Porting Genasi from Forgotten Realms


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So I have been preping for a Forgotten Realms Calimport game using pathfinder rules. Most of the FR races port pretty simply since I am not allowing any of the underdark ones or the special ones out of Races of Faerun.

The genasi on the other hand are a bit of a quandry for me. The aasamir & tiefling are pretty much exactly what they where in FR in the first bestiary,so a friend of mine suggested looking up the Ifrit, Oread, Undine & Sylph from beastiary 2 to replace the genasi.

Thing is while they have similar themes, they are completely different in so many way, & as far as I can tell alot of the level adjusted races from FR are even with the core ones in pathfinder.

Thoughts? Should I keep the genasi from the FR 3rd edition campaign setting as is, or just plug in the replacements from bestiary 2?

Liberty's Edge

Considering that the races from Bestiary 2 are already balanced against the core races, as well as already being a part of the Pathfinder rules, I would suggest a simple plug-in. If someone wants to play one of the genasi races, just inform them of the replacement. Simple as that.

DemonicEgo wrote:
Considering that the races from Bestiary 2 are already balanced against the core races, as well as already being a part of the Pathfinder rules, I would suggest a simple plug-in. If someone wants to play one of the genasi races, just inform them of the replacement. Simple as that.

Aren't they a little more powerful than a core race? Same as tiefling/aasimar.

But they are the closest things in PF. Also, the Advanced Race Guide hits the shelves soon, probably plenty of info in their to tweak the elemental races or make your own.

Grand Lodge

I really like FR but I'm by no means a HUGE FR guy.

That being said -- I use the Genasi when I game. When a Player asks to run an Oread or a Sylph, for example (and the two that have been played in my games the past year), I say "Sure, BUT -- it's really an Earth Genasi and an Air Genasi."

All Genasi, all the way.

chrids wrote:

Aren't they a little more powerful than a core race? Same as tiefling/aasimar.

Not really. Even if you give them proficiency with all martial weapons thanks to being outsiders, it is still hard to recommend them over human from an optimization standpoint. Drow Noble and Stix are really the only ones to be concerned about, and Stix isn't an issue after level 6 or so.

I'd hold out for the Advanced Races Guide if you're looking for solid guidelines on how to convert them in the PF style. Some inspirations in the meantime can be found here.

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138573 has some interesting albeit old fashioned ideas.

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/conversions/pathfinderGenasi&page=1 are great great options for plug and play.

Gensai feats from 4e could also be used with minimal alterations.

I worked up a conversion for a FR game I was going to run;

Genasi (Air)
As written in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting save as follows:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom. Air genasi are quick of hand and sharp of wit, but easily distracted.
Spell-Like Abilities: Air genasi can use levitate once per day using their character level as their caster level.

Genasi (Earth)
As written in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting save as follows:
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma. Earth genasi are tough and strong, but stubborn.
Spell-Like Abilities: Earth genasi can use pass without trace once per day using their character level as their caster level.

Genasi (Fire)
As written in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting save as follows:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Fire genasi are fast and intelligent, but impatient and quick to anger.
Control Flame: Fire genasi use their character level as their caster level for this power.

Genasi (Water)
As written in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting save as follows:
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Water genasi have high endurance and are insightful, but are cold and emotionally distant.
Spell-Like Abilities: Water genasi can use create water once per day using their character level as their caster level.

Thanks for all the replies. After looking over it all, we decided to go with the bestiary 2 variants instead of the genasi ones.

Interestingly, we also found the Suli in bestiary 3 which fits really well into the setting, so I threw that in there under the planetouched as a "high born" djinn descendant.

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SaintSinner40k wrote:

Thanks for all the replies. After looking over it all, we decided to go with the bestiary 2 variants instead of the genasi ones.

Interestingly, we also found the Suli in bestiary 3 which fits really well into the setting, so I threw that in there under the planetouched as a "high born" djinn descendant.

Check out the Advanced Race Guide for some nice thematic enhancements to the "Genasi" races as well as Aasimar and Tieflings.....and many more!


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