Chartered Company :: The Golden Flask

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I'm still here, no where else will they let me drink to heart contented.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

First off, thanks for the invite to check your group out Virgil, but at the moment not sure about guilds. Will probably stay a free agent, to be impartial but I will keep the Golden Flask in mind.

Goblin Squad Member

Gideon Black wrote:
First off, thanks for the invite to check your group out Virgil, but at the moment not sure about guilds. Will probably stay a free agent, to be impartial but I will keep the Golden Flask in mind.

No problem! If we aren't your tankard of ale then feel free to look elsewhere or brew your own. The reason we're here to start with is I was having trouble finding a group to match my tastes, so I grabbed some barley and hops and here we are.

Feel free to change your mind and wander back over though.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

So many questions.

What's the proof of holy ale?
Where should we hide the good stuff?
Does gentle repose apply to hops?
Where can we find a bar keep with the ray of frost cantrip?

Goblin Squad Member

1. 180
B. Top Shelf
Third. No
Lastly. By the Gods, I hope so.

Goblin Squad Member

Virgil Firecask wrote:
Well, the first views of the game are drawing near. Who all is still hanging around our little pub?

The tech demo should be presented to Paizo soon and the video(s) created. Still a way to go from there but progress is good.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Does the proof of Golden Flask healing potions increase with the efficacy of the potion?

Goblin Squad Member

Ajaxis wrote:
Does the proof of Golden Flask healing potions increase with the efficacy of the potion?

Well, the proof adds temporary hit points. So, you'll feel pretty good at first, then you'll feel worse later on.

Still floating around despite the recurring arch-nemesis, the Real Life Monster. (Getting one's house painted takes a lot more $$ when it's the outside.)

Goblin Squad Member

Heya! I don't see the Golden Flask on the Guild rush list... are you guys still in business?

Goblin Squad Member

Mr. Firecask, I am certain my fellow Warden of Gold Hroderich Gottfrei would be interested in sharing a drink and joining you in battle sometime. Our company might also have need of caravan guards at times. As such, please note that the Keepers of the Circle Chancery is now open for any foreign envoys that might wish to parlay with us.

Erian El'ranelen, Warden of Gold, Keepers of the Circle

Goblin Squad Member

We're still in business. The problem is that we didn't have the $500 to front in order to be listed in the land rush. So, we're going to do things the hard way. We're going to build things from scratch.

Hello there Virgil,

As an emissary of the nation of Aeturnum may I hold out an offer of diplomatic contacts to your goodselves.


Emissary of the Nation of Aeturnum

Goblin Squad Member

ZenPagan wrote:

Hello there Virgil,

As an emissary of the nation of Aeturnum may I hold out an offer of diplomatic contacts to your goodselves.


Emissary of the Nation of Aeturnum

You, good sir, may come and buy a drink and chat any time you'd like.

Goblin Squad Member

Stupid, confounded, technological doodads and gizmos.

Our home away from here appears to be back up and running. If you have any problems getting to it, let me know.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

<chuckles> I really like your rules!

Goblin Squad Member

Deianira wrote:
<chuckles> I really like your rules!

It's a short list of rules, but encompasses so much.

Goblin Squad Member

As a fellow Elite Brew Master I'm wondering if you agree, rather than getting our unique brews placed in every tavern in the River Kingdoms, we should ask for the unique recipe to make our brews.

Part of the appeal of the Elite Brew Master, for the $300 investment, was that that was the cheapest pledge level to get into the first month of EE. But, after the 2nd Kickstarter hit $1,000,000, that first month EE was given to everyone who came before the 1 million mark.

I would much rather have a unique recipe, so I can make and sell my own stock of my own brew. When it is made, it will still have our names on it. We just have to sell it on our own, rather than just having it in the taverns.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure. It all comes down to how consumable beverages like that work in the game. Are they purely social? Do they give certain benefits? Are they needed for bribes, rewards, or other such things for NPCs?

Also, I'm a brewmaster. Not an elite one. I'm just planning on owning and maintaining a brewery and tavern.

Goblin Squad Member

So, should we build a settlement or a tavern first?

I think we need somewhere to put our feet up and drain a pint after a long day of... doing... whatever it is that we do.

Of course, having somewhere to hang our hat after we've dragged ourselves bodily through the threshold of the tavern and out into the street when last call has sounded her mournful tune and the world threatens to slowly soak us in sobriety. It's nice to have someplace to crawl that long crawl to as the world spins and threatens to throw you off its surface into the void of the Dark Tapestry. Someplace you can wake and recover when it feels like Rovagug is trying claw his way out of your skull.

Hrm... I'm undecided.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, there should definitely be a tavern.

A place for thirsty adventurers to rest after a spot of goblin-bashing.

A place for shady deals to be struck in dark corners.

A place for would-be bards to practice their songs, and collect a few tips (or rotten fruit).

A place for lovers to gaze soulfully at each other while the other patrons make gagging noises.

A place for enemies to share a cordial toast... or a knife in the back.

Yes... a tavern! Let the military types build their settlements. They'll spend their pay packets on your ale with a smile!

Goblin Squad Member

Settlements—In order to create a player settlement, a fort must be advanced using a special settlement construction process. Before this can begin, the hex must be cleared of any watchtowers or forts owned by any character not a signatory of the settlement's charter. Building a settlement requires massive amounts of resources and extensive amounts of time.

The features of a settlement are varied and warrant their own separate dev blog. Since we do not expect the first player settlements to be introduced into the game until well after launch, we'll reserve those details for now.

Sounds like settlement construction will be hard work. Much too hard to go about with a dry throat. =)

Goblin Squad Member

You've convinced me! A tavern it is!

Now if only we knew what that would provide us with.

Goblin Squad Member

Drinks...I would think. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Free drinks for life?! By Cayden's sword hand, if that's true then we definitely need to build one of these!

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

That depends on the drinks. Last night, a couple of friends brought over a bottle of Brennivin (hope I'm spelling it right) schnapps they brought back from Iceland. Weird stuff - licorice flavor with an herby aftertaste. I will pass on that particular free drink, thanks!

Goblin Squad Member

Well, I've got good news and bad news.

First, the good news: We're in the Kickstarter Land Rush!

That's right. I ponied up the capital to get us registered. A fine Mr Dancey said that we'd be listed with everyone else once they redo the big poll of companies with a full listing.

Now it's time for the bad news... We're in the Kickstarter Land Rush! That means we need to actually do some work and actually do some napkin scribbling and write down our options.

It seems there are a few folks that are kind of curious if we'll do a settlement, because we seem to be the only people crazy enough to throw together a chaotic one.

Goblin Squad Member

I can likely scrounge up some extra napkins for you if you think that would help. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Hey, some of the best ideas I've ever heard of were originally scribbled on bar napkins.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

So, being as we'll only have the four base classes (fighter, cleric, wizard, rogue) that we're starting with in early enrollment: What are people looking at picking?

I think I'm going to head the cleric route.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon will be a Wizard, without doubt.

The real question for me will be what I do with my Destiny's Twin. I've given a lot of thought to whether I want to dedicate an entire character to some of the more utility skills that I expect to need, or whether I want to take the hit on my main character to diversify into those skills.

Goblin Squad Member

Fighter definitely.

How have you and the Golden Flask crew been Virgil?

Goblin Squad Member

Areks wrote:
How have you and the Golden Flask crew been Virgil?

Pretty good. Things have been quiet online, but my RL friends and I have been planning some things.

Nihimon wrote:
The real question for me will be what I do with my Destiny's Twin. I've given a lot of thought to whether I want to dedicate an entire character to some of the more utility skills that I expect to need, or whether I want to take the hit on my main character to diversify into those skills.

I'm having the same problem. I may just have my Destiny's Twin sit idle and wait for other classes to open up. Then just power level it up with all of that saved up experience.

Goblin Squad Member

Rogue without a doubt. Looking at the blogs on crafting and architecture it seems like many crafting activities are set and forget type things. I'll probably dedicated my destiny's twin toward those types of activities to just generate money for my main.

Goblin Squad Member

So, apparently we can be an influential part of the game while still being loudmouth braggart mercenaries. This is the best of both worlds!

Goblin Squad Member

Take a POI, plant your Tavern, and commence loudmouthidness. =) Glad to hear your role is going to be a supported one.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Is The Golden Flask Flask still a thing? There looks be be some nice spots for a watering hole near the big three and who wouldn't want the best bar in the world right in their own back yard?

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I'll have a beer and a bump.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Last call, Anyone?

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I HOPE they're still out there! I need a tavern to hang out in...

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I'm just concerned that fashionably late may not be the best way to play it for the landrush.

Goblin Squad Member

I see that The Golden Flask will have a sub-group of Monster Slayers! Will you have specialists in that group, say, Dragonslayers?

I'd LOVE to see a group of Dragonslayers out there for hire!

Goblin Squad Member

Of COURSE we're still around. We might just have nodded off a bit.

Just check out our tavern's message board. We've had the maid through recently and her dog cleaned up all of the scraps on the floor.

The Golden Flask is more of an organic group as far as planning. That's as in growing in whatever direction we end up growing. If we've got a bunch of monster slayers, then we're going to be cleaning up the world one escalation at a time. If we've got a bunch of mercenaries for hire, well, then we'll be hiring out as a bunch of mercenaries. Then again, who says we can't do both?

I don't want to be in a position of promising a lot of things about a game that no one has played yet that does things the way no game has done before. It just wouldn't be right.

The one thing I can promise is that we're going to have fun, because that's the whole reason I made this group. Well, that and there weren't any CG groups out there.

By the way, we'd love to have a cleric of Desna. Desna is good people... err... deity.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On a serious note (since I am Virgil Firecask):

The whole concept of this group was to intentionally be the loveable misfits. At the time it was created, there were a bunch of people creating LG, LN, LE groups with the occasional NE and CE groups popping up. They were all very serious concepts about honor, glory, trade, assassination, PvP, etc. No one had created anything that was "for fun" nor had anyone created anything CG.

So, I threw together the persona Virgil Firecask and his group The Golden Flask to be a safe haven for people who just wanted to have fun without worrying about being part of a big military power that was flooded with rules and bylaws. There's plenty of space in a world like this for a bunch of drunken heroes for hire who are playing this because they enjoy the game with people they can call friends.

All that being said, we'll take about anyone as long as you follow the one real rule we have, "Don't be a jerk***." If you can follow that, then we can probably get along. We're just here to have fun.

-Gregg Reece aka Virgil Firecask

PS: Yes, it's true... I don't really even drink.

*** Paraphrased, since I'm not sure I should say it on the Paizo Boards.

Goblin Squad Member

Prophecy, a CN settlement, would love to have you and your company. A bunch of fun loving misfits would be a perfect fit. Let me know if something like that might be of interest to you.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I am getting exited for the landrush and was trying to work out how The Golden Flask fit in with that.

Landrush for an outpost tavern?

Open a bar a a big city?

Franchise bars in every city?

Build in a settlement hex later?

Just get together for drinks and adventure?

I'm open, just chomping at the bit to get started playing and am enjoying seeing how this all develops. I'm more motivated to adventure and have a good time than to politic and TGF seems like a good fit. There will be lots of jockeying for position in the coming weeks and wanted to see how TGF is planning on handling it. It's not everyday you get to be part of the birth of a world.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Landrush is definitely in the picture. Taverns are going to be useful things as well.

If everyone is charging out and taking the good settlement hexes, then who is going to hit the PoI hexes? We could technically be a frontrunner as far as that's concerned.

Goblin Squad Member

Be part of the team that gets the settlement and then get the POI with settlement blessing (and support). (And I will work for another, with which Cayden will be happy.

Goblin Squad Member

I have founded a guild! Officially! Except it hasn't been approved yet! Yet! We'll get there! Waiting! Apply soon!

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