Witch's evil eye and mindless creatures

Rules Questions

Would a witch's evil eye affect a Giant Spider, since, as a vermin, it's immune to mind-affecting spell like charm? Is a hex min-affecting?

Evil Eye (Su) wrote:
The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.

Sorry mate, it's a mind-affecting affect. Good news is that hexes aren't by definition mind-affecting, so only those hexes that say they are will be affected by mindlessness :)

Liberty's Edge

Cheapy wrote:
Sorry mate, it's a mind-affecting affect. Good news is that hexes aren't by definition mind-affecting, so only those hexes that say they are will be affected by mindlessness :)


Misfortune is a good example of a non-mind-effecting Hex, if you're looking for one.

Thanks. Actually, I'm the DM, so I'm not too torn up about it. I just read the entry but missed that last sentence. Thanks!!

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