Stonelord's Stone Servent

Rules Questions

I have a quick question about the Stonelord's Stone Servant. Is the summoned Earth Elemental a permanent companion / pet?

It replaces your Divine Bond with a weapon or mount, so it would make sense mechanically if it were permanently following you. It just seems like it would be far too powerful at higher levels, let alone hard to use in battle.

since it replaces divine bond, it should be 1 minute/stonelord level, since that's how long divine bond normally lasts

Martiln wrote:
since it replaces divine bond, it should be 1 minute/stonelord level, since that's how long divine bond normally lasts

Well, that depends on whether it is intended to replace a bonded weapon or a bonded mount. The weapon has a limited duration, the mount doesn't, if I'm reading the rules right.

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