Enhanced magic weapons?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

I remember in the 3.0 or 3.5 versions having read about magic weapons which were increasing in power as the lvl of the character increased.

I remember thinking "wahooo this is just great" and loved the concept.

Is there any equivalent in pathfinder and where can i find this with Paizo or 3PP ?


I believe what you are referencing are legacy items. I think those were in 3.5 (Weapons of Legacy rulebook) but I don't recall seeing any rules about them for Pathfinder specifically.

Oh, and your avatar took me aback at first. *grin*

I honestly thought the OP was answering his own question when I saw the twin avatars.

I think the Legacy of Fire AP has a few weapons that scale with the wielder...
That's the only place I remember seeing stuff like that in PF.

In 3.5 there were the Legacy weapons as well as a Psionics version based on total pp.

Drat, I had this same exact idea for a campaign of mine, players would find artifact weapons that granted enhancement and special abilities as they leveled up

Dark Archive

That's the one... Weapon of legacy. It was great for RP as they had to do some small quests to unlock the powers. The ideas were great and it was giving a really good flavour as you had a single weapon improving over the levels and not a +2 sword which was replaced as soon as you had a +3 and replaced as soon as you had a +4. and so on...

In the old days one of my friend had his sword named "Stormbringer". Yeah ok it wasn't original but at least everyone knew how bad it was. He kept it all the way to lvl 17. then we stopped...

So no weapons of legacy for PF so far, not even 3PP? Hey if some PF dude comes around...


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Chewbacca wrote:

That's the one... Weapon of legacy. It was great for RP as they had to do some small quests to unlock the powers. The ideas were great and it was giving a really good flavour as you had a single weapon improving over the levels and not a +2 sword which was replaced as soon as you had a +3 and replaced as soon as you had a +4. and so on...

In the old days one of my friend had his sword named "Stormbringer". Yeah ok it wasn't original but at least everyone knew how bad it was. He kept it all the way to lvl 17. then we stopped...

So no weapons of legacy for PF so far, not even 3PP? Hey if some PF dude comes around...


You do know that Paizo can't touch WOTC's closed content.

A lot of people had major hate for the legacy weapons because the improvements to the weapons came at major personal costs.

For my purposes, I prefer an individual process for each weapon or item as appropriate. I wasn't a big fan of the system they presented either.

Dark Archive

WOTC closed contents. That means no one except WOTC can use this concept ?

Ooooh s#*~ !

For these weapons of legacy, the powers were kinda meh, but i liked the personal costs. All you have to do is house rule it a bit to make it more fancy.

I built a legacy weapon for one of my PC's (I'm the DM) and never even looked at the Weapon of Legacy book. I don't care for the idea of trading off character abilities to unlock weapon powers. I do like the idea of special magic items that scale with the user's power, though. I've used them in past games (dating back to 1e) and as long as you keep the powers in line with what other PC's have then it works out okay in my experience.

Like you said, it's nice to be able to carry the same weapon from low levels to high levels. It becomes a part of your character. That's the flavor I go for when implementing such things. Good luck!

Back in my last 3.5 game I worked with my GM to come up with alternate "Ancestral Relic" rules, based mainly on the "Ancestral Relic" feat from the closed-content 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds.

I have included an essentially-unchanged version of this feat in my current Pathfinder game.

Ancestral Relic (Item Creation)

You own an ancestral item of power and can unlock its powers over time.

Prerequisite: Must be taken at 1st character level.

Benefit: You begin play with a single masterwork weapon, suit of armor, shield, or other item (at GM's discretion) at no cost. This item has some mystical connection to you, as defined in your character’s backstory. Through special rituals, you may enchant your item just as if you were a spellcaster using an appropriate Item Creation feat (e.g. Craft Magic Arms and Armor for a weapon), considering your character level as the caster level. You do not need to provide any spells, but do need to provide any special material components. This represents “unlocking” properties of the item that had been there all along.

You may “add” a special special material (e.g. mithril) to the item at normal price upon the permission of the GM. Once added, it cannot be changed. This represents that the item had been made of the material the whole time, but you didn’t realize it.

You may only have a single ancestral relic. You lose the benefits of this feat if your ancestral relic is lost or destroyed, but the GM may allow you to perform a special quest to recover or replace a lost ancestral relic, as such items of legend are typically never truly lost.

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