilight romance is... um... awkward).

I'm surprised no-one has made the "crack open a cold one" joke yet.

I had a player once that made a necromancer with an undead owl familiar she med Deadwig.

Tagged because I want to see where this goes...

Though this would be an interesting way for a ghost to use their malevolence ability...

The hard part is finding someone to intentionally fail their will save.

ANebulousMistress wrote:
Though this would be an interesting way for a ghost to use their malevolence ability...

I'd guess you'd characterize it as a true Love/Hate relationship. ;)

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