Feint and combat manuver defense

Rules Questions

Apparently feint only works for removing the dex bonus to AC. Is there some way that a character can use feint to reduce his opponent's combat maneuver defense?

Is seems odd that a character can distract to stab a target but not use feint to his advantage when he's using combat maneuvers like disarm, dirty trick, or steal.


Is there some way I can make this happen without making a new feat or implementing house rules?

How is this for a feat?

Exploiting feint: When you successfully use feint on a target the target looses their dexterity bonus to their combat maneuver defense to the next attack made against them on or before your next turn. You also gain a +2 to your combat maneuver bonus on this attack.

Is attack the correct term?

Is the +2 bonus warranted or too much?

Tyrrell wrote:

Apparently feint only works for removing the dex bonus to AC. Is there some way that a character can use feint to reduce his opponent's combat maneuver defense?

Is seems odd that a character can distract to stab a target but not use feint to his advantage when he's using combat maneuvers like disarm, dirty trick, or steal.

Under Combat Maneuver Defense:

d20pfsrd.com wrote:

Miscellaneous Modifiers

A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane, and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD. Any penalties to a creature's AC also apply to its CMD. A flat-footed creature does not add its Dexterity bonus to its CMD.

So the lowered Dex bonus already affects the CMD for further combat maneuvers. At least that's the way I read this.

I didn't see that. thank you.

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