Horatio Flynn |

Ready to do some killing - but meanwhile, for those who missed it (and who were interested) - here's a good clip:
Only because - yeah... awesomeness!

Rain Taneththir |

Adular, I hope the ear ache is lessening ... Feel better soon.

DM Immortal |

The fog cloud on the right should be one square up from where it is. I will fix in am just fyi.

Horatio Flynn |

GM: I think at this point there's not much we as a team can do; until/unless the Giant decides to get out of the water and try to attack us directly - with the exception of Dhaavan's Croc and possibly Ana.
That said; while waiting if it's possible I'd like Horatio to move up near Amen-set on the Fighting Top.
If you could give us a crunch on how many rounds until the Giant comes up from the water, I'm guessing we'll all just sort of be waiting for him in the meantime; except, of course, Ana and mister "Nom nom nom nom" :)
If not, that's cool, too; but unless we're able to see the giant to attack him I'm not really sure what else there is for us to do.

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Next round Variel is diving over the side as he has water breathing and will have a potion of touch of the sea so there are options still available.

Horatio Flynn |

Next round Variel is diving over the side as he has water breathing and will have a potion of touch of the sea so there are options still available.
Ooh! Touche'
Well, that said - good hunting! If you're in trouble and surface I will do whatever I can to aid you.

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Might not be the safest route but better than having it drill a hole in our ship's hull.

Horatio Flynn |

If you're able to lure the opponent to the surface, we'll be able to cover with you range attacks and someone can toss you a rope and just haul you out.
For what it's worth, still not formally unclear of the enemy's formal "objective" though.
If it's to defeat us totally he won't do it well underwater and he'll have to surface sooner or later.
If it's to "pirate" our ship then that means he'll either need to do that by killing us all (in which case he'll have to surface) or it means he'll have to do something "symbolic" such as take our "flag" or possibly manage to get to the quarterdeck where the wheel is. If he's seriously trying to "pirate" us then I don't think sinking our ship is the best move, as it's kind of a waste of a ship that the enemy could capture - plus, sinking a ship isn't really "pirating" one.
Besides, if he really wanted to sink us you'd think he'd be throwing huge rocks or something at our masts or ship in general from a covered position instead of moving toward it.
Anyhow; whatever he does, I'm pretty sure we'll all do our best to back you as soon as we're able.

Rain Taneththir |

There's nothing more Rain can do this round (6). Waiting to see what the others (who haven't had a chance to post yet) will do, and if Variel gets into the water.

Rain Taneththir |

Flynn, you and Amen-set would have heard Neko's telepathic warning as she sent it to ALL the Lady's officers and their immediate companions, since you're rping to pass the time away.

Rain Taneththir |

Site went down between 10pm and 5am my time.
Immortal, is Rain able to see the lizard creature from her position in the water on the other side of the ship (She'd hear the roar however, if her head broke the surface of the water or Neko could inform her telepathically)?

DM Immortal |

She couldn't see her but could be informed by Neko and hear the roar.

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sorry for the delay. Checked earlier but like the rest the site was down.

Rain Taneththir |

I'll have to have Neko describe the creature to Rain first ... as Rain is in the water on the other side of the ship and can't actually see the creature.

Rain Taneththir |

Immortal, I tried moving Variel's avatar to his new position (F:20) but it won't allow me to do it because of the imposed fog cloud cover atop the picture. I don't want to accidentally delete your fog cloud again so perhaps you can correct it, please?

DM Immortal |

That's awful Adular. My sincere condolences. Take all the time you need and I hope that everything goes as smoothly and easily as possible.

Seijiro |

So sorry for your loss...

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Sorry to hear Adular. Take care of the fam.

Horatio Flynn |

I'm sorry for your loss, Adular. Please do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family and take all the time you need.

Horatio Flynn |

Hey guys -
So the thing is, I have no idea what is going on via Round 8 for Horatio and Amen-set. I need to get some questions answered and as soon as they're answered I'll be able to either make my action; take my new action; ret-con my action, or do what I need to do.
I'm still here; I'm still ready to formally do what I got to do for Round 8 (whatever that is) but it seems I need some serious clarification on a few things before I do.
That said; I'll have things taken care of as soon as I get the clarification I'll have something up.

DM Immortal |

The elemental took care of the fog in it's immediate vicinity i.e. the 10' space it occupies while in whirlwind, in order to get the entire cloud it needs to move through the fog in total.
Dhaavan's elemental from before had enough movement to move back and forth over the deck in whirlwind form before the monster got on the ship. Your elemental will suffer an AoO if it moves through a threatened space.

Horatio Flynn |

The elemental took care of the fog in it's immediate vicinity i.e. the 10' space it occupies while in whirlwind, in order to get the entire cloud it needs to move through the fog in total.
Dhaavan's elemental from before had enough movement to move back and forth over the deck in whirlwind form before the monster got on the ship. Your elemental will suffer an AoO if it moves through a threatened space.
That's cool! However I'll get the questions to you soon; then I'll let you know my action. Sorry for the delay; but they'll be there soon :)

Rain Taneththir |

Okay, so Variel and I have settled the matter of payment, although he needs to make a notation on the loot list (Var, maybe put the ring down and put beside it Rain purchased with reagents (to the value of 4000gp) and then add the 4000gp to the reagents column for the ship?).
Rain will give up claim to 4000gp worth of her personal reagents to the ship. This will then be in the kitty for crew to use (it's no longer her sole property). In return, Rain will take the ring of protection (worth 4000gp). It is a simple trade - reagents for ring. It doesn't cost the ship anything more.
Thanks. :)
Amen-set, I will respond to your rp very soon -- I'm working at the moment. :)

Amen-set Neitaker |

Amen-set, I will respond to your rp very soon -- I'm working at the moment. :)
Feat not, senet; assuredly I stand with thee, and may Death take any who would seek to claim what thou hast earned in clean battle!

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Jusry duty again today and maybe for the next few weeks. Posting during the day will take a hit just letting everyone know.

DM Immortal |

Just combat Adular. You did well and saved some lives. Glad to have you back as well.
Variel, np at all. Just let me know if you need anything.

Horatio Flynn |

For what it's worth, I assigned shifts for watch duty myself before Ana left the ship, so hopefully that's already taken care of. Also, I'm a little confused as to what Sandara is suggesting as Variel already ordered the crew to stay on board for the day about 5 hours ago and none of the crew seemed upset then.
On the other hand, our crew haven't talked about mutiny before, but we did just pick up some new sailors in Little Oppera.
This makes me wonder if these new sailors are folk we can trust; after all, if they're willing to spill blood after spending less than a day on a ship after it reaches town than I'm a little concerned about these new sailors.
However, if the only reason they're willing to mutiny if they don't get to go ashore is because I asked Rosie to go with me then I won't take her.
But if everyone else is cool with letting the crew go ashore at this point than I guess I'll take Rosie anyway (assuming the other crew members get to go, that is).
Any other RP I'm going to do during this 8 hour stretch (be it with or without Rosie) I guess that will be on the Social RP thread as soon as I know if the regular crew will be staying on the ship or heading ashore.

Horatio Flynn |

Quick side note; I mentioned bringing Rosie in my last post, however, that was a mistake. I'm not going to bring her if it will cause problems. I'm just going to bring Amen-set and Piper but I'll leave Rosie behind.
Sorry for the confusion.