Sirlink |
I have been trying to pin down a character consept for some time and I am likeing on the summoner. I just have a RAW question about the SLA summoning. The book reads
"A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time"
does this mean that you can also cast a regular spell of Summon Monster and have both up and running at the same time?
Sirlink |
Nemitri wrote:
Just be a master summoner, your problems are fixed, your eidolon gets weaker, but I would have actually prefered they took out the eidolon entirely so you have to rely on summon monsters more (less headaches that way, calculating eidolons is a pain)
I figured I would just summon the thing at night and give it the skilled(preception) and scent evolutions. add a few more preceptiony evolutions along the way and having to keep a watch becomes really simple :D