Hell Hound and Summon Monster II

Rules Questions

Ok, so it says in the D20PFSRD that a Hell Hound is an alternet for summon monster 2. I know it is evil, but that creature is awsome compaired to the other stuff that Summon Monster gets. It has as many HP as some SM3 creatures, and has an AOE breath attack, as well as immunities.

Would it become findish or no? Would it get the extra HP from trait?

Is this supost to be only for special clerics or something? Because this makes an awsome summon. Who needs a Fiendsh hyena when you can get this? It is normaly on the SM4 list, so clearly overpowered at level 3. Oddly it is a CR 3, so when you first get it your party could kill it as a soid encounter.

So is it something an evil wizard should beable to summon or no? (as Sm2, no question about it with SM4)

if you look at additional resources it tells you which Adventure path adds many of those additional summon monsters. In the adventure path it will tell you which diety you must worship to get that summoned monster added to your list.

AP 29 mother of flies from council of thieves AP

and have to be priest of asmodeus to get hell hounds on SM

Is a priest a cleric/Orical? Or can a wizard be a Priest? That is my question. If you are from Chiliax, then Asmodeus followers are common. It is the offical religon, after all. Sure it's evil, but it is also accepted. Plus adventures are basicaly killers for hire as is.

So can a wizard be a priest of Asmodeus?

If they multiclass.

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ddgon wrote:

Is a priest a cleric/Orical? Or can a wizard be a Priest? That is my question. If you are from Chiliax, then Asmodeus followers are common. It is the offical religon, after all. Sure it's evil, but it is also accepted. Plus adventures are basicaly killers for hire as is.

So can a wizard be a priest of Asmodeus?

He said Priest not Cleric.

A Priest is a role (profession). A wizard can be a Priest just by saying he is.

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A wizard can certainly be a priest of Asmodeus, as per the article in Mother of Flies:

"Asmodeus's extremely hierarchical priesthood includes clerics, sorcerers (especially those with the infernal bloodline), wizards (particularly conjurers), thaumaturges, diabolists (see Pathfinder Chronicles: Book of the Damned Vol. 1, Princes of Darkness), and blackguards, with their individual roles depending on their particular skills and abilities. A handful of druids worship him as a primordial fire deity ... [next sentence redacted] ... He of course has bards, monks, and other classes in his service as well, though generally not as part of his priesthood."

For the second question: The Hell Hound would not become fiendish; only monsters without alignment subtypes gain the celestial/fiendish templates when they're summoned.

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