[Owen K.C. Stephens] Paper Minis Question

Product Discussion

Scarab Sages

I have a question for people who would buy and use paper miniatures (and only for such people.)

What iconic, well-liked, often-used monsters do you have trouble finding good miniatures for at a reasonable price, that you'd spend $1 to have a good paper mini of?

Sovereign Court



Swarms (various) and some of the animal types available to be summoned: eagles, wolverines, leopards, giant wasps, etc.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

A collection of all kinds of summoasble creatures could be quite useful.

Liberty's Edge

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Just a comment ...

No one I game with uses paper minis but we very well might IF the art was really good. One of the things that turns all of us off to the current paper minis out there is the 'cartoon' look. Not that there is anything wrong with it (said in my best Seinfeld voice) but that art style is not for us.

Paizo's new pawns are an excellent example of what kind of art WOULD possibly get us to try paper minis and I suspect we are not alone ...

So, my humble request/advice is ... IF there are paper minis in SGG's future, please make the art top notch and not cartoony.

Just my two cents of course!

It is all about the art. I really like Crystal Frasier's work on Kingmaker, others not as much. I am not saying though that anyone else's artwork is bad, it is just a style preference.

I would love to see common animals, summonable monsters, and more of the low level monsters in different poses etc, as opposed to just different colors. I realize much easier to recolor a piece of art as opposed to generating a new one.

I own a lot of the paper mini products. I usually use the paper minis for bad guys, and my players use plastic/metal minis for characters. My two cents.

Summoned monsters would be great, but it's looking like the pawns are going to take care of that. For me, I use plastic or metal for player characters, pawns from the Beginner's Box for summoned creatures, and paper minis for all villains.

I love the new trend of iconic versions of races. The Orcs and Halflings of Pathfinder sets. Honestly, Orcs and other evil minis are a bit more useful for me because I need them for villains. For whatever reason my players don't like using paper minis, so even though I got the Halfling set and Battle Studios mini sets, I haven't really used them much.

One area I might thing about is looking at Bestiary 2 and 3. Bestiary 1 is getting a pawn set, but if you want people fighting Dire Corbeys or Tenku, you're out of luck.

Pretty much what I want is to have access to any creature I might need. That makes it difficult to pick one specific creature.

Dark Archive


Humans, elves, dwarfs, halflings, orcs, and much, much more.

Only filling a variety of roles, somewhat I guess for PC but mainly NPC. Why are all town guards human? Why don't you ever see a human miner? An orc rogue or halfling crusader?

Give me an orc samurai and you will have my dollar.

Heck, with the ARG out, give me a toolkit where I can cobble together my own (call be a traditionalist, but I think my players are not going to enjoy my chaos warriors of Tzeentch) and you can more of my dollars.

Heck, give me a war-wagon (ala hussite war wagon) so my dwarfs can fight in style and you'll have another dollar.

Give me creatures for my upcoming rokugan-inspired campaign (pulled from mythology or whatnot) and I'll give you more.

One thing I've noticed in preparing for that campaign is that with a very few brief exceptions, the stock of oriental monsters and npcs is fairly bare.

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I am very interested in paper minis, especially since I am in the military and tend to try to take an AP with me on any deployment or TDY.

Paper minis are a lot easier to get and transport out in the field. Just print 'em up before hand, stick 'em in an envelope, and send an email home when you need 'em shipped out. At the end of the deployment, take all your pennies, dimes and quarters out of them, and leave them behind.

One thing that Rich Burlew did with his paper minis for OOTS Kickstarter supporters was to make mounts mountable! He drew them with a little dotted line in the middle or slightly "forward" of the middle. You cut the dotted line and fold that portion the other way, creating a small flat space that can hold your PC!

Good art is a huge plus and would go a long way toward influencing me to purchase. Also including (or selling them as) line art so that I can color them in myself. I made that last part bold because the more I think about it the more I like it. It allows those of us without the time or talent to paint minis to effectively "paint" our own minis.

What creatures would I want?
-Sets of PC races drawn up in the different base classes (including 3PP classes)
-the entire Animal companion list (with size variations)
-Summon Monster list (in Fiendish and Celestial form)
-Summon Nature's Ally list
-Sets of common enemy races with different weapons (orcs, kobolds, goblins, humans, lizardfolk)
-Minis of some of the creatures that we are not likely to see come to plastic, or that are very expensive in plastic or metal:
--Dragons of different sizes and colors,
--the Jabberwock,
--the Bandersnatch (standard and frumious),
--elementals of different types in different sizes,

I'll stop there for now. After seeing how expensive the Pathfinder Battles sets are, I am very strongly inclined to move to paper minis for my home games. If I have to choose whether to spend money on gaming material and have paper minis or buy plastic ones and have no leftover funds for gaming material, I'll take the paper minis.


Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

I am very interested in paper minis, especially since I am in the military and tend to try to take an AP with me on any deployment or TDY.

Paper minis are a lot easier to get and transport out in the field. Just print 'em up before hand, stick 'em in an envelope, and send an email home when you need 'em shipped out. At the end of the deployment, take all your pennies, dimes and quarters out of them, and leave them behind.

One thing that Rich Burlew did with his paper minis for OOTS Kickstarter supporters was to make mounts mountable! He drew them with a little dotted line in the middle or slightly "forward" of the middle. You cut the dotted line and fold that portion the other way, creating a small flat space that can hold your PC!

Good art is a huge plus and would go a long way toward influencing me to purchase. Also including (or selling them as) line art so that I can color them in myself. I made that last part bold because the more I think about it the more I like it. It allows those of us without the time or talent to paint minis to effectively "paint" our own minis.

What creatures would I want?
-Sets of PC races drawn up in the different base classes (including 3PP classes)
-the entire Animal companion list (with size variations)
-Summon Monster list (in Fiendish and Celestial form)
-Summon Nature's Ally list
-Sets of common enemy races with different weapons (orcs, kobolds, goblins, humans, lizardfolk)
-Minis of some of the creatures that we are not likely to see come to plastic, or that are very expensive in plastic or metal:
--Dragons of different sizes and colors,
--the Jabberwock,
--the Bandersnatch (standard and frumious),
--elementals of different types in different sizes,

I'll stop there for now. After seeing how expensive the Pathfinder Battles sets are, I am very strongly inclined to move to paper minis for my home games. If I have to choose whether to spend money on gaming material and have...

Mind reader.


+infintiy on the color them yourself option!

Dark Archive


Seriously, it is incredibly rare to hunt down minis for commoners. The baker, the farmer, et al. And as Enrious said, even then they're all human.

If I'm going to set up a chase scene, or a fight in a market, I want it to be populated... by commoners, not 50 PC minis. How many wizards can a town hold anyway?

I'm not a big paper mini kind of guy. I really like the 3D. But if it's something like this, that I can't get from reaper or prepainted... definitely sign me up!


Did you get as much info as you were looking for? I could try to think up some more listy stuff that I would like to see in paper minis.


Grand Lodge

summon monster / nature ally packs
commonners (as mentioned above) packs
classes pack (e.g. fighter : all races, both genders)

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Matthew Winn wrote:


Seriously, it is incredibly rare to hunt down minis for commoners. The baker, the farmer, et al. And as Enrious said, even then they're all human.

If I'm going to set up a chase scene, or a fight in a market, I want it to be populated... by commoners, not 50 PC minis. How many wizards can a town hold anyway?

I'm not a big paper mini kind of guy. I really like the 3D. But if it's something like this, that I can't get from reaper or prepainted... definitely sign me up!

This. This seems like a perfect niche for paper minis. They're cheap and can be produced in large numbers. It seems way more realistic than hoping someone will do preprinted plastic commoners and the metal ones out there are relatively expensive compared to paper, especially in the numbers needed for a town scene, not to mention taking a lot of time and effort to paint. I would definitely buy paper commoners. Just make sure we have a large variety so the town square isn't full of dozens of copies of the same three people. :)

The other problem with using PC minis to populate the town square is it means the whole town is populated with healthy, fit, mostly good-looking young adults. The town evidently has no old people, no kids, no fat people, no balding people, very few ugly people (and those that are ugly all tend to be non-human), no pregnant women, no people who are missing a limb (unless you have some pirate minis then you get lots of peg legs or hook hands), few of them are dressed like someone who has an ordinary day job and just about everyone in town is armed to the teeth.

I'm always looking for more monsters.

Especially Bugbears and hobgoblins.

But a nice set of ARG characters would be nice, though $1 per paper mini seems a bit steep.

MaxKaladin wrote:
I would definitely buy paper commoners. Just make sure we have a large variety so the town square isn't full of dozens of copies of the same three people. :)

Agreed. However, they should all be holding pigs.

I'd be hoping it's $1 per sheet!

+1 to:
Summoned creatures/animals
Asian-themed characters, commoners and creatures
Non-cartoony (although excellent anime style ala Infinity minis would also get ME in)

+1 for Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally I-IX lists (and Summon Swarm, Rain of Frogs, Mad Monkeys, etc)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Totally mostly sorta off-topic. I think someone needs to make chocolate mini's then when you kill the monster you get the eat the chocolate mini and all would be right with the world. :)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Absolutely summoned monsters/summon natures ally creatures.

Off Topic:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Totally mostly sorta off-topic. I think someone needs to make chocolate mini's then when you kill the monster you get the eat the chocolate mini and all would be right with the world. :)

I have heard of using Gummy Bears to depict the monsters. You get to eat the Bear when you finish it off. I guess you could use Upside-Down W's if you wanted chocolate ones. Peanute butter cups (still in the little paper cup) for Large monsters.

Knowing the little I know about SGG, they are probably looking at charging $1 for a page or two of paper minis, much like the Bullet Point products. I imagine that depending on what each product is, it would be something like the following:

-SGG Paper Minis: Familiars: one or two pages with all the familiars represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Animal Companions: one or two pages with all the animal compaion options represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Summon Monster I-IV: 2 pages with all the monsters from Summon Monster I through Summon Monster IV represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Commoners: 2 pages of commoners of different ages and sexes

Rinse Wash Repeat the Awesomeness. For the record, I would pay $1 for any of the above.


as above, commoners and maybe the NPC's from the Gm's guide mixed in as well.

As for the style of them I found Serpent Skull a bit cartoony but Skull and Shackles ones are excellent. More like this please :)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

A few that would get my purchase:

* Summonable Monsters. You could break these out easily by spell and level (e.g. Summon Monster I, Summon Nature's Ally IV)
* Familiars
* New PC races from the ARG (both the "featured races" like the planetouched, and the "uncommon races", particularly the asian-themed ones).

I personally would not pay $1 for a single mini. However, a sheet or two of thematically linked minis would get my purchase. For example, $1 for all the familiars would be reasonable. I'd also pay $1 for, say, a couple sheets of Aasimars, representing all 22 of the sex/class combos for the core classes.

Liberty's Edge

There are a few mini types that I could really really use:

1) Tarasque, no good mini for him out there. In fact, minis for those BIG monsters would be great because there are very few options, and the options that do exist are expensive.

2) Commoners. The fact that they are card-board cut-outs would be so meta!

3) Swarms! - Again, not a lot of swarms get made.

4) BUNYIP - We need a Bunyip mini...

Perram wrote:
1) Tarasque, no good mini for him out there. In fact, minis for those BIG monsters would be great because there are very few options, and the options that do exist are expensive.

+1 to this. Now that I think of it, there aren't any big minis out there. It would be a lot of fun to have the ability to glue a gargantuan mini onto a file folder, trim, and set it out on the game mat to eat the PCs!

[joke]I would also be interested in a paper mini of a mound of dead bards. I know that there is a metal mini coming out soon from Zombie Orpheus for The Mask of Death, but I would do just as well with a paper one.[/joke]


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Itchy wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Yeah in my teens we did that, gummy bears, worms and i forget what else but we had a fairly big variety. One of the players playing a insanely well rolled half-ogre 2-h weilding fighter/barbarian did insane damage and ate most of the "mini's" and ended up getting sick. Though the package of sugar wafers he ate I am sure didn't help. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Off Topic Reply:
**chuckles** Hmmm... I'll keep that in mind if I ever roll up a combat monster and we are playing with gummy minis. I guess it's better getting sick on sweets than getting sick from eating paper minis as they are defeated, or worse: plastic minis. Or even worse: metal minis!


I know of one option for commoners (and that option is free) (and legal - thought that should be added!).

However, I'm not satisfied with the current offerings for mounted opponents.

Goblins/orcs on wolves, for instance.
I would love some decent dwarven bear cavalry (I only know one option for this, and I don't know I like the artwork enough).
Elves on something other than horses (stags/elk would be nice).

Granted, the only thing I'd probably get to use for rpgs is the goblin/wolf combo. But I am really looking forward to my dwarven bear cavalry decimating my wargaming friends' armies!

Itchy wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Knowing the little I know about SGG, they are probably looking at charging $1 for a page or two of paper minis, much like the Bullet Point products. I imagine that depending on what each product is, it would be something like the following:

-SGG Paper Minis: Familiars: one or two pages with all the familiars represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Animal Companions: one or two pages with all the animal compaion options represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Summon Monster I-IV: 2 pages with all the monsters from Summon Monster I through Summon Monster IV represented
-SGG Paper Minis: Commoners: 2 pages of commoners of different ages and sexes

Rinse Wash Repeat the Awesomeness. For the record, I would pay $1 for any of the above.


I would buy all of these immediately!

gigglestick wrote:
I would buy all of these immediately!

I see that you and I see eye to eye. Would you pay $1 for a single paper mini of a single Gargantuan creature?

I'm just curious. I'm not sure if I would or not. But I could see that being an option. It's certainly a better price than getting an actual gargantuan mini. What about 2 or 4 huge minis for $1?

Unrelated, I find it funny that if a teenager were texting my first sentence it would read, "I C that U N I C I 2 I."


I'm also interested in generic stuff like summoned monsters and familiars. They could also pinch hit for generic animals too most like.

How about sets like demons, devils, etc. etc? I imagine a small set of them of 1 or 2 pages is worth a $1

Grand Lodge

In no particular order:

Town Guard
Summoned Monsters

Itchy wrote:

Unrelated, I find it funny that if a teenager were texting my first sentence it would read, "I C that U N I C I 2 I."


That's far too coherent for today's teenagers.

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