OSW's Racial Archetypes

Homebrew and House Rules

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Hey don't worry, I aswell am packed with school work and brain storming for an idea that I'm going to send to wolfgang for an article( I hope he will like it). That said don't stress yourself and I hope your freelancing goes well.

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to get my own lizardfolk fix, i made a Scaled Shaman back in 3.5 for a lizardfolk campaign i made. seeing as how the lizardfolk revere shamans (as opposed to true clerics) and the old scalykind goddess didnt care much for her children other then they lived...id love to see a PF make up for the lizardfolk divine caster.

also - i love this post SO much

Starfinder Superscriber

Dotting for future reference as well. these are great!

Dark Archive

Very nice, any chance we might see an elf paladin racial archetype?

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