Lucent |
Hey everyone!
I thought I'd share some design work I've been doing for my personal Pathfinder campaigns. I've been enjoying the Golarion setting for a while, and have recently been putting together a wiki of changes to the setting that have been happening since we've been playing (my group is ~30 years ahead of the current 'established' timeline right now).
We had started Council of Thieves right around the time it was first released, but had to cut it short during The Sixfold Trial. Now after all that time, we're going back to it and I decided to make a campaign logo for the wiki to coincide with all the others.
The design for the logo is based on the decisions the players all made during the campaign's beginning. One of the main characters is a follower of Milani, and themed the group after her. They also chose to wear theater masks as disguises while performing their daring deeds as a unifying "outfit."
The logo is designed to show off the symbolism of Milani (a rose growing up from between blood-soaked cobblestones), the masks of their organization, and the symbol of Asmodeus representing the aristocracy of Westcrown.
I don't think you can embed images, so here's a fancy hyperlink!
I hope you all like it, and if there's interest I'll show some of the other ones I'm working on later.
spalding |
Well I think it works in a generic sense as in across the AP regardless of group) rather well due to the themes involved. Perhaps you could change the white background to a cracked paving stone with a touch of greenery coming through to show both the devastation/decay the town is going through during the entire thing and the regrowth that is happening too (indeed in some ways the regrowth is part of what is decaying the city already)...
But I don't know how deep you want to get into it. Seeing as it is a 'finished piece' (if there is such a thing) I still think it's great.
Lucent |
Unrelated, but here's one I did for the current campaign I am running. Non AP-related:
Behind this high-quality, hand-crafted crafted link!
It's sort of Doctor Who meets Stargate Universe meets Howl's Moving Castle, with the PCs trapped in/stuck with an interdimensionally traveling castle that they cannot control. So they do site exploration inside their own crazy castle, as it has a proliferation of locked doors/unexplored rooms, and then do module-style adventures whenever they 'land' at a new location between trips through the Maelstrom.