Magician Archetype question

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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Expanded Repertoire (Ex): At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, a magician can add one spell to his spells known from the spell list of any arcane spellcasting class. The spell must be of a level he can cast. This ability replaces versatile performance.

Is there anything stopping you from taking Haste as a 2nd level spell off the summoner list? It doesn't seem to be against the RAW of the ability but I do admit it's a bit lame.

It is not RAI for sure, but I would also say it is not allowed due to the wording of the rule.

Haste is already on your spell list as a bard, so you should not be able to add a second copy of the same spell to your list.

Liberty's Edge

Thazar wrote:

It is not RAI for sure, but I would also say it is not allowed due to the wording of the rule.

Haste is already on your spell list as a bard, so you should not be able to add a second copy of the same spell to your list.

I would agree with you if it said it added them to your spell list. Hey Haste is already on the spell list so you can't have it twice... But it adds directly to your spells known.

Technically you could use this ability to just gain more bard spells known. (Although I don't know why you would...)

My opinion:

You could only take haste at lvl 6 anyway, which is one level from where he could get it himself. And your summoner buddies have had it since level 4.

RAW I would say it is allowed.
RAI maybe not, but I see it FAR from gamebreaking.

I would say its ok.

I wish it would specify "add one spell not on his spell list..."

Its fine. The bard is a 1/2 caster, the summoner is a 1/2 caster. No one is breaking the curve. Adding haste at level 2 to a wizard would be broken. This is just "pretty good."

^2/3. Paladin/ranger is half

Its RAW possible. And nothing prevents one from having a spell known several times over, its just not always useful. This is one of those rare occacions, as is it relevant when a sorcerer gets a bloodline spell she already knows that she can retrain the old one.

It's tempting. There's really harsh competition for a bard's level 3 slots. Second level slots are a little less overleveraged.

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