Boar Style question

Rules Questions

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I am currently playing a monk in an ongoing campaign and I'm debating getting the Boar Style Feat to help me squeeze out more damage. Reading it and one of the follow up feats Boar Shred, I'm a bit confused.

The original lets me set up a 2d6 Bleed condition if I hit multiple times in one round on an opponent. Thats cool, I love the idea. The problem is when you read Boar Shred.

"While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent’s flesh, once per round at the start of that opponent’s turn he takes 1d6 bleed damage."

Okay, so I tear my opponent, setting up my 2d6 bleed and then... what? Bleed him again? Under 'Bleed' in the condition summary, different sources of bleed damage just use the best value...

I think I'm missing something.

Blackfell wrote:

I am currently playing a monk in an ongoing campaign and I'm debating getting the Boar Style Feat to help me squeeze out more damage. Reading it and one of the follow up feats Boar Shred, I'm a bit confused.

The original lets me set up a 2d6 Bleed condition if I hit multiple times in one round on an opponent. Thats cool, I love the idea. The problem is when you read Boar Shred.

"While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent’s flesh, once per round at the start of that opponent’s turn he takes 1d6 bleed damage."

Okay, so I tear my opponent, setting up my 2d6 bleed and then... what? Bleed him again? Under 'Bleed' in the condition summary, different sources of bleed damage just use the best value...

I think I'm missing something.

In my group we treat the 2d6 as rend damage - one-off rather than ongoing damage.

Anyone else have an input on this situation? I'd love to have some other opinions represented before chatting with my DM about it next tuesday

The original isn't a bleed condition. It's a one off 2d6 bleed damage. The second one is a 1d6 bleed condition for one round.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, it looks like the original wasn't supposed to actually cause the Condition. Why then Bleed? Because Bleed damage works a bit differently on some creatures; it bypasses some DR, while other creatures are immune. It's not precisely the same as Rend.

That's where my confusion arises. In my copy of Ultimate Combat, it actually says 2d6 bleed damage for boar style, and then Boar Shred also says 1d6 bleed. Doesn't Bleed as listed in the appendix specifically mean an ongoing source of damage?

Looking into the other feats like Tiger Style, 2d6 bleed does seem rather powerful for a single feat. Tiger Style only gives 1d4 bleed for a few rounds, plus a bonus on CMD versus certain moves and the ability to inflict slashing damage. Boar Style's 2d6 being a rend rather then a bleed seems to fit more in balance with the other feat.

Sovereign Court

I looked into this a week ago, there's old threads about this somewhere. The gist is that abilities that do one-time bleed damage do exist, mostly in non-Core books. They're pretty rare though. This is the only one in a core book that I know of. And 2d6 ongoing bleed would be hideously overpowered for a level 3 feat.

Okay then... sounds like I'll run it past my DM as more like a 'rend' for basic Boar Style then. Good to know. Thanks for the heads up Ascalaphus!

well crud: After several different google searches, I can't seem to get a good thread on how damage reduction and Rend interact....

anyone have a good link?

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