re: are monks proficient with the Shang Gou?

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Quick question: I see that the Shang Gou, on page 45 of the Ultimate Combat book falls into the “monk” weapon group. On page 131, the Shang Gou is listed under the Martial weapon category, but under the special note, it is listed as a monk weapon. Does this mean that monks are proficient in the weapon? Thanks.

Grand Lodge

No. Just because it is a monk weapon, doesn't mean monks are proficient with it.
They can flurry with it.

Silver Crusade

Blackbloodtroll Thanks for your answer.

I find this to be confusing. So theoretically, there can be a "fighter weapon" but the fighter won't necessarily be proficient in it just as there are monk weapons but monks are not proficient in them? So weapon proficiency is granted by feats rather then wether a weapon is called "fighter" (hypothetically) or monk?

Then a "monk weapon " doesn't mean a monk can wield it, just that they can use the weapon in a "flurry of blows" correct?


"Monk" is a weapon property that allows a monk to use it in a Flurry of Blows. It does not mean that every monk is proficient in the weapon, much the same as Trip is a weapon quality which confers appropriate benefits when tripping, but doesn't automatically mean that everyone with Improved Trip can utilise the weapon with proficiency.

Silver Crusade

ayronc thanks

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