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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Still not interested.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Still not interested.

Call the President and advise him how heartbroken I am.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

He sends his best wishes on your speedy recovery.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I watched it again last night before a disastrous game of D&D and...I didn't like it half as much.

Maybe it was because I was less high, or maybe it was because watching it on a small screen took away from the visual awesomeness, but, upon second viewing, all of the plot holes seemed a lot more glaring.

Beautiful movie, some good acting, pretty dumb script.

Eh, that's Hollywood for you.

SuperSlayer wrote:
What pilot are you talking about?

Fun as it is trying to remember what you were thinking five months ago, I think I was refering to the original pilot of the Engineer ship. You know, the guy David saw a recording of, plotting a course for Earth. Obviously he didn't fly the ship to Earth 2,000 years ago. But why? He didn't die in a way to leave a corpse lying around the bridge, and the bridge didn't seem like there had been any alien contamination.

Did he just accidentally cryo-sleep when he was not supposed to? Whoops?

Slaunyeh wrote:
SuperSlayer wrote:
What pilot are you talking about?

Fun as it is trying to remember what you were thinking five months ago, I think I was refering to the original pilot of the Engineer ship. You know, the guy David saw a recording of, plotting a course for Earth. Obviously he didn't fly the ship to Earth 2,000 years ago. But why? He didn't die in a way to leave a corpse lying around the bridge, and the bridge didn't seem like there had been any alien contamination.

Did he just accidentally cryo-sleep when he was not supposed to? Whoops?

That could be answered many different ways on what could of happened to that pilot. The sequel has some explaining to do still and that pilot anything could of happened to him. Maybe he put himself in Cryo-Sleep like Ripley did in Aliens.

The Exchange

Apart from the fact they killed the Aliens v. Predator history by

Creating the Aliens species on the Planet when they get there
, I think It sucked and blowed at the same time. I don't think anyone understood (nor the director or the writer) that the important bit was the story of
the Low IQ Christian Zealot who having seen her world view crumble with the thought that her creators were now planning to wipe out humanity - a conclusion she jumps to on the assumption that her god is angry at her and wants humanity extinct. Then her conclusion that these are not her creator because her creator is a nurturing one, so she kills them, and when she realizes that her 'outraged god' is almost indestructible and is coming for her - she must kill him by feeding him to her devil-spawn/mega-squid/face-hugger child and leave him to be destroyed while she flees her ultimate act of patricide. It is a significant scene - The realization that once the religious belief systems of the religious zealot fails utterly - she becomes the greatest threat - not only because stripped of everything she would murder for survival having proven she would sacrifice the lives of others for her beliefs but not herself for theirs - but in a way she is far more dangerous to earth than the engineer and his ship filled with biological terraforming ooze. She is the bearer of a message of a broken covenant - a seed of 'God is not with us - he is against us' that would have grown like a weed among the other Low IQ Zealots on earth.

In the end the message is: The Low IQ Zealot is the mother of a survival Trait born from the broken covenant of the inevitable failure of faith in the blinding light of absolute Truth.

As a message for the future goes it is that the religious nutters will turn on us when their belief systems fail utterly.

Sovereign Court

For those who can't wait for the sequel, the video game Aliens : Colonial Marines will be out in march apparently.

Just gonna leave this here...

The Exchange

Detect Magic wrote:
Just gonna leave this here...

They don't have a clue either...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Damon Lindelof (one of the writers of Prometheus) wrought for Lost (the television show)... Pretty much sums it up.

Shadow Lodge

yellowdingo wrote:
Detect Magic wrote:
Just gonna leave this here...
They don't have a clue either...

Since you're the subject-matter expert in that field, I'll take your word for it.

Detect Magic wrote:
Damon Lindelof (one of the writers of Prometheus) wrought for Lost (the television show)... Pretty much sums it up.

Lost in Space.

yellowdingo wrote:

Apart from the fact they killed the Aliens v. Predator history by ** spoiler omitted **, I think It sucked and blowed at the same time. I don't think anyone understood (nor the director or the writer) that the important bit was the story of ** spoiler omitted **

In the end the message is: The Low IQ Zealot is the mother of a survival Trait born from the broken covenant of the inevitable failure of faith in the blinding light of absolute Truth.

As a message for the future goes it is that the religious nutters will turn on us when their belief systems fail utterly.

AVP, while actually has nothing really to do with the alien universe (THANK GOD), still wasn't blown out of the water. These engineers are MILLIONS of years old. Just because these humans stumbled onto a ship that was used, possibly millions of years ago, to produce the xenomorphs means nothing. The Aliens we all know of from the original Alien movie still could have been produced thousands of years before humans even can into their own on earth.

The thing I am contemplating now though is what the social structure of these engineers are. What were their original plans for earth of any? Did they produce us just for their test? Was this a small group of zealots vs. the norm for the race. Why does it seem like these the engineers worship the aliens?

My thoughts are, that maybe these engineers we saw in the movie were obsessed with organic perfection. Their entire tech seems geared around organic manipulations. Perhaps they were trying to perfect themselves and created a number of testing sites (a.k.a. earth) to test their conversion methods (a.k.a. the xenomorphs).

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

yellowdingo wrote:
Apart from the fact they killed the Aliens v. Predator history...

You say that like its a bad thing :D

yellowdingo wrote:

Apart from the fact they killed the Aliens v. Predator history by ** spoiler omitted **, I think It sucked and blowed at the same time. I don't think anyone understood (nor the director or the writer) that the important bit was the story of ** spoiler omitted **

In the end the message is: The Low IQ Zealot is the mother of a survival Trait born from the broken covenant of the inevitable failure of faith in the blinding light of absolute Truth.

As a message for the future goes it is that the religious nutters will turn on us when their belief systems fail utterly.

Well, that seems like a fairly unique interpretation.

Especially since it doesn't really hold up. Religious "nutters" (and all humans really) are quite capable of modifying their believe systems just enough to deal with new information.

The telling part of this is when she said something like, "And who made them?"

{RED ALERT} Spoiler ahead...

Towards the end of the film when David asks Shaw if she is ready to go home(Earth) yet Shaw says no I want to find their(Humanoid aliens) home planet can you take me there? And Dave(Robot) replies Yes, I think so. SO the sequel will obviously be about Shaw recharging, and searching for the humanoids homeplanet. I'm already interested in seeing what happens. We all know if Shaw puts David's head back on he'll get into more mischief and become that problem again in screwing things up. I feel David represents the flaws in man-made creations, as they are unperfect and not trustworthy once they develop their own ways of thinking.

SuperSlayer wrote:

{RED ALERT} Spoiler ahead...

Towards the end of the film when David asks Shaw if she is ready to go home(Earth) yet Shaw says no I want to find their(Humanoid aliens) home planet can you take me there? And Dave(Robot) replies Yes, I think so. SO the sequel will obviously be about Shaw recharging, and searching for the humanoids homeplanet. I'm already interested in seeing what happens. We all know if Shaw puts David's head back on he'll get into more mischief and become that problem again in screwing things up. I feel David represents the flaws in man-made creations, as they are unperfect and not trustworthy once they develop their own ways of thinking.

His body is back on the crashed ship. I don't think she dragged it with her. So expect a simple head for the next movie, unless she re-attached it before she left.

I'm pretty sure she winched his body down out of the crashed ship and took it with her.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
SuperSlayer wrote:

{RED ALERT} Spoiler ahead...

Towards the end of the film when David asks Shaw if she is ready to go home(Earth) yet Shaw says no I want to find their(Humanoid aliens) home planet can you take me there? And Dave(Robot) replies Yes, I think so. SO the sequel will obviously be about Shaw recharging, and searching for the humanoids homeplanet. I'm already interested in seeing what happens. We all know if Shaw puts David's head back on he'll get into more mischief and become that problem again in screwing things up. I feel David represents the flaws in man-made creations, as they are unperfect and not trustworthy once they develop their own ways of thinking.

His body is back on the crashed ship. I don't think she dragged it with her. So expect a simple head for the next movie, unless she re-attached it before she left.

She hoists it down right before she places david head into the bag

The Exchange

pres man wrote:

Especially since it doesn't really hold up. Religious "nutters" (and all humans really) are quite capable of modifying their believe systems just enough to deal with new information.

The telling part of this is when she said something like, "And who made them?"

And in Prometheus 2 when she concludes the creator of the 'engineers' is 'the Devil' will there be a Holy Crusade that takes the Aliens Franchise to a New Christian Crusade cycle of Space Bigotry reminiscent to Warhammer 40,000?

Her conclusion they didn't create themselves... is entirely entertaining.

i thought she dumped the body?

I finally saw it, and found it quite entertaining.

Two thing that confused me, though, probably because I missed something:

How did David know about the pathogen and how it worked?


When Peter Weyland encounters the Engineer, what call/message is he refering to?

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

I finally saw it, and found it quite entertaining.

Two thing that confused me, though, probably because I missed something:

** spoiler omitted **

I'm guessing that he didn't know what would happen, he just wanted to find out. Having no morality apart from "obey my creator" he was willing to use a human as a guinea pig.


Klaus van der Kroft wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I suppose the call and message were the writings left in cave paintings etc on Earth.

pres man wrote:

Especially since it doesn't really hold up. Religious "nutters" (and all humans really) are quite capable of modifying their believe systems just enough to deal with new information.

The telling part of this is when she said something like, "And who made them?"

Surely, modifying one's belief in response to new evidence is rational - its the essence of science - rather than the action of a "nutter".

The archeologist character didn't give any sign of being a zealot or nut as far as I can recall.

Corathon wrote:
The archeologist character didn't give any sign of being a zealot or nut as far as I can recall.

I don't know, explaining your unfounded theories with "that's what I choose to believe" is fairly nutty. She pulled some pretty wild conjecture out of thin air, and when questioned about it, completely failed to justify it and instead pulled the faith card.

In essence:
"Humanity is descended from hamsters" "Uhm, what makes you think that?" "It's what I choose to believe."

Hardly rational.

Slaunyeh wrote:

In essence:
"Humanity is descended from hamsters" "Uhm, what makes you think that?" "It's what I choose to believe."

Hardly rational.

How dare you defy the Truth of the Squeaky Wheel?

Your future seems devoid of wood chips and with an empty waterer!

Slaunyeh wrote:
Corathon wrote:
The archeologist character didn't give any sign of being a zealot or nut as far as I can recall.

I don't know, explaining your unfounded theories with "that's what I choose to believe" is fairly nutty. She pulled some pretty wild conjecture out of thin air, and when questioned about it, completely failed to justify it and instead pulled the faith card.

In essence:
"Humanity is descended from hamsters" "Uhm, what makes you think that?" "It's what I choose to believe."

Hardly rational.

Slaunyeh, its been a while since I saw the movie - could you give me some context?

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

It was from the briefing, when they first get out of cryosleep.

And honestly, I think people make too much of it.

Really, her conclusion isn't as irrational as it might seem on its face. The crackpot part of her theory is that pictures drawn by ancient people of big guys pointing at dots are depictions of actual giant humanoids pointing at actual stars. Once you accept that (and she's spent years collecting evidence for just such a thing) the rest comes fairly easy.

Because really, how likely is it that two human-like species evolved separately on two different planets light years apart, only for one to stumble across the other while exploring space? Pretty damn unlikely.
The fact that they look like us suggests a connection, indeed, a genetic connection. Since they were a space-faring civilization while we were still painting on cave walls, we can assume they came first. From there it's not a huge leap to "they created us".

So I'd say she's a maybe a little irrational, but hardly a zealot.

The Exchange

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

It was from the briefing, when they first get out of cryosleep.

And honestly, I think people make too much of it.

Really, her conclusion isn't as irrational as it might seem on its face. The crackpot part of her theory is that pictures drawn by ancient people of big guys pointing at dots are depictions of actual giant humanoids pointing at actual stars. Once you accept that (and she's spent years collecting evidence for just such a thing) the rest comes fairly easy.

Because really, how likely is it that two human-like species evolved separately on two different planets light years apart, only for one to stumble across the other while exploring space? Pretty damn unlikely.
The fact that they look like us suggests a connection, indeed, a genetic connection. Since they were a space-faring civilization while we were still painting on cave walls, we can assume they came first. From there it's not a huge leap to "they created us".

So I'd say she's a maybe a little irrational, but hardly a zealot.

Given she spends most of her time obsessing over where her religious bling is hanging around her neck - especially when the thought of 'who created what comes up shes a zealot in search of a faith that fits her belief. The refusal of her chosen creator to be as she expected forces her to go looking for a better one.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

yellowdingo wrote:
Given she spends most of her time obsessing over where her religious bling is hanging around her neck - especially when the thought of 'who created what comes up shes a zealot in search of a faith that fits her belief. The refusal of her chosen creator to be as she expected forces her to go looking for a better one.

You mean the cross that belonged to her dead father? Man, I can't imagine why she'd have an emotional attachment to that :D

It seems to me that Shaw is a religious zealot to you because that's what you choose to believe :D

Compared to some rather religious people I know (and I wouldn't even consider them fanatics or zealots), Dr. Shaw is a pretty tamed believer.

As for the "what I choose to believe" comment, that's the foundation of any conscious faith; which I don't consider necessarily as "nutty" nor dissociated with science.

Heck, this "leap of faith" is even at the base of quantum mechanics...

My wtf moments had much more to do with the actions/reasoning of David than the actions/reasoning of Shaw...

Corathon wrote:
Slaunyeh, its been a while since I saw the movie - could you give me some context?

Well, based on cave paintings found around the world, Dr. Shaw concludes that an alien species created humanity. While that is certainly a theory you could draw from those paintings, there's really nothing to base that theory on (unless she somehow saw the intro scene to the movie :p). I mean, I could see a conclusion like "aliens have visited Earth in the past", perhaps. Even if that's still a little far fetched for your initial theory (unless, of course, you have an agenda and are trying to make the evidence match your theory).

Anyway. Dr. Shaw sees several near-identical cave paintings from various cultures and time periods across Earth, and concludes that humanity was created by these 'Engineers'. All right.

A fellow scientist then asks her: "Why do you think that?" A fair question, I think, because none of the archaeological data recovered (or at least presented) at this point even remotely suggests a conclusion like that. To which she answers: "It is what I choose to believe."

In short: There is no evidence. Dr. Shaw has rectally extracted a theory based on nothing, and choose to believe that it's true. This would have been a fine excuse for the movie to explain why this theory (which is the whole premise of the movie) makes sense. Perhaps there's evidence that we, as the audience, hasn't been privy to. Maybe there's more to the story than cave paintings. But Dr. Shaw just brushes the question aside and basically says "dude, stop poking holes in my plot."

(Let's ignore how Dr. Shaw somehow knows that they have found every possible alien-depicting cave painting on Earth, which is really the only way she, and the movie, could conclude that the Engineers stopped visiting Earth 2,000 years ago.)

She watched History channel

Numerian wrote:
She watched History channel

Can you imagine how bad it would be if it survived to her day and age?

Will the sequel bring back the original aliens? I would love to see a bigger mix of bad guys from prometheus and aliens witha aliens 2 vibe.

Corathon wrote:

I'm guessing that he didn't know what would happen, he just wanted to find out. Having no morality apart from "obey my creator" he was willing to use a human as a guinea pig.

Hm, I understand David's careless attitude, but still, the way he used the whole thing seemed far too deliverate and knowing for it to be just "lets see what happens". He purposedly puts the thing in his finger in order to have it delivered orally, so it can infect Holloway, so he can in turn impregnate Shaw with it.

Seems to directed and specific to me, and that's what confuses me about the movie, as David seems far more aware of what is going on than the plot indicates. He does something similar when entering the Engineer's ship bridge, seeming far too familiar with the controls.

I'm willing to accept he might have come in contact with information somehow, but I didn't see anything in the movie to indicate it.

Corathon wrote:

I suppose the call and message were the writings left in cave paintings etc on Earth.

Ohh, right. That actually should have been rather obvious. Thanks!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:
Corathon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Corathon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **
Ohh, right. That actually should have been rather obvious. Thanks!

There's some writing on the exterior of the canister-thingies, I assumed reading it gave him some clue as to the properties of the goo. At least enough info to know if would have an effect on a lifeform like a human.

And I don't think David was planning on impregnating Shaw when he dosed Holloway. I think he just took advantage of the circumstances once he realized something had passed from Holloway to her.

David was ordered to dose Holloway by the old man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Remember to use spoilers, me lad. We don't want to ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet.

Aye, I did kind of get that David was ordered by Weyland. But how did Weyland know what to do with it, or even that there would be something to dose someone else with?

Darth Vader is his dad!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

Remember to use spoilers, me lad. We don't want to ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Weyland probably didn't know there'd be such a substance. But David can go brief him using the dream helmet thingy (in fact, there was originally going to be a scene where they go talk to him on a yacht in his dream) and get further orders.

Failing that, David might have been giving standing orders to experiment on the rest of the crew with anything they find that might be useful.

You know that they've cancelled At the Mountains of Madness cause of Prometheus

Sovereign Court

Numerian wrote:
You know that they've cancelled At the Mountains of Madness cause of Prometheus


What a shame.
Much as as I liked prometeus, this is disappointing.

It was a stupid reason to cancel it just because they have a similiar plot about aliens creating us. Well that isn't a new idea event in movies and also Prometheus did well at the boxoffice so shouldn't they being green lighting it instead?

Lots of nice eye candy but disappointing as film because it didn't know what it was.

It wasn't a horror/haunted house movie like A1
It wasn't a sci fi movie like A2 (space ships don't make it sci fi)
It wasn't a ... what was A3 about?
It wasn't humorous/comicy like A4

It just muddled along.. not saying much about anything, oblivious to large number of plot holes.
Now every movie has some plot holes, every movie requires some suspension of belief but this too many, to much.


Shivok wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
SuperSlayer wrote:

{RED ALERT} Spoiler ahead...

Towards the end of the film when David asks Shaw if she is ready to go home(Earth) yet Shaw says no I want to find their(Humanoid aliens) home planet can you take me there? And Dave(Robot) replies Yes, I think so. SO the sequel will obviously be about Shaw recharging, and searching for the humanoids homeplanet. I'm already interested in seeing what happens. We all know if Shaw puts David's head back on he'll get into more mischief and become that problem again in screwing things up. I feel David represents the flaws in man-made creations, as they are unperfect and not trustworthy once they develop their own ways of thinking.

His body is back on the crashed ship. I don't think she dragged it with her. So expect a simple head for the next movie, unless she re-attached it before she left.
She hoists it down right before she places david head into the bag

I am sure she didn't have ANY problem carrying it with the hole in her belly that was freshly stapled shut a few hours earlier....

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Shivok wrote:
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
SuperSlayer wrote:

{RED ALERT} Spoiler ahead...

Towards the end of the film when David asks Shaw if she is ready to go home(Earth) yet Shaw says no I want to find their(Humanoid aliens) home planet can you take me there? And Dave(Robot) replies Yes, I think so. SO the sequel will obviously be about Shaw recharging, and searching for the humanoids homeplanet. I'm already interested in seeing what happens. We all know if Shaw puts David's head back on he'll get into more mischief and become that problem again in screwing things up. I feel David represents the flaws in man-made creations, as they are unperfect and not trustworthy once they develop their own ways of thinking.

His body is back on the crashed ship. I don't think she dragged it with her. So expect a simple head for the next movie, unless she re-attached it before she left.
She hoists it down right before she places david head into the bag
I am sure she didn't have ANY problem carrying it with the hole in her belly that was freshly stapled shut a few hours earlier....

In the future there is no pain due to god like medications.

That was probably the least unbelievable of all the things she did after the "procedure".

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