Archon Styling Tower Shielding Bodyguard Build


Scarab Sages

On a whim, I'm trying to create the most protective focused PFS character, using the new Archon Style with the Bodyguard line and shield feats/abilities. Anyone have any ideas on how to improve, or an alternately better protector?

I've got a human Sacred Shield Paladin, Monk of Many Styles, Lore Warden wearing plate armor and using a tower shield.

Anyone got a better protector build, or can think of ways to refine mine?

Character Progression:

Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 9
Cha 16+2

Adopted by Halflings/Helpful trait (+4 to Aid Another/Bodyguard instead of +2)
Skills (3 Ranks Acrobatics for defensive AC boost, Diplomacy and Intimidate max for Antagonize)
Sacred Shield Paladin
1 Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard (Bastion of Good 1/day)
Lore Warden
2: Saving Shield
3: Combat Expertise, Archon Style, In Harms Way
Monk of Many Styles
4: Archon Diversion
5: Tower Shield Proficiency, Archon Justice (Evasion)
Sacred Shield Paladin
6: (Lay on Hands, Divine Grace)
7: Shield Focus (Aura of Courage, Mercy)
8: (Holy Shield, Bastion of Good 2/day)
9: Covering Defense (Divine Bond +1/shield)
10: (Mercy)
11: Antagonize (Bastion of Good, 3/day)
12: (Aura of Resolve, Divine Bond +2/shield)

Protective Abilities:
Attack of Opportunity Actions:
Bodyguard (AoO vs AC 10 to give adjacent ally +4 AC vs threatened enemy)

Immediate Actions:
In Harms Way (take a hit for ally when using Bodyguard, unlimited)
Saving Shield (+2 shield bonus to adjacent ally, unlimited)

Swift Actions:
Activate Archon Style (unlimited)
Use Archon Style (+2 dodge to AC vs single target's next attack to all adjacent allies, unlimited)
Bastion of Good (single target does half damage to allies, full damage to protector, protector gains deflection bonus to AC vs target Cha mod +2, 3/day)

Standard Actions:
Total Defense-Covering Defense (+6 AC to self, shield bonus to AC as cover bonus to adjacent ally)
Divine Bond (8 minutes, +2 bonus to shield or special abilities, 1/day)
Holy Shield (adjacent allies gain shield bonus for 3 + Cha bonus rounds, 2 lay on hands uses)

Archon Diversion (when using style, divert blow to self before attack roll, protected ally gets AoO, and if protector is hurt from attack, all allies threatening attacker get AoO, 1/round)

Spells (wands/casting)
1st: Knights Calling, Compel Hostility, Challenge Evil
2nd: Holy Shield, Bestow Grace

Dark Archive

I was looking at a "protector" build in the past and I scrapped the Saving Shield idea because it used an immediate action.

If you are going to be activating the part of the Achon Style feat chain that gives your allies the bonus to AC, you won't have the Swift action available to do it if you are using Saving Shield / In Harm's Way.

I think the new Archon Style chain basically replaces In Harm's Way and Saving Shield. You can save yourself a couple feats there.

Remember you don't have to activate the Archon Style ability to boost the AC of your allies in order to do the hit Redirection. So maybe you won't have to go all the way up to Archon Justice if that's all you were looking for from the style, in which case the Saving Shield / In Harm's way would be useful. Personally I'd just pick one out of the two (Saving Shield / In harm's way), or neither if I'm going all out with the Archon Style feat chain.

Crane Style / Crane wing might be a better combo with Archon Diversion. You can take the attack, and just wave it off.

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the feedback - I was concerned with the immediate/swift action with Saving Shield and Archon Style. The boon of Saving Shield over Archon Style is that the former gives a flat +2 shield bonus, whereas the later gives the +2 dodge bonus versus the next attack made. It doesn't spell out in Saving Shield that it only applies to one attack, although that might be the RAI.

In Harms Way with Archon Style works together in regards to the Archon Diversion though - that doesn't take an action.. just not the +2 dodge bonus. You could use both in one round... activate Archon Style on your turn, use Archon Diversion for one attack, then use In Harms Way for a second attack... but then you wouldn't be able to use Archon Style for the dodge bonus on your next round (because you'd use your next swift action via the immediate). At least that's how I read it. So they do work together, it just takes some strategy it seems, and some micromanagement of action resources.

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