RuyanVe |

Sounds like you might wanna consider melee Ranger for the knowledge nature, then you could select favorite enemies as appropriate.
... and make her a dwarf or halfling for the bonusses to e. g. AC vs. foes larger than her (dwarfs with the inherent bonus and small creatures via feats).
But honestly, I don't see where the fighter comes in here - it's all there already.

3.5 Loyalist |

Did come up with another idea, but it takes a lot of feats. Now you could go a ranger with that special ability to just switch his favoured around to anything, I was always really against that. Or there was a feat in 3.5 to take additional favoured enemies, but you had to be up to +4 and the new ones come in at +2 and I believe they stay there. So main one on a primary type of monster foe, really spread the other +2s around via feats.

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I'd say trapper ranger, look for favored enemies that match what you're after (giants, dragons, big ass bugs, etc.), go two handed weapon choice and rock power attack along with death or glory feat, and then all you have to do is decide whether you want an attack dog to hunt down buggers or to be team coordinator for your dragon slaying party. Also you get trapfinding and the ability to mcguyver magical traps in like 6 seconds.

Funeral_Dirge_of_Teapots |

Maybe have the Monster Hunter Archetype being a fighter or a ranger still not knowing what it should be.
But here's some abilities:
Maneuvering Hunter(Ex): Due to his nature of hunting larger creatures the Monster Hunter gets +2 to strike against a creature of a larger size than himself. Also he gains a dodge bonus of +1 to his AC against creatures larger than himself. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond the first level.
Targeted Strike (Ex): Because of his experience in hunting at level 2, the Monster Hunter gets +1 to making a called shot against a target larger than himself. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond the second level. This ability replaces bravery.
Devastating Puncture (Ex): Expending all his actions this turn, at the 5th level, the Monster Hunter can wield a weapon such as a spear, lance, sword, or any other sharped weapon that is not an axe; two-handed and deal +6 extra damage. The target must make a roll vs. fortitude or be dazed.
Or something like that. And yes I'm trying to create a new archetype.

gamer-printer |

Rite Publishing's Way of the Samurai has a samurai archetype called the Tajiya focused on the destruction of unclean beings like aberrations, outsiders and undead, with an accompanying Samurai Order - some ranger like class features, and mostly EX abilities granting bonuses to fighting aberrations, outsiders and undead - but only these types of monsters.
A samurai is normally not one of the usual suspects for this, but Tajiya are effective at combating at least some types of monsters.