Is the Tranquil Guardian paladin mechanically awful? (Advanced Race Guide)

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

As stated above.

I really loved the Apostle of Peace from BoED back in 3.5, so I was really excited to see a paladin archetype of a similar vein! Unfortunately, it looks like it's really terrible, or at least it is as written.

I have to assume that the intention was to allow the guardian to use Touch of Serenity once per day per level as a monk would, but alas, they cannot.

Even then, is that ability REALLY worth giving up Smite Evil for? Being able to shut down an enemy's offense is a pretty powerful ability, but that's if they fail their will save, and it's only for a round... Yuck.

Scarab Sages

I think it's really just different. Is it as good as Smite Evil? Probably not. That said, it gives the class a real pacifist option, and the duration increases as the Paladin gains levels. Combine that with the fact that you get to use it for free as part of a nonlethal melee attack, and it's a nifty trick.

Now, I DO think it was intended that the save DC for it be based off the Paladin's Charisma modifier, which means the ability is very likely to fail unless you have a decent wisdom, but the other abilities of the archetype aren't too bad.

Dark Archive

Yea, I should have clarified that it was really only the Touch of Serenity that I had any qualms with - the rest is great.

I just think if their main shtick is to end fights peacefully, Touch of Serenity just won't cut it. The duration is way too short to allow any sort of negotiation with the target - all you're really going to be doing is keeping them off of you and your party long enough for your friends to get in there and finish them off.

Scarab Sages

Which may be a good thing. A 1 round+ shutdown can be pretty useful. I mean, smite is great, but the enemy you just targeted with smite is still dealing damage, etc. A serene enemy is doing nothing for a round, which essentially gives the party a free round of actions relative to those taken by the targeted enemy. Combine with the ability for the Paladin to use this ability with a normal attack, and the usefulness becomes more apparent.

Now, is it as good as Smite? Not even close. But it's useful, which is good enough for me.

Dark Archive

Right, but is that really in touch with the peace theme the guardian has going for it? It may still be a useful ability, but it really doesn't accomplish much in the way of making peace with your enemy. You're just disrupting the action economy so that the rest of your party can move in and beat them down.

Although I guess if you were playing with a like-minded group they could take the opportunity to disarm or start tying up the bad guy you just locked down.

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Jesus, what's with all the complaining lately? Seems even worse than normal.

xn0o0cl3 wrote:

As stated above.

I really loved the Apostle of Peace from BoED back in 3.5, so I was really excited to see a paladin archetype of a similar vein! Unfortunately, it looks like it's really terrible, or at least it is as written.

I have to assume that the intention was to allow the guardian to use Touch of Serenity once per day per level as a monk would, but alas, they cannot.

Even then, is that ability REALLY worth giving up Smite Evil for? Being able to shut down an enemy's offense is a pretty powerful ability, but that's if they fail their will save, and it's only for a round... Yuck.

If you think that one is awful, go take a look at the Aasimar Purifier (Oracle).

Grand Lodge

I was really disappointed by this archetype. It's a real hard ask to make an Aasimar Paladin archetype seem unappealing, but the Tranquil Guardian manages to achieve it.

Better ideas!

-Halo Knight (Paladin who gains a number of spell-like abilies from control over their divine manifested halo)
-Alabaster Defender (Aasimar whose skin takes on the strength and appearance of marble and become highly resistant to mortal threats)
-Winged Dragoon (Aasimar paladin who gains the Aasimar wings feat early and a number of combat options for aerial battle)
-Holy Herald (Gains a trumpet that can shapechange into a holy weapon, loses smite to gain a trumpeting blast that temporarily grants the party the strength of Heaven's armies)
-Scripture Knight (Gains a scripture magic item, that, when read in Celestial, causes horrific bebuffs for evil opponents)

Dark Archive

Cheapy wrote:
Jesus, what's with all the complaining lately? Seems even worse than normal.

I hadn't noticed. But I'm not here to just whine! I want a solution.

I'm thinking of an ability that functions more similarly to Smite Evil, and I'm drawing some inspiration from the original Apostle of Peace. No time to put it together at the moment, but I'll probably make it a calm emotions effect that can be used as many times per day as smite evil would normally be... But just giving them the ability to cast the spell is pretty lame. I'll post it as it develops. I very much want to play this sort of character, but as it is it's crazy unappealing to me.

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