Gravity bow and empowered feat

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Can you in society have empowered gravity bow? So if you can and I have a heavy repeating crossbow(with the exoctic weapon feat, of course) i would do 2d8 damage and 50% more of that correct?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Empower only affects numeric effects of a spell. Size change isn't a numeric effect. The weapon's damage isn't an effect of the spell, the size change is.

Liberty's Edge

Charlie Bell wrote:
Empower only affects numeric effects of a spell. Size change isn't a numeric effect. The weapon's damage isn't an effect of the spell, the size change is.

I thought so but was hoping it was going to work. In a home game i was gonna rule that way but thought i would ask first. TY

So empower metamagic effects the damage done by objects that are affected by the spell, in your rule? Are you limiting this to gravity bow or letting other spells do this? If you empower a 'magic weapon' spell does the weapon do 50% more damage? Does an empowered 'light' spell have the same effect?

Liberty's Edge

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
So empower metamagic effects the damage done by objects that are affected by the spell, in your rule? Are you limiting this to gravity bow or letting other spells do this? If you empower a 'magic weapon' spell does the weapon do 50% more damage? Does an empowered 'light' spell have the same effect?

No. You misunderstood my last post. I meant that what he said was what i was thinking and was agreeing as that is what i would have ruled. Meaning that you could not empower gravity bow and was just checking to see just in case i missed something in the rules.

Ah, I misunderstood you then. Well, that's good, the other way would open entirely too much of a can of worms.

what would you say too maximizing it....

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