Question about a Miniature (Legacy of Fire: The Final Wish Spoilers)

Legacy of Fire

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi all,

So far for all of the APs I've run I've painted the last boss miniature.

I'm about to start Legacy of Fire once Kingmaker ends. I want to paint up the last boss for Legacy of Fire, however from looking through the Reaper minis, he hasn't been made yet.

It'll be a few months before I need something, however I was wondering:

1) Has anyone heard anything about an upcoming Jhavhul miniature? (I'm reaching, I know)

2) What have others used for this mini (assuming that you did use something)?

I am planning to use a Fire Demon toy/statuette. I think it is a Mcfarlane . It is big enough and looks cool.

I repainted an Eldritch Giant from the D&D Minis line. The skin was done orangey-red, and the hair black. I considered adding horns, but in the end opted not to.

It is definitely on the high end of Huge...

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

When my players get close to the Final Wish I will be hoping to spend a bit of cash on this bad boy . I am a bit nervous as to if my painting skills are up to it, but at the pace we are moving I will have a couple of years :)

Liberty's Edge

Considering he can enlarge, I used the Orcus mini. It worked well.

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