Ranger question would you pick Spells or Bonus Feats


I'm making a Catfolk Ranger, and don't play Rangers as PCs usually only NPC's kicking party butt. I my real question is would you pick ranger spells or bonus feats at level 4, 8, 11, 14. I look at the healing spells, and think those would be nice, but we got a cleric so I'm just looking for some opinions.

Spells. Spells. Spells.

Seriously, they give you a lot more flexibility as they can be changed daily depending on the situation.

Healing is at best a tertiary thing for Rangers; most of their best spells are utility and buffing.

The real gems of the Ranger spell list are things like Gravity Bow/Lead Blades, Barkskin, and Instant Enemy, not a few fairly weak cute spells.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hmm, 4 feats I pick once, or up to a minimum of 14 spells I can select each in-game day?

Go with the spells. Look at the non-healing ones. They will serve you well.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It really depends on the flavor of Ranger you're going for. For example if I was to make a mystical warrior of nature then I would pick the spells. If on the other hand I was making a fairy tale woodsman or huntsman then I would probably go with Feats.

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