Points buy or dice roll ?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So subject say it all what do you prefer and why or do you have another system that you use

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I understand. After all it's been a whole week since someone posted one of these threads. Or in your case 5 minutes.

I have to ask. Why do you care? You're going to find out that most here can't be bothered to answer and those that do will express preferences for all three with reasons to back them up.

You don't need the choices of others to validate your own.

I'm sorry, but we're not due to have this discussion again for several weeks. We're currently awaiting the next thread on monks; we've got these things on a schedule ;p Please feel free to peruse the previous threads on this topic matter. Thank you!

Silver Crusade

In one game, I used the rolling method, and I naturally rolled 18, 18, 17, 16, 16, 13, so I decided to make a Paladin.

Then, later, we were in a goblin lair, and after we killed all the goblins there were some goblin women and children who surrendered, but they are all evil, so I executed them. Was this an evil act?

To the first two posts after mine what's your problem if you have no interest in a thread why post on it
I'm sure there have been threads like this before but I'm just interested as to what people prefer

Try doing a search.

Silver Crusade

Grab one of the many existing posts on this topic and read through.

Straight 3d6 and the GM can switch any two stats. I enjoy the challenge of playing a wizard with Str 14 and Int 8.

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Humphrey Boggard wrote:
Straight 3d6 and the GM can switch any two stats. I enjoy the challenge of playing a wizard with Str 14 and Int 8.

So... a commoner with a good will save?

The Saltmarsh 6 wrote:

To the first two posts after mine what's your problem if you have no interest in a thread why post on it

I'm sure there have been threads like this before but I'm just interested as to what people prefer

Why don't you just look at this thread?

Seriously, anything that will get covered in the first 4-5 pages of your new thread, was already talked about, in many, many threads before.

I take one of each, I buy dice.

Use both...

A guy on these threads came up with a crazy cool idea for stat generation.

I coined the name for it as Organic Point Buy.

-You make 6 stats using 15 point buy.
-Then you roll to see which stat gets each score, such that the placement of your 6 stats ends up being random.
-Lastly you get 5 extra points with which to increase your scores. Allowing you to "fix" a poor score placement or better your viability for a certain class.

All points are spent as per the Pathfinder Point Buy rules. Except the last step: during which buying down is no longer possible.

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20 PB. I don't care if my stats are supposedly organic. Most DM's allow rerolls and switching around stats so it's hardly ever organic.

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All the players fight. They get stats from best array to worst based on the order in which they are knocked out.

It's a free for all. Nothing below the belt. No edged weapons.

20 Point Purchase all the way. Can't tell you how many times I've seen a player come up with a fun concept for a character, who after rolling ability scores, was unable to create that concept due to undesired scores.

The purchase method is equal and fair for everyone, and lets players build the characters they WANT to play, not what the dice force them to play.

It depends on the Game. If your playing a Module I would suggest a point buy though as its balanced around the assumption you used PB.

I think most are balanced on 15 point buy with 4 players. Unless your playing PFS which ups it to a 20 point buy. I usually use a 20 point buy for most modules. It allows for pretty much any concept to be viable.

Always dice roll. 4d6, drop the lowest and re-roll 1's. Let's me add my own monsters to the AP without overpowering the players.

Sovereign Court

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