Grand Lodge Season 4 Faction Goals

Grand Lodge

Paizo Employee

Able Pathfinder,

This is a great year to be a member of our illustrious organization, for the Pathfinder Society stands on the precipice of many wonderful discoveries! As I’m sure you’ve heard, you are being sent to Varisia, likely for the adventure of your life. You will be serving under Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch in the city of Magnimar, and working with her to establish one of our newest Pathfinder Lodges out of her manor house in within the city. While she and her husband Canayven have been hosting Pathfinders on their estate for several years, the lodge is still new and the better the agents working there, the more likely the Magnimar Lodge is to become one of the most successful in the Society.

And it must be successful. This is not a matter the Ten take lightly, for the wealth of Varisia will soon be exploited by those with less concern for the knowledge and history contained within, and we must stake our claim! Already the Aspis Consortium has established itself as a legitimate and influential political and economic entity within Magnimar, having assisted in the growth and security of this relatively new city. They are now better poised than we are to explore the ancient Thassilonian ruins that fill the Varisian landscape, including the newly discovered mountaintop capital of Xin-Shalast.

The recent conflict with the Aspis Consortium within the Hao Jin Tapestry was unfortunate, but we will not have the luxury of waging open war with our rivals in the streets of Magnimar or even the wilds of Varisia. Despite the limitations presented by the real world, we will doubtless have plenty of opportunities to make things difficult for the Consortium, both in Magnimar and elsewhere in Varisia. Ensure you take every such opportunity!

Additionally, it was in Varisia—in the mysterious and ancient city of Kaer Maga—that the rogue Shadow Lodge agents who troubled us recently made their first move against our loyal agents. Likely, remnants of that cell still operate in Varisia and are either plotting our demise or sullying the Pathfinder name. We have largely come to terms with the Shadow Lodge, but those who still defy Grandmaster Torch could present a problem for us. Continue to rout out remnants of the Shadow Lodge insurrection and ensure they either fall in line with the rest of their kind or are eliminated as potential threats to the Society’s wellbeing.

May the Pathfinder Chronicles tell many a tale of your exploits in Varisia!
Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin

Grand Lodge

This loyal servant of the Decemvirate stands ready to protect the interests of the Pathfinder Society in Varisia!

Grand Lodge

Dangit, I thought we taught those fools a lesson. Ugh, I hate when the fallen don't stay fallen.

Grand Lodge

Well, might as well make it permanently fallen. I don't think we want to take another risk of our former enemies becoming enemies once again...

Grand Lodge

Ahhh!! It will be good to go home and wonderful to be able to help the Pathfinder Society grow and prosper in Varisia as I know it can only benefit my home country to disrupt the goals of the Aspis consortium and the rogue shadow lodge agents.

And to those who travel with me, you will be welcome at my parent's house if we find ourselves in Sandpoint for a wonderful meal and an evening's entertainment after we complete our mission.

Grand Lodge

Great city Magnimar! Look forward to doing the deeds against our enemies and scripting the history for all of posterity to enjoy.

Grand Lodge

*Menacingly draws dagger*

"The Fallen had better watch themselves."

Grand Lodge

So the Aspis Consortium and Shadow Lodge dissidents are back for another round, you say? I might be able to mix up a cure for that...
*swirls around and stares intently at a flask which contains dangerous-looking liquids*
Ah, yes... fire is the perfect cure for either case of envy or dissension, heheheh.

Grand Lodge

By the Ten I am at your service Capt. Valsin! I have been beneath the city of Kaer Maga and seen things of ancient wonder that would made even the most jaded agent's eye sparkle. I will do all I can do see the consortium swept away with the wind and rogue agents brought beneath heel.
*bows deeply*

Grand Lodge

*Smiling a truly disturbing way, Hethrus lifts up a skull with a silver aspis badge glued to its forhead out of bad bag of holding*

Worry not worthy Ambrus, this my fiftieth badged Aspis agent in the past four months. Killing Aspis Consortium agents is a hobby as well as duty. The Ten need not worry that this Pathfinder shall ignore any opportunity to harm the Aspis Consortium!

*He puts it back into his bag along the 5 other silver adorned skulls and 44 bronze adorned ones*

Grand Lodge

(Pulls up his hood.)

Do not worry, Master Valsin. The rebels shall meet their end at my sword, and the artifacts SHALL be ours.

Grand Lodge

*The 6'8" monstrous savage human lifts up one of the shrunken heads handing from his belt and nods to Hethrus, and with a sharp-toothed smile to Ambrus*

"Demon loves killing Aspis! I need new heads for my collection and I hear Aspis are good eats!"

*His manner as well as dress is barbaric, and the gleam in his eyes is that of an insane killer*

Grand Lodge

Tis a good thing, putting the oathbreakers to a good length of steel and block their blows with a strong tower shield. I like forward to testing my steel against the Aspis and false Shadow Lodgers.

Grand Lodge

Thomas Graham wrote:
Tis a good thing, putting the oathbreakers to a good length of steel and block their blows with a strong tower shield. I like forward to testing my steel against the Aspis and false Shadow Lodgers.

"Are ye really of the Grand Lodge Thomas? Something smells Shadey" Says Focker, sniffing at the air.

Grand Lodge

Thomas Graham wrote:
Tis a good thing, putting the oathbreakers to a good length of steel and block their blows with a strong tower shield. I like forward to testing my steel against the Aspis and false Shadow Lodgers.

Just brought to my attention that Venture-Captains cannot post under their alias so Thomas's character is NOT shadow-lodge.

AND I really think that Venture-Captains SHOULD be able to!


[Posting as Gruckalus "Teacup" Rugatonn]

Leaning on a nearby wall, his heavy long coat opened, the sour faced Chelish man with a beat up old musket strapped to his back nods his head solemnly. "I don't rightly care who is causing us trouble. Varasia is a big dang place, but I figure we'll be trippin' over trouble makers like goblins in a scrapyard. Who ever is standin' in the way of us unlocking the secrets of ol' - well they will have a short but loud conversation with my girl here. He pats the barrel of the musket affectionately.

Grand Lodge

Gruckalus "Teacup" Rugatonn wrote:

"I don't rightly care who is causing us trouble. Varasia is a big dang place, but I figure we'll be trippin' over trouble makers like goblins in a scrapyard. Who ever is standin' in the way of us unlocking the secrets of ol' - well they will have a short but loud conversation with my girl here. He pats the barrel of the musket affectionately.

"Yeah, I've seen dems gals splatter beasties before. Got blood all over me.., Just beautiful..." nods the insane barbarian with far off killing eyes, as he licks his sharpened teeth with a rather long and scarred tongue.

For those of you who have seen ole Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge... That's the deep-throaty voice shared by Focker.

Grand Lodge

A halfling wearing khakis, a leather jacket, and a fedora sets down his book and steps forward.

"I presume that Heidmarch Manor has a library? There is much history in Varisia and I aim to immerse myself in the secrets to be found there." The halfling puts one hand on his pistol and uses his other hand to pat the whip hanging from his belt. "The name is Trotter, of the Flaxseed clan of noble Taldor. Send me where you will, I am ready."

Grand Lodge

I'm new here so let me just concentrate on the work and let all you movers and shakers deal with all your respective rivalries.

Trotter...have I seen you before? You seem familiar.

Hey! I'm Just New Here
So I'll just concentrate
I'll go to Magnimar
Run into the Consortium, maybe

ugh! That's terrible...

Grand Lodge

Trotter turns to his new dwarven friend and bows low to the ground.

"No, I do not believe that we have met. I am Trotter Flaxseed, but perhaps you have heard my surname bandied about? I do not wish to brag, but we are quite well respected in the city of Cassomir as one of the most noble and upstanding lines of halflings seen in the nation of Taldor."

Trotter motions to the crest sewn to his breast pocket: a small flower with the name "Flaxseed" above and "Florere et prospere" below.

"Perhaps some day we shall adventure together. For now, I am off to Magnimar, where I hope to be greeted by the library of Sheila Heidmarch."

Grand Lodge

Varisia, you say? I have heard name, but don't rightly know much about it. Give me a week or so to do some studying in the library and I will be more prepared for the journey ahead. I am no stranger to proselytizing the word of Milani in troubled areas, since I believe I was a martyr in Her name in a previous life. I look forward to spreading Her word in Varisia.

May the blessing of Milani be upon you and yours!
Acolyte Magram Firebeard

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