DM needs help with Elemental Planes


Hey, I'm about to start running my first campaign. The adventurers must travel to the core of each elemental plane (earth, air, fire, water) to retrieve the essence of the plane. Then, they will find out that the negative plane is drawing too much energy, and they have to go there to correct the imbalance.

So, I need information on the planes. I've found a bunch already, I just have a few questions.

What are cool monsters/places on each plane? I've pretty much got the elements covered, just working on the negative plane now. I've got a good base of creatures for the others, but please suggest some cool ones in case I've missed them. Mostly I need stuff for the Negative plane, all I know is that it's full of undead.

Where can I find more information on the planes? Is there a book at all dedicated to them?

The characters are level 9 to start, but they will be picking up allies on the way. So creatures of CR less then 20 are good.

don't have it, haven't read it, but it's all about critters from the shadow plane.

[url= ond-A-Guide-to-the-Multiverse
It's got good info on the elemental planes, as well as the shadow plane, and the negative energy plane.

I've had a huge amount of fun running elemental plane adventure chains in my campaigns.

edited to add: derp. the link for the great beyond book seems to hate me.

Negative Energy Plane would have plenty of undead, wights, wraiths, and specters being the notable rank and file. For a main bad guy, a vampire or lich.

Since the very nature of the plane is the anti thesis to life players will be constantly bombarded by lethal energies. Any local that reduces are blocks the planes energies would be notable as well as any point where it becomes even more deadly.

In 2nd ED Planescape the plane of negative energy dealt a few d6 negative energy to everything on it every round. Pretty thematic, you should consider adding it. It really drives home the plane's aversion to life in general. It would also heal all the undead baddies, too (probably like +1 CR to them).

For higher-end opponents you should look at the Nightshades in bestiary 2.

To add some variety to the dreary landscape, you could throw in castles, cities and other structures/places that slid onto the negative plane from one of the infinite number of prime material planes due to powerful magic.
These places could still have their original inhabitants as undead of various types. That way you can avoid the PCs meeting "just another wight" with no backstory.

Also to consider is the addition of living or at least half living enemies to spice things up. Anything that is healed by negative energy would be fine. For example dhampirs, also from bestiary 2.

If you can find an old Planescape setting book lying around somewhere, it has pretty nice descriptions of each plane, including the inner planes that you're looking for.

Not sure if it's the case in pathfinder but in d&d the negative energy plane used to deal permanent negative energy damage to people... all the time. I guess it's the same on the plane of fire. Travel might be hard on the plane of earth... well I hope they know how to survive on those planes?

Actually even the plane of positive energy kills (burst) you in no time. (does too in Pathfinder, just checked)

Yup, it'll be difficult. Maybe they have to be higher level then 9 xD Or else I'll just give them more help.

I'm doing a pathfinder campaign, so stuff specific to that would be prefered, but I can do some D&D conversions.

The undead is good, makes perfect sense for the negative plane. I think my idea is a lich discovered how to raise undead elementals. Yes, I know they are a single entity and have no soul, but magic!

Who are the leaders of each of the planes? Earth Air Fire Water leaders?

I don't think any of the elemental planes had a leader. The various genies are usually portrayed as the most organized power group, but the elder elementals are usually portrayed as more powerful.

You could easily make negative energy elemental-like creatures.

The would be other creatures on the planes as well, like efreet on the plane of fire. Look up the city of brass.

Also, just as on our world there are more ans less deadly environments, so on the the elemental planes are there places safe for those from the prime material.

As a suggestion, make the journey from plane to plane interesting. They could navigate an endless fog from water to air, travel by lighting from air to earth, and sail a sea of magma from earth to fire.

They're just teleporting back to the material plane after finishing at each plane, but there are going to be areas where they get sucked from one plane to another.

As for the leaders, I'm just using the names of the 4 elemental lords from D&D. Grumbar, Akadi, Istishia, and Kossuth. They will be Elder elementals.

I can share the pages I'm working on, I've been writing all the adventures in google docs. Perhaps when it's finished I'll post everything.

Actually, I'm making some sub planes, so they can travel from plane to plane without returning to the material plane. Thank you for that idea Ciaran Barnes. I'm thinking obsidian plane between fire and water, desert between earth and air, mud between water and earth, magma between earth and fire, and ice between air and water. I found some cool monsters to stick into each one.

Someone already made negative energy elementals. Also, there are core para-elementals from between the planes: lightning (air and fire), magma (fire and earth), mud (earth and water) and ice (water and air). The fire/water and earth/air pairs don't show up much because those are often considered opposites. (You left fire/air off your list BTW.)

Also, CR 11 sounds a bit low for the leader of an entire plane. I thought there was a category above elder, but maybe that was in 3.5.

Edit: Actually, anything short of a deity ruling an entire plane seems off to me. Remember the inner planes are just as big as any of the outer planes or the material plane. You could even reasonably have whole separate worlds within each inner plane. An elemental ruling such an area would work.

Edit again: Also, IIRC, there are para-elemental areas between the inner planes and the positive and negative energy planes, though I can't remember what most of them are. (I think ash was negative/fire, dust was negative/earth, ...)

Prepare for some AD&D goodness:

View from the Positive Pole:

View from the Negative Pole:

The inner Ring are the 8 Quasi-Elemental Planes.
Ooze, Magma, Smoke and Ice are the Para-Elemental Planes.

More on that here on Wikipedia.

Could you build that into a 3d model for us real quick? :)

Take a d6 or a d8. On a d6 the elemental and energy planes are the faces (they're on the points on a d8) while the quasi- and para-elemental planes are the edges (still on the edges on a d8).

I have plenty of time to figure out details... Maybe I'll make the leaders of the planes elemental dragons. Those are CR ~20.

I'm not lining up the planes exactly, or at least properly, but I have a picture in my head and it'll work. Elemental planes are the 4 sides, negative on top positive on bottom. And between the planes are the para planes. Near the core of the "cube" of planes are the essences of the elements, and you can pass between I just finished almost all of my beastiary tonight, so I've got all the monsters that I'm going to use (organized by planed and CR!), except the negative plane (need more undead)

Check it out!

Before D&D4 came out, there was some discussion of the Points of Light setting. IIRC, the elemental planes were replaced by the elemental chaos, which ended up looking a lot like limbo. Just a suggestion of what the middle of the cube might look like.

Also, if you are using a cube, you can't get directly from Fire to Water, Earth to Air or Positive to Negative. You'd have to go through the center or one of the other faces first.

Edit: Well, since you have more than 3 dimensions to work with, that doesn't necessarily have to be true.

Grand Lodge

Legacy of Fire can help.

Legacy of Fire:
There are a number of encounters on the plane of fire.

@ Blackbloodtroll That legacy of fire doesn't tell much.... There are lots of encounters everywhere :P

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