Good candidtate for Spell Specialization / perfection?


Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you were going to take spell specialization, greater spell specialization and spell perfection on an evoker that uses evocation spells to do BC with lingering spell and dazing spell. he's a wizard. it's for a player of mine. what spells are good candidates? he's thinking of taking lingering spell, intensify spell, dazing and quicken spell over his 'lifetime' and the game is going all the way to 20. any opinions or insights?

Dragon's Breath is the most versatile evocation spell around. Only drawback is the range.

Erich Norden wrote:
Dragon's Breath is the most versatile evocation spell around. Only drawback is the range.

And the damage cap.. but I guess you will have that with most things...

Liberty's Edge

If you have the ability to change elemental damage types (as an Admixture Specialist, for example), then it's hard to beat your basic fireball for a blast spell. Terrific range, useful AoE, and only a 3rd level spell.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

he's using the generation school feature. gonna use lingering spell, to make evocation blasts have 1 rd duration, which triggers generation, making them multiple round damaging clouds. his only issue with fireball is the 15d6 cap with intensify. though it being third level does mean he can use lesser metamagic rods on it. though he cannot change the damage type, which also worries him. guess he could pick up an acid elemental rod to change it on the fly, or just research his own acid version of fireball and make it evocation.

If he could afford a 1-level dip he could take a level of sorcerer for one of the elemental or genie bloodlines to change any spell to a certain energy type at will

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

true, though it doesnt really fit his character concept. know of any other way to make that happen? he likes the higher cap on dragon's breath. any fifth or fourth level spells with similar aoe and range as fireball, but with a higher damage cap?

Fire Snake is quite fun, good for selective targeting. Drawbacks are limited range and fire damage, though (you'll want some means of elemental substitution if you pick a fire spell).

Cold Ice Strike is also great, for the swift action casting time. It's a drawback that it's a cone, though - but SWIFT ACTION CASTING TIME (!)

Cold Ice Strike is 6th level, though.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

yeah, sixth is too high. i was thinking the dragon's breath spell, or fireball. the fire damage type on fireball bothers me tho. so i think i'll go with fire breath. being so close to the fight worries me however.

Scarab Sages

Unfortunately not evocation is snapdragon fireworks which seems to be a great spell once metamagiced. Evocation possibles are:

Mass Pain Strike
Ball Lightning
River of Wind
Volcanic Storm

Sheet Lightning (obscure book)

Cold Ice Strike isn't a cone anymore.

The built in damage substitution of Dragon's Breath is fantastic...
The only non level-dip way I know of to substitute damage types would be Elemental Metamagic Rods.

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