Wands & word-casting (words of power)

Rules Questions

if your using a word-caster then do they refer to their class list or their word list????????? i.e a sorc word-caster using a wand of magic missile or would he have to use a wand of force bolt ??

brandon flowers 477 wrote:
if your using a word-caster then do they refer to their class list or their word list????????? i.e a sorc word-caster using a wand of magic missile or would he have to use a wand of force bolt ??

If you are a Wordcaster and do not have standard casting, you must use the Use Magic Device skill to cast spells from scrolls and wands that appear in the standard casting spell lists. Similarly, a standard caster would need to utilize UMD on Words of Power based scrolls and wands.

If you are a Wordcaster and come upon a wand or scroll of an Effect Word in your Word List, then you can activate it without UMD, just as a standard caster could with a regular spell.

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