DM Immortal's Blood Red Roses: A Skull & Shackles Campaign (Discussion)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Very good. It seems I succeeded with some ease in this case.

You know the rest of the details.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Hey everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the campaign! I know there hasn't been much time for you all to really socially rp with each other with the frenetic pace of the ship and your duties but over the next day in game as well as out that will change. For the next day you all work in the rigging and all your checks are at -2 due to the difficulty of the storm. During tomorrow night you will all be below decks and wont be able to do much besides talk. Therefore you all have carte blanche to do all the social rp you wish during that time. My only request is try not to do much in overt actions as I will only be able to post sporadically from tomorrow till sunday due to going out of town to the middle of bumf+#! nowhere with no internet access to visit the in-laws.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I can't wait to see what you all talk about. I think this is an excellent opportunity for you all to try and bond a bit and delve a little into each others backgrounds.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

it seems like we have most of the crew to friendly at least, what are or thoughts about the hostile ones? Do we bother trying or start doing something else.. I know I don't have much of shot but am willing to try. Might have to entertain and drink to get a chance. Figure might as well who knows how much time we got. Can always roll a 20 right.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Dhaavan's got a plan to try, but it may not be a good one... But it likely won't work on officers and such... But it looks like it's about time to get started. Yay for being evil!

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

I don't know about evil but good luck and I will hope for some nat 20's Can't make things any worse I guess.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Variel: it's really just a question of who to target next. The NPC's are either all friendly to helpful. Or Hostile. Dunno about the officers, but I could try for the ones we don't know, or try to get the crewmen like narwal and syl, and them. Don't know if I can befriend Peppry without some serious situational bonuses high rolls, and maybe another level!

Human Druid (Shark shaman) 2, Barbarian (Beast Totem) 1/AC: 13/HP: 30/F +7, R +0, W +6/Init. +0/Per. +7

Originally, Sko's plan was to play everything close to the vest but now he thinks the opposite is a better choice. Floggings happen all the time and even the fight with Owlbear seem to bore most of the officers. Sko nows thinks it's better to be remembered for what he does rather than what Plugg does (his cruelty is so commonplace that everyone seems fairly jaded about it even if they still fear it).

I didn't expect so violent a response to calling out Peppery but it's too late to back out of it now after proclaiming it to the entire crew. Sko isn't isn't strong on the "soft" skills so he's going to have to be clever to not get incinerated.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

That's why ya got a Dhaavan around. He smooths things over, except when he gets himself into trouble, and looses his pretty voice... So as long as you take Dhaavan's advice and stay under her radar, You should be fine.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

It's Father's Day here, tomorrow, and I am out of town -- spending time with the fam. I won't be able to properly post until my Monday morning (your Sunday night).

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Enjoy and have fun. It's labor day weekend in the states o busy as well.

Why do kids have to get sick and the worst times. Family in from 15 hours away and she gets a 102 temp.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

I'm sorry about your little one -- fevers aren't fun for either child or parent. I hope the fever drops soon and you guys can have a good labor day long weekend with your family.

And thank you, Variel.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Hope you enjoy time with your parents this weekend Rain - and Variel - I hope your children get sick.

Being sick is never fun, and with family visiting, that must be especially difficult. For what it is worth, I will keep her in my prayers today, as well as your family.

As for me - I'm off to work. I'll see you all later tonight.

Human Druid (Shark shaman) 2, Barbarian (Beast Totem) 1/AC: 13/HP: 30/F +7, R +0, W +6/Init. +0/Per. +7

Sorry to hear about your little one, Variel. I work for a school system and I see little ones going home sick all the time. It's rough, especially when the child isn't good at describing what they feel. Hope the fever breaks soon.

Rain, if you don't mind my asking, what country are you posting from?

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

I don"t mind at all. I'm from Australia. :)

Flynn: And thanks, Flynn. Hope work isn't too stressful.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Don't know if I will have time today to post. Just letting you know that I hope to be available more tomorrow. Keep the RP going and will join I when I can. Safe to assume that I am present listening at the conversation just withdrawn from the short bit of my history I told so far.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Variel - I am so sorry - I meant to type "I hope your children DON'T get sick".

I'm sorry, that was completely accidental - I hope you know that it was a typo.

In any case - I really do hope your family is doing well, and I hope they recover if they aren't. Please forgive the typo, I was kind of in a hurry this morning and didn't realize I typed that until just now.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

Sorry - was gone all day, playing D&D3.5... just got done. Hope all are now well who weren't and no one else has gotten sick. Take care everyone and have a good holiday weekend if you can't be here to post, I understand.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Kid still has a temp but doing a bit better.

I knew what you meant and just laughed it off Flynn

As far as Flynn and Variel are concerned, I figure the best bet is to sleep it off and chalk it up to a rough day. After the weather blows over the air will clear and we can go back to being acquaintences. The only thing is if Variel does hear you say something about a friend or companion, he will come after you again. It's a touchy subject for him.

It's hard to put in a post sometimes, but I was hoping by asking who Flynn was bad mouthing it would be a way for everyone to start talking about who they were friends with. This way the group would start to appear as a Cohesive unit. This would also allow us to discuss what has been happening for the past week on board the ship. What areas have been searched, who is friends with who, where traps may be, who needs to be killed besides Plugg and scourge, etc. this is something that I think needs to be figured out sooner rather than later but not sure how to bring it up IC.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

there, Variel... it's been broached in character now... the opening has been established to discuss all this stuff ic. at least it's a start.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Holy bacrapnuts! AWESOME JOB EVERYONE! Everyone take a Hero Point for all the great posting you all did! I wasn't planning on using them but I think I will from now on.

Hero Points

Seriously well done everyone! I am wading through all the posts...which may take me a while lol.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Sorry for the lack of posting again today but the kid is still sick and family still in town. They are leaving tomorrow and hopefully will find some time. Don't worry. Will get to more of Variel's story along with who he has encountered and is friendly towards. Sorry again for the disappearance the last couple of days.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

No problem Variel. One of my little nutcases was sick over the weekend too. He had it coming out of both ends lol. Made for interesting sleeping arrangements lol. Hope he feels better bro.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10
DM Immortal wrote:
Holy bacrapnuts! AWESOME JOB EVERYONE! Everyone take a Hero Point for all the great posting you all did! I wasn't planning on using them but I think I will from now on.

Does that mean we all have 1 hp, or 2 (since it says all pc's BEGIN with one hero point).

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Ooh! Good question Mister GM - 2 does sound better then one...

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Nice try but no you get 1 because i wasn't even going to be using them lol.

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

ok... it was worth a try ;)

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Sorry for the lack of posting again today but the kid is still sick and family still in town. They are leaving tomorrow and hopefully will find some time. Don't worry. Will get to more of Variel's story along with who he has encountered and is friendly towards. Sorry again for the disappearance the last couple of days.

Hang in there, Variel. Still hoping your little one feels better very soon.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Yeah, fever broke and the family is gone all within a few hours. Post is up for the day's actions. Will do story next down time. Just have to copy and paste which make it easier.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

So it looks like we have a bird flying for Rosie with a rope, Variel tied off to the mast swimming, and Flynn hopping into the water too?

Dhaavan and Variel will definitely need help pulling their ropes in from those who are still on the ship.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

So, let's clarify this: we, who are in charge of the sails in times of massive winds and storms and the possible future of a ship full of people will all leave our duties, let the sails bunch, tear etc to save one woman overboard? Really? This is the smart idea? Rain will try to do her job while the rest of you go after Rosie. Sko or Valeros would have been the best choices to dive into the drink. Because of their respective abilities. Seijiro is up in the lookout and I'm glad he didn't try to descend after Rosie.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

She is a friend to Variel and he will do what he can to help a friend. I trust you will keep things in line until Variel gets back on board. Of course it looks like Flynn may need some help as well. This could get interesting quick.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

For the record, I'm just leaving my duties for one round to cast a summon, although I am sort of expecting somebody to help pull her in cause i'm not exactly a master of the Str Check.

Variel going down works, and hopefully he'll be able to help Flynn and Rosie. He is probably the 3rd best choice to get in the water with his swim check...

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

But the point being with everyone deciding to go after Rosie, even for say a round, anything can happen to the ship and then what? Rain believes you are all rash and stupid -- sorry but she has a point.

F Elf Ranger (Freebooter) 5, Hunter 4, Guardian 1 /AC 23, T12, FF21/ HP 78/78, F+11, R+12/+13, W+6 (+2 vs Enchantments)/ CMB +10, CMD 22/Init +4(+6), Perc. +17/+19

And actually Rain with + 11 swim is a better choice than Variel.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

I would agree with you as well that not everyone should abandon their posts. Hwoever, I think that with 20+ crew and officers three or four could help Rosie without any real harm. Hopefully this won't take too long to resolve. The problem may be getting Flynn back in if he rolls poorly this next round. Besides, Variel needs her to play the violin so he has something to dance to. Kind of boring and pointless otherwise.

Valeros would have been the best choice, but with him 50ft in the air I didn't think he would be able to descend that quick to help.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)

Well, it seems there are two points here. The first being the logic of the accident/duties - and the second (in my case) a brief explanation of my actions.

First - regarding our duties:

I would think that the sails should have already been reefed the previous day - any sailor worth his salt in such a storm would not have "sacked out" for the night with the sails loose. In fact, I'm sure this is the case, because we already did this the night before.

The fact that they need to somehow be re-trimmed makes little sense to me; but there it is. The storm is driving us - waves and currents; if we had the sails down - the full weight of the wind on them would have likely snapped the mast in the night; which is why I presumed they were already reefed the last night (that was in fact our duty).

Now it seems that Plugg suddenly wants us to now lower the sails today, well - to me, in real life, that makes almost no sense at all. I mean, never mind the force of the storm, as far as my character is concerned (though I may be wrong) - we're not running for the coast - we're trying to ride the storm out. So why should we be in such a hurry to go forward fast? If the wind was straight and didn't bank - having the sails down would do nothing but drive us forward fast.

But somehow I don't think we're being driven forward in a straight line. Personally I'd guess a storm that went on for over 24 hours would have a lot of winds that caused the ship to be buffeted - the pitch and yaw of the wind wouldn't help us much if we were trying to go straight.

In fact, I think that our buffeting would be worse if we lowered the sails - and we'd be forever tacking course to avoid a heavy gust which would likely destroy the mast today; so I don't know why sails would be lowered at the start of the day (as that wouldn't make sense from our work last night) - and if they're reefed already (which makes sense) - what exactly did Plugg expect us to do anyway - unless he is really that stupid.

Also, I was shocked that anyone went overboard, especially considering we should have been using lifelines. I already mentioned them last night to Dhaavan - and anyone else who could hear me - that how anyone would be working on deck in this storm without a lifeline makes no sense. I assumed experience sailors would know this better then me, though.

I mean, having a 20 foot rope attached between your torso and the main mast would prevent such accidents - and how hard is it to use a piece of rope/tie a knot anyway? Worst case scenario is a slip and some busted ribs - which can be fixed a lot easier then a drowning. But sadly, it seems no one had the lifeline attached.

None of these events make sense in a "logical" way - but they happened, so I'm reacting to them.

Next - my personal actions.

Well, although I've done some crazy things before in this game (like jumping into the bilges with Acrobatics instead of just climbing down the ladder; then attacking the host of Dire Rats after landing among them instead of just staying above and shooting them in relative safety) - this action may even seem more crazy; to jump over the side of a ship in a storm and risk my life for a relatively unknown individual.

However - clearly my spirit has recently been inspired to perform such deeds by the information given to me regarding Rain's dreams. Epic tales of heroic actions seems to be going to my head a bit; logic not playing as much a part as my "gut" - and as for now, my gut tells me that if someone I consider an ally needs help - help them first, even if that isn't the wisest choice.

And as Rosie is someone I've talked to already - and helped influence her mood via Diplomacy to Helpful - to me then, in game at least - I would consider her an "ally" or "mate"; even though I know little about her, other then the fact that she cusses a lot.

Finally, regarding Sko's abilities - as of now my character doesn't really know what those are. That was what I was trying to find out the previous night - what everyone can do. And naturally I would not expect Valeros to help in any case, no matter what his abilities are, given all the things that I have seen in game so far. You are an aquatic elf - and numbers aside - I would assume you could probably swim far better then I can anyway - but if you had fallen over, I would have jumped in after you, too. You are my friend - I would do what I could to help you without thinking on the details so much. Again - it may not be the wisest course - but in such actions, I reacted - going with my "gut" instinct.

Anyway - you are probably right. My character certainly did act foolishly in that situation - he put his own life in jeopardy; including potentially endangering the ship - but hopefully the above information explains a bit more why my character acted the way he did.

Now, as for the point about the storm and the seemingly unusual (if not foolish) set of duties we had to do in general? Well, I wasn't trying to nit-pick the game. After all - maybe there was something going on that neither I, or my character, would notice - but I only mentioned those details because I was trying to suggest that in such events in which logic gives way to "epic scenes" (like climbing in the rigging again the next morning for no clear reason, and why no one is using a lifeline, for example) well, when things like that happen - especially in a game like this - I think the entire situation in the game is probably deferring a lot from what would make sense in a "realistic" setting. But I think that is only because this allows us as characters to have the chance to do things that are more heroic then a normal realistic situation would allow.

Anyway, for what it's worth - that is the explanation for why I acted the way I did. I hope it is helpful.

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list
Rain Taneththir wrote:
And actually Rain with + 11 swim is a better choice than Variel.

That is why Variel is the third best choice. Valeros, Rain and then Variel. Flynn is a close fourth but can't take 10. I hope he rolls over a 7 is all i can say.

Male Human Guns. 1 (Mysterious Stranger), Fighter 1 (Lore Warden), Bard 6 (Archaeologist) - Barbarian 1 (Urban) Mythic (Champion) (AC 20 / HP 82 / F +9, R + 10, W +7 / Ini + 3 / Perc. +16)
Variel Nightstorm wrote:
Rain Taneththir wrote:
And actually Rain with + 11 swim is a better choice than Variel.
That is why Variel is the third best choice. Valeros, Rain and then Variel. Flynn is a close fourth but can't take 10. I hope he rolls over a 7 is all i can say.

For what it's worth - so do I! ;)

Human Druid (Shark shaman) 2, Barbarian (Beast Totem) 1/AC: 13/HP: 30/F +7, R +0, W +6/Init. +0/Per. +7

As I can can already shape-shift into a shark, I'm certainly in no danger of drowning though it's hardly an ideal rescue form. Unfortunately, after poring over the rules and numerous threads on the Paizo boards, I've come to realize that aquatic shape-shifting/polymorphing has numerous holes and inconsistencies in it based on they way many aquatic abilities are classified and what abilties wildshape and polymorph effects grant.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Worst case scenario, Sko, you can use your totem transformation and gain underwater breathing, and swim 30 and maintain it while bringing rosie back.

You can get overboard round 1, and use the ability, get to her round 2 and grab her, then use the rope Dhaavan sends you to climb up, or send rosie up.

Looks like 3 of us want to dive into the water... GM, any chance of re-thinking things, like delaying to see what party-members are doing before diving? It may take multiple rounds to get into the water, giving us a chance to not go overboard with going overboard? Pun intended

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Variel can't act till the second round. By then 2 people will be overboard with Rosie. i am thinking my best bet is to keep an eye out if they need help and just go over to Rain since she asked for it as well. Don't need three people overboard. If only i would have passed my perception check. Oh well, Sko gets to be the hero. Not only does he fist fight well, he also knows how to save the damsels in distress.

Male Gillman Oracle (Waves) 4; AC 14 (T 11, FF13) / HP: 34/34 / F +4, R +3, W +5 / Init: +1 / Percep: +0

I can deal with the swim no problem, although it'll be interesting if Sko gets in before me. ;-)

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

Also, Sko never made it up the rigging whereas Flynn was up in the rigging, so if he can't make the jump the first round, Sko is already in the water and swimming with ease, either as an actual shark, or his totem transformation.

Dhaavan's rope gets out to Rosie in round 3 regardless.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Let's try to avoid explaining our actions in OOC everyone. These are things that should be discussed in character as opposed to out. Also there are definitely things going on here that give reason to some of the issues as put up by Horatio. One of you for instance knows for a fact that you are not out in open water and are in fact at least relatively close to land.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

Sko, as far as polymorph and such. My opinion is usually to give you what makes sense as far as the forms go when it doesn't specify. For instance, aquatic forms get water breathing with the exception of those that wouldn't normally, like crocodiles and dolphins and such. As for the scent ability, Shark's do have eyes and nowhere does it say they are blind. I would give you the scent ability now and give you the keen scent ability when it functions as beast shape II or something like that.

This pretty much goes for everyone, if you run into an issue like this, let me know what you think a good fix would be as I am always open to suggestions for improving. I may say no but I will always listen.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

sorry, just trying to get an image of the timing of what is actually happening in the scene without cluttering up the min thread too much.

Island of Empty Eyes Map Current Map

No problem whatsoever Dhaavan. I just don't want to eliminate what could be some good RP later by explaining OOC. As far as the scene, and this goes for at any time, if you need more details or are having trouble visualizing the scene let me know and I will be more than happy to oblige. Really great job everyone is doing btw. I am really impressed with the crew we have.

Human - (Status: normal) Varisian Sorcerer 5 (HP: 56/56, AC:21(14/19[+2]) /F:8,R:8,W:9 / MP: 5/5 / Init. +2 / Perc. +5/6(3))(Jack's Perc: +13/+15)

It would be kinda helpful to the a description of what all is happening, exactly.

Looks like since Variel failed that first perception, he stayed in the rigging.

Valeros is on the deck, as is Dhaavan.

Flynn and Sko dove into the water.

Rain and Jiro never left their posts.

Rosie is in the water, wherever she is.

SO now we're in Round 2?

Sovereign Court

Male Human Magus 2; HP 17/17, AC 16/12/14; saves 4/2/3; CMB: +4, CMD 16 loot list

Checking to say i am here but delaying effectively...

AC20 (T 16, FF 14); HP 86/86; saves F +6, R +16, W +7; bab: 6/1; melee 8/1(+13/8), ranged +12/7; CMB 8, CMD 24; speed 30; init +6(+8); perc +11(13)(+15) mp 2/5 | kitsune rogue (pirate)/7; bard(sea singer)/2
acro 21(23,26), appr 11, bluff 6, climb 11, dd 17, disg 5, esc art 10, fly 9, intim 8, k local 5, k geog 6(8), ling 8, perc 11(13,15), prf: harm 8, prf: act 8; pr: sail 11, sm 2, soh 13, spcrft 6, stlth 19(21)(23), swm 10

same here... not much I can do from 60' up except watch...

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