Why even have an alignment?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

I have to request that some abilities in the race guide have eratta to give 1/2 damage to neutral characters. I ask because for many characters unless alignment is part of a class of feat it is an after thought. And some archetypes drow and teifling give up channeling negative energy to focus against good ignoring the neutral even though they will face neutral foes. This gives PCs an incentive NOT to choose an alignment. I just ask that they give damage to all non evil. Full damage to an opposed alignment and half to neutral.

so we can argue on forums

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, an alignment thread. Must be Tuesday again.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, at least it's not about Paladins yet.

Dark Archive

No arguement just a request or suggestion. This can be a future feat. But I can't see an evil character giving up channel negative energy to effect any living creature to effect only good creatures. In books and stories these races fight against each other just as much. not having an alignment looks to be the best defense. And there looks not to be too many benefits for having an alignment.

they're trying to divorce alignment from the game mechanics

Dark Archive

Pomkin wrote:
they're trying to divorce alignment from the game mechanics

I hope this is not the case, I am posting this in response to some features in the race guide (which just came out) that run on the mechanics of an alignment system.

Souphin wrote:
Pomkin wrote:
they're trying to divorce alignment from the game mechanics
I hope this is not the case, I am posting this in response to some features in the race guide (which just came out) that run on the mechanics of an alignment system.

I'm pretty sure channel evil refers to creatures that have good as an intrinsic part of their being i.e. good outsiders

Dark Archive

> pomkin not picking on you just conversation

These evil characters can do the same damage with channel negative. For an npc or villan all the PCs have to do but be neutral and they can avoid all types of issues. I even think that a paladin's aura should only effect good allies and the effect is half as good for neutral allies

Grand Lodge

As a player I like the alignment system.
How other feel about alightment leaving

I don't mind alignment tied to mechanics, so long as things are not completely rigid. (That gets into the arguments around alignment that have been going on for... more than 40 years. ;) However, I don't like rigidly constructing alignment into the game flavor. For example, I don't use exactly one outer plane for each alignment.

I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on this one, but you did ask. :)


Grand Lodge

Thank you Rabit I don't want the system to go away and I'd like it to stay

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