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Ruloc! your art is incredible!! I know you said you aren't taking request after summer, but, if you get a chance...please take my character into consideration. I would love to see her come to life!
She is young for an elf but very talented for her age. Having grown up in a nomadic family in the wildest parts of the forests, all through out the land, she has become quite knowledgeable and proficient in survival and hunting.
Willow, having lived in the forest all her life, is quite familiar with the wildlife no matter where she is. But she seems to have a natural kinship with the wolves and on occasion has been known to travel with a pack through some of the more dangerous areas. Currently she has become fast friends with a black female wolf she calls Moon. So named for the colour of her eye, one dark brown eye and one bright blue eye which resembles the full moon in the night sky. They are travelling companions.
Her Family are Herbalist by trade and tradition. With their knowledge of nature, the need to explore and learn more of the world it seemed like a true calling. Willow and her family have spent years exploring everything and anything they could coming across many different races and experiencing everything from the lightest magic to the darkest evil and everything in-between. Each encounter have taking away a new life lesson weather it be in combat or adding to her already extensive array of skills. Though no matter where she was or what she was doing she would always have an eye out for that rare and special plant to make her potions. And of course, the most rare and unusual of plant species could only be found in the darkest or most dangerous of areas, in which her family had no concern over exploring.
After years of willow spending her family time exploring dark caverns, ancient ruins and forgotten dungeons she has become very experienced in many rogue like skills. Staying out of sight, in the shadows, being her favourite. Also her lock picking skills are second to none, and she still finds it exciting to see what is behind those locks, good or bad. Sometimes her curiosity can get the better or her and takes her to places, by herself, she knows she shouldn’t go. But she has become very self-sufficient, on her own now for the past 50 years. She knows the forest like no other and can survive on her own deep in the forest for a very long time.
Willows favoured weapon is the hand crossbow, though she is proficient in all ranged weapons. She also knows her way around a sword, should her opponent get too close for comfort. Her secondary weapons are a rapier and a few daggers.
Her weapons and armour are her only possessions she cares about ( or actually owns) so she tends to keep them in as best condition she can, and it really shows in her custom made armour. Willow has a dark, almost Gothic, style which shows particularly in her armour. She wears light leather armour. Dark red and black in colour with elven designs pressed into it. She wears a double belt which her sheath rapier hangs by, it also acts as a utility belt for her herb collecting and her potions. The bolts for the hand crossbow is always close at hand, literally. They are attached to her bracers. 5 bolts around each in what look like individual sheaths. The sheaths look like two strips of leather that are weaved with in the bracers to create open pockets for the bolts. Her daggers are carried in her boots. Two daggers in each and the boot its self comes up to just below the knee.
Willow, though friendly and approachable, still considers herself to be an observer no mater her location. She is, VERY rarely, the first to approach friend or foe alike. Unless there is a situation that so warrants it. And if a combat situation arises, hidden under a shy and friendly disposition, this is a highly reactive, swift and fierce opponent to be faced.
Being a herbalist has made Willow care a great deal for, what the rest of her people believe to be, the weaker races. Willow does not share the same thoughts. Having helped thousands of sick and injured in her lifetime, she has come to realize that these frail beings have more strength and courage then most. She looks down on no one but the kind to take advantage of others at their most vulnerable. And that is one thing she will not stand for. Being of the chaotic good alignment, Willow follows her own moral compass. So she found that the Andoran faction was the best fit for her. If anyone should wrong her, her family, or anyone she feels doesn’t deserve such treatment, she will make sure retribution is paid the way she sees fit. Sometimes just the simple act of being rude is enough to make the coin purse a bit lighter.

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Yeah and sorry. I AM burried in work, regular and some commissioned work. And to top it all my brother is getting married next weekend and I'll travel to his place tomorrow, which means I can't access my PC this week. -_-
But this thread is not forgotten and I am very unhappy about the current situation each time I visit this forum. :(

fenegaz |

But this thread is not forgotten and I am very unhappy about the current situation each time I visit this forum. :(
Just glad to hear you're still out there and okay!
And if anyone is feeling impatient (like I was last week), go read Ruloc's initial post on this thread (like I did) and remind yourself what it's all about (a game!) and how generous he's being with his talent (really really really generous!).

Teskeria |
don't worry I am very grateful. Only reason I have to fake patience is originally I would have had Lightflame by my bday. But quality work is worth the wait, and Ruloc does amazing work. I just like to know he's okay! Hey I'm an old lady, a mother AND a grandmother. I get to worry. It's on page 1974, paragraph 17bIV of the Mother's Handbook.

Icyshadow |

I like the idea of keeping it alive. Lets just not devolve into weird endless debates.
Funnily I see Icyshadow and all I can think about now is I got talked into playing a white kobold in our game. She's the group fighter.
Glad to see the kobold love spreading.
Bring down some foes, be it by blade or by traps.
...or even better, use some bladed traps you set up!

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I introduced Kobolds to my games after one player kept pestering me. I made some improvements to them. Mostly in the stats more than anything. So she is traveling with him, a dog and a sylph. Somehow due to random rolls he rolled he was 'married'. So he asked if minded playing her as his character's mate. He is silver and she is white. They live on my world's equivalent to Africa.
I'm not unhappy with it though. I admit I am fond of kobolds myself.

Orthos |

Flamehawke wrote:I like the idea of keeping it alive. Lets just not devolve into weird endless debates.
Funnily I see Icyshadow and all I can think about now is I got talked into playing a white kobold in our game. She's the group fighter.
Glad to see the kobold love spreading.
Bring down some foes, be it by blade or by traps.
...or even better, use some bladed traps you set up!

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Alright. She can forgive that, but don't give Jaja any ideas. The two of them wound up in jail when he set a trap in town square, the mayors bedroom, and several other places around the town.
That got them in jail and then assigned to guard a wizard on his explorations of ruins. She consoled Jaja with the fact the ruins probably have lots of traps for him to investigate.

Teskeria |
*twiddling thumbs* Playing Lightflame in a game currently. She has decided to add Loremaster as a class. More knowledge. Lightflame likes to know things. She's also is quite good at making all types of magic items. Has all the magic crafting feats she can have at 10th level. She's taking an interesting twist in this game.

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Hi everyone and thanks for the understanding postings! I finally got to Lightflame De La Hawke and hope you'll like her.
I still have some other stuff on my plate but I'll try to get back to an almost daily basis as soon as possible!
next up -> Mrdarknlight – Enre
Primary List
Mrdarknlight – Enre
Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam
Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura
trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser
Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien
For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.
Secondary List
WXCougar – Zalura
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira
Golem 101 – Darkrall
Golem 101 – Azula
Golem 101 – Getro
Golem 101 – Rumi
Icyshadow – Amber
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe
Apoca6 – Rhea
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake
devil.in.mexico13 – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami