Witches and oracles

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 1/5

I don't usually see any of these when i play PFS? reasons? do ppl not like these classes?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

It was only because of a well-prepared Witch that my party survived The Dalsine Affair.

My local VL has a Barbarian/Oracle/Rage Prophet, and his lady has an Oracle of her own.

I think I've seen one or two other witches/oracles locally, but I'm not sure.

Class distribution does tend to vary geographically. Out of curiosity, what do you see a lot of, and where do you play?


Yeah, I suspect it's locale. We're lousy with 'em here.

It depends on what groups you play in. I've seen several oracles and at least one witch, but I don't think I've ever seen a druid other than mine (for instance).

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Meghan Schmidt 86 wrote:

I don't usually see any of these when i play PFS? reasons? do ppl not like these classes?


I retired a gnome battle oracle. I really liked the character. I was pretty easily able to adapt to the needs of the party. While never having huge damage output or the ability to channel like a cleric, Utan was able to tank, heal, be the party face, and turned out to be quite the skill monkey.

Oracles are great alternatives to clerics.


I've seen a few oracles, and a witch or two. OTOH, in 18 or so sessions of PFS play, I've seen exactly one cleric. :-)

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Depends on your locale, I guess. I play an Oracle, and have GMed for several witches in the past few months. I've played a game a week for almost 8 months now and don't think I've ONCE seen a druid.

as others have said its locale.

I for one love Oracles, I have one and plan to expand that soon.

Dark Archive 1/5

it has to be locale her in Missouri I mostly see wizard or types like a bloat mage.....fighters,rogue, barbarians(only b/c me and a friend play them), and only 1 druid 1 monk 1 bard...feel like maybe I've seen a cleric but not sure.
manly the first two type with different arca-types or prestige classes for them.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Is there much PFS in MO? I'm heading down there to see family (Springfield area) and it'd be awesome to make a family PFS excursion.

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

Jiggy wrote:
Is there much PFS in MO? I'm heading down there to see family (Springfield area) and it'd be awesome to make a family PFS excursion.

There is an AWESOME group in Springfield. I'll see if I can get permission to send you their information so you can possibly game with them. They make a trip to Rolla every year for CogCon in the Fall and we have a blast. I'm actually going with them to GenCon this year and cannot wait for the trip. I'll send you a PM Jiggy if I can get you their information.

The Exchange 5/5

hay jiggy, swing by St. Louis.

Every tuesday they seat 4 to 6 tables at a local store (Game Nite), and there are several other games on different days of the week. Heck, if you were coming to town, I'd be sure to have more games lined up than you would have time to play!

On a note on Witches and Oracles. It is plainly local mix. I'm in St Louis and my wife runs one of both. I have seen several others. Not over run with them like Barbarians, but they're there.

For clerics I run 2, my wife one, my son one... but other than those I don't see many. And almost NO Druids. But then I've never seen a Samori and no strait Inquisitor (just PC's with a dip in Inq.).

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

nosig wrote:
hay jiggy, swing by St. Louis.

Thanks, but StL wouldn't exactly be "swinging by" when I'll be in Strafford, MO. ;)

Scarab Sages 5/5 **

I've got a mix of characters. Cleric is my main, an alchemist, rogue, magus, inquisitor and monk. Here in Rolla MO, we have a good mix of players with 2 Oracles that I can think of off the top of my head a handful of clerics spanning all tiers, and at least 1 witch. As for the base classes, there are as many of those in use as core classes here.

Silver Crusade 2/5

My primary character (Alexander Damocles) is indeed an oracle. And a sorcerer. Its truly an amazing class, very versatile with a good spell list.

3/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

David and I played with the guys at Games, Comics, etc. a couple of times this week (they were doing Echoes of the Everwar to get some characters retired in preparation for GenCon). They said they didn't have anything planned for this week. They normally only play every other week. So... there you go.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Mike Mistele wrote:
I've seen a few oracles, and a witch or two. OTOH, in 18 or so sessions of PFS play, I've seen exactly one cleric. :-)

Yet, here in Las Vegas, I have seen sessions with up to three Clerics at once.

Cleric of Sarenrae
Cleric of Pharasma
Cleric of Zon-Kuthon (Undead Lord, actually. Keeping those goody two-shoes from having to acknowledge my Undead Companion, while he lasted, was interesting. Fortunately, they didn't look under the cloak, and neither of them did a Detect Evil on me, since a Cleric of an Evil deity, even if he isn't evil, will register as evil...)

Interesting times....

Yeah, I have three clerics in my stable of PCs, one fairly standard (Desna, Travel & Liberation Domains, but only 1 XP), one a bit hinky, slightly higher level (Cleric Undead Lord, Zon-Kuthon, Undead Domain, Dhampir, just turned 2nd level); and one who is a high level PC, but with only 1 level of Cleric (Desna, Travel & Liberation Domains).

Shadow Lodge 4/5

At our LGS, I think I may be running the only 2 active Oracles (one pure Dual-Cursed Mystery of Life, one multi-class Paladin/Mystery of Lore). I've seen 1 witch in action.


Sammy T wrote:
At our LGS, I think I may be running the only 2 active Oracles (one pure Dual-Cursed Mystery of Life, one multi-class Paladin/Mystery of Lore). I've seen 1 witch in action.

Actually we've got two more Oracles coming up in the ranks. Unless I kill one of them tonight. And a Witch on the books (that I may also kill).

I've also got a Witch as my current GM Chronicle Dump. I've played her twice. So far I'm finding Witches to be really good as a support character/game balancer. With the various hexes, you can essentially tune an encounter, sleeping NPCs or modifying their Attack/AC/Saves. Really nice if you're playing something you've already GM'd and don't want to overtly drive the action.

The Witches I see tend to be secondary/tertiary/.../senary (in my case) characters and usually characters of people who also GM. I haven't seen anyone make a Witch as their primary character.

I think Oracles are criminally overlooked, as they provide a lot of flavor, a lot of utility, and a phenomenal amount of variety for a single class.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I don't think we've any witches here in Columbus, but I know a couple multiclassed Oracles exist.

I've seen a Paladin/Ninja/Oracle, (Ninjacle) and a bard/oracle) (Baracle, or Boracle).

Grand Lodge 4/5

Meghan Schmidt 86 wrote:

I don't usually see any of these when i play PFS? reasons? do ppl not like these classes?


Here in NYC/NJ area, my current high level active character is an Oracle of Stone (lvl 10 now). My GM Character is a Witch, I have actually palyed her 3 times.

As to others I know a guy in NJ who has 3 Oracle Characters. I have seen a few others who play oracles here and there at conventions and in the local group in NYC.

There are a few witches here and there as well, many low level and multi class, but there was a friend who moved to a different state who has a fairly high level Witch with a goat familar.

So all in all I think they are both very viable and fun classes to play.

Nathan Meyers
NYC Player/GM

Lantern Lodge 3/5

My wife's primary is her Hedge Witch and I play with quite a few people who run Oracles and Witches. Are they for me? Eh, maybe one day.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

I'm becoming convinced everyone has a Life Oracle laying around just in case the party is short a healer. Seriously.

I, myself, have a Winter Witch 5 that is a blast to play. It's a solid archetype on top of a fun class. And let's face it, Slumber Hex neuters encounters.


Matthew Morris wrote:

I don't think we've any witches here in Columbus, but I know a couple multiclassed Oracles exist.

I've seen a Paladin/Ninja/Oracle, (Ninjacle) and a bard/oracle) (Baracle, or Boracle).

Boracle. Have one myself. :-)

In MEPA con in april of this year, I played the only witch at the convention. And I don't know many others that play witches at the local pfs. I personally love the versatility of witches. Need heals? Got em. Need Damage spells? Got em. Need more magic after a spell exhaustive battle? Got hexes.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Zakur Opzan wrote:
In MEPA con in april of this year, I played the only witch at the convention. And I don't know many others that play witches at the local pfs. I personally love the versatility of witches. Need heals? Got em. Need Damage spells? Got em. Need more magic after a spell exhaustive battle? Got hexes.

So what you're saying is that I need to make sure to make it to MEPACON in November and bring my witch. Got it.

nosig wrote:
On a note on Witches and Oracles. It is plainly local mix. I'm in St Louis and my wife runs one of both. I have seen several others. Not over run with them like Barbarians, but they're there.

Ironically, I think the rarest class I've encountered is Barbarian. From what I recall, I've only ever met one PC that was 1/6 barbarian.

The Exchange 5/5

hogarth wrote:
nosig wrote:
On a note on Witches and Oracles. It is plainly local mix. I'm in St Louis and my wife runs one of both. I have seen several others. Not over run with them like Barbarians, but they're there.
Ironically, I think the rarest class I've encountered is Barbarian. From what I recall, I've only ever met one PC that was 1/6 barbarian.

talk about strange... Local differences plainly.

I have a friend I game with who has a dozen PCs... we kid him that they all are some form of Barbarian. He replies that they are not ALL barbarians, just the ones he plays (something like 6 or 8 of them).

and I've resently seen a game with 3 barbs of 5 PCs... two were multi-class (one an Urban Barbarian), but still...

nosig wrote:
and I've resently seen a game with 3 barbs of 5 PCs... two were multi-class (one an Urban Barbarian), but still...

The most memorable party I can think of had 3 bards, 2 wizards and...a cleric, I think?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mike Mistele wrote:
I've seen a few oracles, and a witch or two. OTOH, in 18 or so sessions of PFS play, I've seen exactly one cleric. :-)

I've seen a LOT of oracles in play. The clerics I run into tend to be negative channelers. Have yet to see any witches in PFS.

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