xanthemann |

Say you have a character that has a high charisma. This character also has no armor and no cloths (save for maybe some boots and gloves). This same character may also apply body paint for camouflage.
Being essentially naked could they get bonus mods to AC or is it just asking for bonuses to other things?
noob ninja edit content...ty guys

xanthemann |

Well assuming this isn't a troll post...
There's a barbarian archetype for this exact thing.
It's kind of bad but sometimes that's the price we pay for flavor!
What is the barbarian archetype? I mean you start off by saying there is one, but then you leave a person hanging? That's like saying there is a free topless car wash and then not give directions to the place. lol

Abandoned Arts RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Xan, I see you're a relatively new member of our little tribe (welcome!), but our forums are a fairly progressive place. Referring to the state of being nude or scantily-clad as "asking for bonuses to getting raped" is - intended or not - severely offensive and does indeed propigate the rape culture phenomenon. Furthermore, our community is likely to recognize it as such. That translates to ill-will and flagged-and-unanswered posts.
Your post isn't so old that you cannot edit the language - doing so would both correct your mistake and acknowledge it as such. Acknowledging and repairing offensive behaviour is always a mature and upstanding gesture.
Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

![]() |

xanthemann |

Quote:Some barbarians are truly savage, having little training in modern arms. These savage barbarians learn to avoid blows and toughen up their skin.
Found it in the APG! Thank you very much Feral! Unfortunately it doesn't really help the character I have in mind (being a fighter), but it gives me a good starting point.

xanthemann |

The word is "clothes" not "cloths", and I believe the term you're looking for is "skyclad", in the tradition of those ancient Celts.
No bonus to AC, but I'd give you +1 Dex and a +1 on an Intimidation check against your opponents.
Thank you for the spelling correction and the info! Historical and game wise!

Cid Ayrbourne |

I think, what you're looking for, is called 'Bullet-proof Nudity'. But seeing as this is Pathfinder and not GURPS... :p
That said, you could go skyclad with a monk/kensai combo and have as good (maybe better) armor as a fighter. Their flavor is more eastern than celt, but just change the fluff slightly and it might still work.

Douglas Mawhinney |

Here is what you are looking for!
Osyluth Guile Feat
You need Dodge and 8 ranks in Bluff, but if you have this and are fighting defensively or taking the total defense action you may add your Charisma bonus to AC as a dodge bonus against one opponents melee attacks. You are going to have to wait until 8th level for it (5th level with a trait that grants you Bluff as a class skill) but in the meantime can I interest you in...
Unarmed Fighter Archetype
Real nice at first level. Level 1 - Gain proficiency with all Monk weapons (including exotics!), Improved Unarmed Strike, and any 1 Style feat (may I suggest Crane Style?) Later levels you get a lot of Grappling, Tripping, Dragging, and Dirty Trick options.
Crane Style Feat
Normally fighting defensively is a -4 to attacks and a +2 to AC, which kinda sucks. But with Crane Style and 3 ranks in Acrobatics you can fight defensively for a -2 to attacks and a +4 to AC! With Unarmed Fighter you can select this at level 1. The later feats (Crane Wing and Crane Riposte) will eventually allow you to deflect one melee attack per round (Crane Wing) and then grant you a counterattack each time you deflect an attack! (Crane Riposte) You have to have one hand free, but you can just fight unarmed (and unarmored and unclothed...)

Umbranus |

Osyluth Guile Feat
You need Dodge and 8 ranks in Bluff, but if you have this and are fighting defensively or taking the total defense action you may add your Charisma bonus to AC as a dodge bonus against one opponents melee attacks. You are going to have to wait until 8th level for it (5th level with a trait that grants you Bluff as a class skill) but in the meantime can I interest you in...
Even with bluff as class skill you still have to be 8th level to have 8 ranks. The class skill bonus is just a bonus, not free additional ranks.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Drop 4 levels into monk instead of fighter. You lose an average of 4 hit points and 1 point of BAB, but get 3 feats, +4 to all saves, Wisdom to unarmored AC, +1 to AC, evasion, flurry, ki pool, 1d8 unarmed damage, and a whole lot of other stuff.
There is even a martial artist archetype that gives up ki (magic) and has no alignment restriction.

Arcane Knowledge |

The fact that you keep repeating the low to no makes me think that your GM is a little less on the low side and more heavily on the no. If you or your fellow party members are bringing the magic to the table I would think there would be no problem.
Usually low magic campaigns mean that magic is rare so there aren't lots of magical goodies floating about for the players to get their hands on. I've never heard of one that specifically prevented the player from either making their own or casting it from their spell lists.

xanthemann |

The fact that you keep repeating the low to no makes me think that your GM is a little less on the low side and more heavily on the no. If you or your fellow party members are bringing the magic to the table I would think there would be no problem.
Usually low magic campaigns mean that magic is rare so there aren't lots of magical goodies floating about for the players to get their hands on. I've never heard of one that specifically prevented the player from either making their own or casting it from their spell lists.
The rub in this campaign is the god of magic has been imprisoned or something like that and the good PCs have to find items of pure magic to allow casters of the arcane to cast. There are several levels of pure magic items, so they have to find multiple items.
To make things worse...the evil PCs have to do the same with evil magic items. The final item is the one they share in common. This is going to lead to a big PC on PC fight.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Say you have a character that has a high charisma. This character also has no armor and no cloths (save for maybe some boots and gloves). This same character may also apply body paint for camouflage.
Being essentially naked could they get bonus mods to AC or is it just asking for bonuses to other things?
No, but depending on the rules you're using, your character might be considered invisible. ;)
(My apologies, please carry on.)

xanthemann |

xanthemann wrote:Say you have a character that has a high charisma. This character also has no armor and no cloths (save for maybe some boots and gloves). This same character may also apply body paint for camouflage.
Being essentially naked could they get bonus mods to AC or is it just asking for bonuses to other things?
No, but depending on the rules you're using, your character might be considered invisible. ;)
(My apologies, please carry on.)
That's the idea...sort of...Knights of the Dinner Table have done the same thing...You could say they gave me the idea for a skyclad character.

xanthemann |

I do seem to recall there were rules on this some years ago, but I can't recall what or where. A character with minimal clothing or skyclad had extra Dex bonuses due to being unhampered...Does anyone else recall this?
Mind you, it is not my intent to munchkin this character, I am just looking for what may be available. Even if I don't find anything and the GM changes his mind about some of the mods (it wouldn't disturb me one way or the other) I am still playing the character the way it was created.

xanthemann |

those rules are in Here
Thank you very much! Out of all the people who have commented on this (and great comments for the most part) you are the first to recommend this. Thank you for pointing me in this direction.

Azure_Zero |

Azure_Zero wrote:those rules are in HereThank you very much! Out of all the people who have commented on this (and great comments for the most part) you are the first to recommend this. Thank you for pointing me in this direction.
Actually you were in a way asking for those rules on the post just above mine
I do seem to recall there were rules on this some years ago, but I can't recall what or where. A character with minimal clothing or skyclad had extra Dex bonuses due to being unhampered...Does anyone else recall this?

xanthemann |

This is true, but a few people believe a person is trying to munchkin just for asking about things like this...by the way here is a quote from the book...
A scantily-clad character gains a +1 armour
bonus to AC. A completely naked character gains
a +2 armour bonus to AC.
Just because someone is trying to find a ruling on something doesn't mean they are trying to min/max ... it is possible they are just looking to see what is available to them.
Now I must make a disclaimer... I mean no disrespect to anyone, nor am I trying to start an argument. We are just having a conversation. Cool?
Okay, that is out of the way. Thank you Azure!

xanthemann |

So far so good. My CE female human archer/fighter is doing well in the party. The only thing she has is a composite compound long bow, 20 arrows, and a cape that is normally wrapped around her quiver. (Other things are actually kept in the quiver, like monies and her body paints).
She gets her Dex and Cha bonus to her AC (within 30') She also gets a +2 on Cha based skills. This was the GM ruling.
She barters very well with most men and has been essential in gaining equipment and information. The die rolls help, too. lol