Fantasy Grounds Virtual Con


Come join a game with us July 20-22. 72 hours of virtual Table Top Gaming using Fantasy Grounds 2.
Try out the software,or maybe just get some questions answered. Test drive it while enjoying an online game of Pathfinder, or Pathfinder Society. Maybe a system you have been wanting to try out and not had the chance.
Stop by and just say hi! Hope to talk to some of you there!


here is a link to some information.

FYI, link is broken.

I assume this is right. It's blocked at work.

I love the idea of Fantasy Grounds 2. I've used a trial version myself, and the full version at a friend's, numerous times. That said, I refuse to buy the product because I have no way of ensuring that I will be able to find a game. As a result I've come to view FG2 to be an inferior product compared to free alternatives, its polish and interface irrelevant next to its decreased usability.

Has this changed at all?

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