Diablo experience, Mage and Demon Hunter

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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

You can definitely encounter them in group play, and i got mine in MP4 with one other character helping out (first key).

If you look at the quest write up, you actually want to get THREE sets of machines, that way you can go after each boss one after another. Otherwise, it's totally random what machine you get...but you can only trigger a specific portal once a day, so three machines will get you all three boss encounters.

I have no idea how to confront Rakanoth and Ghom together. That must just be sick. And if you want better odds on the Hellfire ring, you have to do it on higher difficulty, too!


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Had a good time yesterday with Ariaspinner. She unfortunately logged into an MP3 game with me in Act 2 just after I killed the keywarden, and then we spent a couple hours dying repeatedly to enemies buffed up by co-op.

at the end, we moved down to MP1 in Act 1, and went and killed the keywarden there, then did a speed run all the way to the end and killed the Butcher. I got 3 acheivements...it was the first time I've run the quests in parts 1 and 2 with more then one person!

Oh, and I got 3 legendaries. Guess what? I'd gotten them all before. Yeah, happy me.

Now I just have to get to Hell and get the plans for the Infernal Machine. No pressure, like.


Yeah, I keep getting 'Messerschmidt's Reaver' and 'Cindercoat' (have two of each, sold 1 of each)... I've gotten all three keys with my DH playing on MP 2. You can in fact get them playing solo on MP lower than 4, its just a little more random. Now to get the Plans..
My problem now is simply the sheer time investment for getting Nephelim Valor up to five stacks on that level, where Special enemies can be very few at times, and the Keywarden for the plans can be tricky to find. Still, I must admit that I am having much more fun with the 1.05 patch than before, the disappearance of Cinder Trail aside. It has forced me to use new abilities, like the Boar Companion, which I find is a beefy distraction that gives me some nice buffs.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The boar is the best of the new ones, since it has the most staying power. Alas, I find that I run out of Hatred too much while using it, and have gone back to my tried and true Bat.

I am definitely using Sentries to replace my Cinder Trail. Not quite as fast, but still, they take them down.

Getting five enemies isn't hard ifyou know where to look, and it's not like it's a waste of time killing them...you get more xp per kill on higher MP's. For the Keywarden, just go to the Desolate forest...it's got two guaranteed in the small dungeons, and there should be at least 3 on the map, which is friendly to archers. If you're Melee, just recall to the graveyard and clear the dungeons...you're pretty much guaranteed 5 elites.

For Act 2, Just find the Vault of the Assassin. there's always 5 or 6 inside...and that's if you don't get a couple clearing the map as you search for it. Remember that you can go WAAAAAY past the keywarden, find elites, and then just port back to the oasis. He's usually found at the 'joint' between the two maps.

Of great interest to DH's is the fact he can be sniped. If you can get him floating on the long diagonal, you can shoot him dead without moving. Since he has that missile field around him, he's generally easy to see first.

Be aware that he might be bugged for coop. Tried to kill him twice with a friend, and he locked up at 0 life and froze there, but would not die.

Tried doing Hell tonight and looking for the keywarden, but the lag was horrible. My Vaults were zigzagging...I died four times from enemies that seemed to pop out of nowhere...after I'd moved, was back to my spot, and somehow jailed.

Nope, not fun. I'll have to try again tomorrow. I think he's on the Silver Spire, so I can skip the early part, but I was going to try a full run, minus Ikazu. Maybe tomorrow. Probably the hurricane causing the lag.


Grand Lodge

Hey dudes, Demon Hunter here.

I'd be up for gaining more friends and doing Hellfire Ring quests with some Pathfinder players if youse are keen.
I'm Australian though, so that might impact on playing times.

I have 3 of each key but haven't had the infernal machine plans drop yet, gah.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

almost the full Natalya's set! pay gold or cash for that? I haven't Got ANY of that stuff.


Grand Lodge

Gold of course! I have a lot of hours logged. Haven't spent a dime on the game other than the purchase price.

I have an extra Natalya's Cloak with boosts to Vit and Life %, around 327 armour that I can sell off for cheap if you're keen. Although it's sitting in the AH right now.

Did three Nekarat runs last night at MP 2 and no Infernal Machine plans. Grrrr. Though I did have an offensive amulet drop with 99% crit damage and +99 dam.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

nice nice. I don't seem to get anything quite that good, and that's with magic find buffing to 400+ at times! I'm afraid I spend so much money upgrading gems that I don't accumulate the amounts needed to purchase better gear...and the price of the gear is only going up as gold farmers are getting flush, somewhat outracing the new numbers going up.

I still have to get my plans, too. I have a set of keys. heck, I know a couple people who had their rings within a week of the patch going in, the rotters.


Grand Lodge

Holy moly. You should be having tonnes of legendaries dropping if you have Magic Find up to 400.
Do you do MP1 runs? There's a great youtube video by a user named Moldran that explains how you'll level and get more awesome drops by speed-running MP1 through acts. Higher MP takes far, far longer and with numbers comparison, isn't actually worth it unless you really, really want a key to drop.
I have never tried this myself, but apparently running Hell Difficulty, MP10 on Act 3 is a great way to raise a huge amount of gold quickly. Personally I play for the chances of awesome loot dropping, so I stay in Inferno, although running Act 2 on Hell can have Sledgefist drop, which is worth millions for Monk players.
I can't seem to stop playing :B
Actually making the gems will cost you 18 million for a Radiant Star. Currently, buying them on the AH is cheaper, although far less satisfying than making them yourself.

Does MP10 grant extra XP for killing monsters? I am leveling my witch doctor up while on MP10 in nightmare act 1. No real issues so far at that power but I am wondering if the extra time it takes to kill stuff makes it worth the higher XP (if any).

I also game at weird times. My game name is Ariaspinner. I will write the number down next time I am on so people can find me easier. Not sure if it's needed.

Grand Lodge

https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_folder_media/FPA71EB165JZ13498 91151345.jpg?v=0

Yes, you are earning 200% more experience.
From what I've heard, it's definitely worth it.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

If you go to the link where they talk about Monster Power from the login area, they break down exactly the extra stuff you get by ramping up Monster Power.

The best I've done on Legends is a legend an hour on MP3 with Aria up there (she was there as I collected them). All of them pretty much sucked. And they were all doubles. I think I gave her the Gladiator Guantlets.

But yeah, I usually loot hunt on MP1, no problems killing stuff. I still need that book from the Act4, however, so I'm going to try at MP2, then MP3 to see if I can get it. At least I know where he's located now (encounter area before the Silver SPire portal and Izual)

all 415% does is improve your legend drops down from 1/2000 to maybe 1/500. It certainly doesn't improve their quality. I have NO 'quality' legend drops...everything I get is way subpar to the stuff you can buy on the AH. Above I mentioned getting the same legendary, the first one was worse then anything posted on the AH...and the second one was even WORSE.

Act4 Hell MP10 for gold, eh? I will definitely have to give it a try! Note that Inferno is usually 9x the hp and damage of Inferno, but the same as Act1 Inferno for loot...MP10 is not quite so much damage, so should be a lot easier...and tons more cash, yeah.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

LOOKS LIKE Ac4 Hell on MP10, with a Goldskin, is right around 400k gold when clearing. I did grab yellow items, but left all the blue since they were less then 200 gp each. If you ignore the yellows, you might save a few minutes...but I only had to go sell twice, so not much. When you kill Diablo, there's like 20 mounds of gold flying around...

That's quite a bit of gold for the size of the maps, and certainly faster then the million or so you make clearing MP1 Inferno Act 1 with more maps on MP1 with a Goldskin. I re ran Act4 Inferno MP2 right afterwards and collecting ALL items made about 300k...but the fighting was quite a bit tougher, too.

I'll have to try Act 3, Hell, MP10 to really check for gold and do a speed run.

I have somehow made it to level 42 and am slogging onwards. I have also managed to make my first Radiant Star Emerald, completely off my own gem collecting and gold (I did have to buy two of the books). The temptation to turn around and sell it for 17 million gold and start picking up Legends I want is pretty tempting.

No legends tonight, oh well...and no infernal machine book. Will I ever be able to make a stab at my Hellfire Ring? :P

I have beaten Diablo on MP0,1 and 2, Inferno. I will make a run at MP3 and see how I do. I did manage to get a ring that upped my damage slightly (Dex+90 and +50 crit), but otherwise haven't gotten any keepers for my DH in some time. Pretty sure I'm going to have to buy some Natalya's to have any chance at getting above 65k damage. That, or a really nice weapon.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Well, I did the MP10 Run through ACt3 Hell.

I collected NO magic items other then a few rings and amulets (and a couple were actually good for sale) and one legend (repeat Voodoo Mask, worthless), runic health potions (41, they stack, for sale), the books (they stack, 33ish of each) and whatever gems dropped (about two dozen square and flawless total). I killed all 'barrels' in every form, opened all chests, etc.

Total gold haul was about 800k. It took me three hours, clearing EVERYTHING on every map.

I was wearing a Goldskin and no other gold boosting stuff to speak of. Most of the time I was at 5 valor stacks. I died 4 times in total, always to elites using desecrate or arcane torrents that I didn't see until I was dropping...OR they had Reflect damage and I was killing myself.

My damage was about 45k base (It's usually around 54k on inferno). Most of the time I didn't have a problem with killing things. Only when I got surrounded and couldn't see bad stuff happening was it a problem.

Doing the last part of desolate sands/kule's lab/belial is about 400k by way of comparison, but you do get MUCH better loot, and it will take about the same amount of time.

So if you only want gold, yeah, that's a decent tactic. If you continue on to Act4, that will take you another 2 hours and net you about another 400, 500+ if you wear a goldskin. OF course, you could be MUCH faster then me, who knows?

It was fairly enjoyable and stress free, mostly slaughtering stuff and not really being threatened in melee. They had about the same HP as Inferno stuff, but less armor, and weren't as dangerous in Melee. I really had to get swarmed to be threatened, and if I was inside 2 sentry auras, I was basically fine as 2% per second dealt with almost all damage.

In short, if all you want to do is collect gold and not be in much danger of dying, don't want to recall back to town to sell, I'll give my approval on it being a good tactic for pure gold.

I can't bring myself to gather up a pure suit for making gold, however! :) Goldskin is about as radical as I want to get.

Remember to keep your books of jewelcrafting for the square gems you pick up. Just sell any radiants you stumble on, they aren't worth combining.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I HAVE now beaten Diablo on MP3. Yay, me.

the hardest fight was Rakanoth. I couldn't kill him while I was using the bat. I didn't do enough damage fast enough, and his teleporting charge wasted me.

I switched to the boar. As long as the boar was inside the healing aura of a sentry, he basically couldn't die. He kept agro on Rakonoth and I and the two sentries shot him down. Kept him the rest of the run, and used the Numbing Traps instead of brooding to cut down on some of the damage being done to me...I survived getting imprisoned twice by diablo because of Numbing Traps, I'm sure! My poor pig kept getting roasted by explosions from Diablo, but he did his job valiantly.

Still no infernal machine book. Grrr. That's the whole reason I was doing it!@

Made about 300k. Note that is LESS money then doing MP10 Act4 Hell dif...and that's with selling all the magic items that dropped.

Got Lamentation, unique mighty belt. Good lord, that pos is a level 63 legendary item? The lewt Gawds truly do hate me. On the other hand, been selling off extra loot and actually making some spare change while doing so. Probably half a million in the last three days.

BTW, it's about 16 million to make a Radiant Star, top grade, from scratch with your own flawless squares. If you have to buy the squares, it is SIGNIFICANTLY more. But 17 mil is about the break even point for selling them. Once you figure in the cost of the books, you'll probably have to sell it for 18 mil to actually turn a profit. If they are being sold for less then 17 mil, it's a flat out loss after the auction house takes its cut. Dunno why someone would do that...

Anyone actually gotten a key or recipe playing a public game? Curious.


So far, I've gotten all three keys playing a solo game, and I've done it on MP2. It took a couple of times on each but eventually they spawned. As for the plans, I got it to spawn on MP4, but haven't had luck on any other setting. I actually got a legendary drop that was really good, a quiver called "Dead Man's Legacy". Its pushing my DPS above 110,000, which is letting me do MP4 at some difficulty.
My first experience with the Key Portal was on MP1 against Rakanoth and Ghom. I tried it about ten times and gave up. Its pretty hard to dodge the poison clouds and contain Rakanoth's teleport charge. I almost think you need a group to be able to divide their attnention, as they two of them focused on my DH just trounced me. What's worse is that once you've used up a Portal, it doesn't reappear if you leave the game, so my work in collecting the keys is kind of wasted. I've started collecting them again, but am worried about not being able to obtain any parts for the Hellfire Ring since it supposably only spawns on higher MP settings, and Rakanoth and Ghom were about impossible.

Grand Lodge

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I've never had any gem crafting manuals drop for me. Plenty of weapon crafting tomes, but not even a whimper for poor old Covetous Shen.

Had a pretty epic gaming session on the weekend as I undertook my Hellfire Ring quest. Was I successful? Stay awhile, and listen.

Around 8pm I finally found the Nekarat drop plans to make an infernal machine. I found them on my second MP 5 run. I had to fight more cautiously and slower than my MP 2 runs, but payoff.

So I got the plans, made three infernal machines and recruited 3 other team mates from the reddit /r/infernalmachine to fight the uber bosses at MP8. There's no chance in hell that I'm going to take on this challenge solo. Demon Hunters are just too squishy, we need to be behind an ice mage, tanky barbarian or hp regenerating monk.

SO! We got started!

The first battle against Ghom and Rakanoth we got our asses handed to us. The damage in mp8 was just way too high for our team. But we made a strategy of hit and run, tried it out, and we completed the first challenge without any issues. Voila, first ingredient dropped.

Second challenge against Magda and Skeleton King. The party kept getting separated and taken out one by one, but I came up with a plan to distract Magda, who I could dodge easily while the rest of them whaled on Skeleton King. I ran around rezzing people as required,
managed to get the next ingredient without any fuss.
There was something really interesting in the loot, which I gave to my Enchantress.

The final challenge! One last piece of the puzzle required! To be taken from Siegebreaker and Kulle.
1st attempt - death.
2nd attempt, with separate and destroy strategy - death.
3rd attempt, we get down to Siegebreaker and keep throwing all this damage into him.
He's at half health when the fight timer kicks in and he reaches something called 'enrage mode' Basically this last boss has multiple limit breaks and kills us - we can't hurt him fast enough. Despair sets in. My entire team says 'we can't beat siege at MP8' and leaves the game.

So at this point it is 1am and I'm left in the game with the last portal to these super bosses and nobody around to help me. I am tired.
One ingredient left for the ring, so close yet so far.

So I minimise the game and hit the diablo fan forums and look far and wide to recruit a new team. This is hard as I'm Australian and everyone on the American servers is asleep. I find an awesome demon hunter, and we keep on searching.

Eventually we come across a monk and barbarian who are stupidly overpowered. They join the game, we enter the portal and manage to defeat the bosses with the separate and destroy strategy. To my delight, the final ingredient drops and I attain the hellfire ring.

+10 max dam
+185 dexterity
162 thorns damage (ugh!)
29% critical damage

My reaction.

Then it was 2:30am so I went to bed.
Kulle story bro.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

heh. Still waiting on my plans. I'll definitely need help to kill them all. And three sets of machines, too, of course!

I have discovered that the best way to money run MP1 Act 3 is to log in to the last spot, where you are going to kill Azmodan, and then just port back to town and run it normally.

This takes out all the quests, all the annoying bosses that slow you down, and turns it into a straight shoot out with normals and elites.

DId this, made about 1.1 million gp clearing and selling everything. As I just bought two Natalya's items, I have to get my gold back up!

I've had about 8 of the gem tomes drop over time for me. The others I bought. So, when I see one now, it's like Yay! 2 million gp 4 me! (sold a level 2 ruby one yesterday).

I'm probably going to start defaulting to MP2. It's becoming harder to level and I need the xp. Base damage is finally over 60k mark, it probably won't improve unless I get a really good weapon.

I bought a Quiver for 2 mil that is better then Dead Man's eyes. 256 Dex, 180 vit, 15% attack speed...and 10% crit. The Int bonus was just a kicker. Seeing the Dead Man's prices, I'm happy with what I have.

Now, trying to get a pair of the Natalya boots, or the Ring, looks like an exercise in frustration. NONE of the ones for Auction were 5 mil or less. Bah.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Got my plans on MP2 last night. Only 12k to make? Thought it was 2 million?

Anyways, now I just need to get three of them and dragoon in a team to kill the bad guys for me so I get my ring. Hah.


Grand Lodge

The plans to make the ring are 2 million, and are bought from the orphan kid from Act 2. Pricey!

Congrats on the Natalya's acquisitions. I really encourage you to get the 4 set bonus, with the added discipline, you practically become a perma-glooming tank DH when you get that sweet, sweet 50 discipline. The ring is tough, tough, tough to get. If I hadn't found a Sledgefist, I would probably still be trying to raise the resources to buy one.

I'm using the Hellfire Ring to run MP1 on Act 3. Great experience gains, really hoping that some gem manuals drop soon. I did two runs yesterday and was lucky enough to discover a 1400dps Immortal King's Boulder Breaker with +445 strength. I am really hoping I can secure at least 3-5 million for this item. It sucks that Skorn has outclassed the set axe. If I have difficulty moving it, I'll probably just give it to my barbarian alt.

Looking to raise gold for my next acquisitions:

-1100dps 2 socketed Manticore.
-All resist 70+, 500 armour Depth Diggers.
-Witching Hour.

Waiting to pay the Iron Price to find a decent amulet.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Last night I scored a 2h Axe with a 521 Dex mod, a 370 Str mod, and a 270 Int mod. I had to keep it just because I'd never seen mods that high before.

Actually, I think I have a Skorn axe, but it's 1290 DPS or so.

I'll make an observation you probably hadn't considered...A manticore will certainly up your crits, but it will likely cut your Sentry damage by 20%, because Sentries can't crit, and so the lower base damage will hurt you from that standpoint. There's probably a reason most of the uber DH's prefer a Windforce.

Actually, doing the math, the +50% damage on the crossbow's crit is only better then the bow's straight +15% damage mod if you can exceed a 60% crit rate...or you get a double crit mod. i.e. without a double crit effect, you are better off with a bow.

Unless, of course, you like to use Rapid Fire and don't want to run through Hatred like a sieve.


Grand Lodge

I still haven't given the Sentry build a try, mostly because I'm gunning act 3 with huge mobs and also I kite a lot.

Right now I have around 20% crit chance and 173% damage - higher when I don't have my magic find amulet equipped. I just spam Ball Lightning while dashing about with my higher attack speed. It requires next to no thought to use, the hit-box is massive, and it floats through mobs frying everything. Multiple hits means more crits.

I am also wary of sentries generating reflect damage while I don't have Gloom up.

I loved Rapid Fire and I would use it again if my DPS was over 100k. Right now I can't afford to have my squishy DH stand in one place for 30 seconds, lest they get mobbed.

As for the Manticore vs Windforce debate, I am looking to have my DH have a 30% chance of critting. With a crit potentially dealing 350% base damage with a Manticore, that's a lot of glorious yellow numbers coming up on the screen. Also, I can't see the knockback mechanic of Windforce being that valuable in Diablo 3. Could be good for Steady Aim, but for efficiency's sake, I want my demons dead faster.

I am actually really curious about Impale - Grievous Wounds, as it's an easier to use straight missile attack that apparently does ridiculous damage if the blow is a critical hit. Seems like a great boss-killer mechanic that could be useful versus uber bosses or higher MP keywardens with far too much health.

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I *FINALLY* got a Goldskin last night - couldn't ever get one to drop so I broke down and tried to snag one off the AH on the cheap. Scored one for <200,000, which I made back in just one run on Act III Hell MP10. It wasn't even a full run either, I started Act III on the kill Azmodan quest and just town portaled back to Bastion's Keep then ran out the front door and plowed through until I got to where the Seigebreaker normally is.

Which is more profitable though, Hell MP 10 or Inferno MP0?

I'm only at 60(6), but with the goldskin and some other gold-find oriented gear, my gold find is up to 340% with five stacks of Nephalem Valor.

Gold-find gear did drop my DPS down to 20k. Doesn't much matter with my monk though - my heal-on-hit from my weapons, rings, amulet, and mantra are high enough that it's tough to take me down so long as I can be punching something.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I tried out Impale/GW.

It works good with Sharpshooter, because you can essentially guarantee that first hit. The problems is a huge chunk of the time it DOESN'T crit, and the cost is 25/shot...so you maybe get 5 in a row if you have enhanced hate regen, tops, and then you're back to normal attacks. You're better off dashing off a lot of hits with Rapid Fire and generating multiple crits with sustained fire.

Remember, +% mods stack, they don't multiply. So if you're at +270% crits with Grievous Wounds, it goes to +370, not +540.

I use Rapid Fire with the bat for mobs easily. You can put up a lot of sustained fire using the bats, and with a Sentry to supplement things, it's even easier. If you aren't using Sentry, using Fire At Will Multishot can take out massive amounts of enemies...you can get off like 7 or 8 of them with a bat up, which takes out virtually any number of the minion level stuff.

I use Webbing shot for exactly the reason you are talking about. 'hose it' around some. Every enemy hit by it loses 80% movement for one second...you can virtually lock them into place as they try to close on you, and naturally they block the stuff behind them. Elites get frozen in place trying to advance on you as you empty your Hatred on them.

Sentries are also made for boss killing. You like to kite? They plink the enemy for 175% damage while you are running around. Reflect damage isn't a problem if you have a decent regen up (boar, templar and brooding basically handle it, plus you get an offset if you have a heal on hit weapon). Having two sentries slamming into a boss while you are inside their healing aura for 2%/second and stoking a heal on hit weapon is almost like playing a tank build...and that's without numbing weapons! When I played Act4 Inferno on MP4, I used Numbing Traps to bring down the damage of enemies, and it worked well.

My max DPS is 70k, but I usually have in the 55 area.

Also, the most OP archer I've seen didn't use Natalya's, they used the monk set with the crazy Dex mods. Of course, he was two fisting credit cards, because he had like ten Radiant Star emeralds stuck in that set, too...


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

MP10 Hell will make you more cash, but slightly harder kills, and worse magic loot.

MP1 Inferno will be about par, but better magic loot.

Monk is probably the hardest class to get a high DPS with. You can do it, it just takes effort. Having to compete for +Dex gear doesn't help. The combination of Aura of Retribution and that skill that gives you a massive damage boost if you use a manuver from all skill sets can allow for some really stacking damage. You still need +Crit, +AS and +Crit damage gear, like anyone else, however.

I looked up what Sledgefist is. Damage totally blows, but the high stun chance is extremely nice...basically a stun lock. With a high enough attack speed, you can keep an elite totally locked down. Impressive. I picked one up for 100k just for my monk.


So, if I'm able to get through an Act on MP10 in Hell mode, it stands to reason I should be able to handle it in Inferno? Interesting.

Did the new patch change things besides the tweaking of some skills, the introduction of Monster Power, and some new shrines then? Because I couldn't get to Belial on Inferno before and I sailed through Act 3 on MP10 last night.

I played last night for the first time in probably three months. Inferno Act 2 has been a complete cakewalk with the current 1.05 version, compared to my experience with 1.03.

What are people's experience/suggestions for a Wizard in Inferno? It seems like most of you are all playing Demon Hunters and Monks.

My current skills are:

LMB: Shock Pulse, Piercing Orb
RMB: Blizzard, Snowbound
1: Diamond Skin, Crystal Shell
2: Hydra, Frost Hydra
3: Magic Weapon, Force Weapon
4: Energy Armor, Force Armor
Passives: Galvanizing Wand, Cold Blooded, Glass Cannon

I basically stand as far back as possible and open with Blizzard and then the Hydra and just hold down LMB for continuous Piercing Orbs. In solo play, I've been getting a number of "X killed with one hit" and "Y enemies killed" callouts and haven't been particularly threatened except by Waller and/or Frozen elite packs.

Grand Lodge

Macharius, if you are able to build Critical Mass Wizard, other players will basically worship you and your ability to permafreeze the uber bosses. There were a lot of changes to how crowd control works that really buffed the wizards freezing abilities.

For farming, I have heard a lot of good things about Archon wizards, although they need a high density of enemies to keep the power flowing. Might be restricted to Act 3 or the high density sections of various acts.

These folks could probably give you more advice than I could:

As for the top archers and dipping into the Monk's set items, yes, I've seen that too. With two pieces of the Inna's Set, lots of slots and perfect gems there are some DH players out there attaining absolutely ridiculous dexterity scores. I was considering it, but I doubt I could afford a decent all-resist on the Inna's pants, and I love the MF/GF booster of Depth Diggers. Not rich enough yet.

Bidding on Depth Diggers now. Fingers crossed.

Been reading lots of troubling stuff about people playing the gem market by selling tonnes of top tier gems all at once, while their bot account buys all transactions ALMOST instantaneously. There have been a few reports of buying top tier gems at 266 gold by accident while these transactions are going through. I wish that would happen to me.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The 1.05 patch took down the damage of some elites, balanced out health on monsters some, and reduced the time of control/stun/freeze effects from monsters. The biggest uber attacks of some of the bosses were affected.

For instance, it's now possible to survive one of the poison geysers from Belial if you are a DH, and get lucky. before, it was an auto kill.

I dont know how an MP10 Hell Belial compares to Inferno. test it and report back!

the guy with the Inna's set I mentioned in posts above. He was level 72 or so, had a full Inna's set, and a Dex score over 300. Every single slot had Radiant Star Emeralds, and he had a set of +at, +crit% and +crit damage gaunts, too. There was no way he could have earned enough gold to get all those, so he had to have paid for them. The gems alone would have been over 100 million. His Windforce was base 1400 damage, too.

However, he had no res all, and he died remarkably fast if stuff made it to him. It's just most stuff never made it to him! All he did was Hungering Arrow for 200k+ per shot, and stuff just died in droves. Killed Azmodan in like 10 seconds.


Grand Lodge


Check it out, Manticore has a 100% use and approval rate amongst the 50+ Paragon Demon Hunters!
I am amazed that Fire Walkers are so popular! I would have thought everyone would have valuable Set boots to equip instead.


At Paragon level 31, I can count myself in the top 8.3% of folks with no life, uhm, I mean top Diablo players. Yeah. That.

With the new higher MP system and tremendously long Uber boss battles, I think it's irresponsible to ditch all resist to get your DPS to a ridiculous level. At some point you're going to get hit, and you're never going to be able to get the damage counter to the point where you can kill them before they hit you. It seems like a frustrating play style to me, so I'll likely be avoiding the Inna's gear.

Blizzard is making it pretty clear that Reflect Damage will be getting some changes in the next patch.

KestlerGunner wrote:
Macharius, if you are able to build Critical Mass Wizard, other players will basically worship you and your ability to permafreeze the uber bosses. There were a lot of changes to how crowd control works that really buffed the wizards freezing abilities.

Checked out your link, but ended up going to the Blizzard forums and looked at the build of some guy who'd posted a talent-build DPS comparison as I figured he knew what he was talking about so his active skills would be optimized. Whirlwinds that stay in place, Critical Mass, Frost Aura, Diamond Skin, etc. with Teleport on RMB. Tried it out, it seemed OK but it's very counter-intuitive to my usual play-style so there were some adjustment issues. I'm still in Act 2 Inferno, and looking for Kulle's body parts (Aelrynn, I know you like farming that part of the Act) so I figure, too, that the build comes into its own a lot more in dense mob packs instead of just a few weak monsters all by themselves or in small clumps.

My DPS is 21-22K according to my character sheet, so I clearly don't have particularly good gear. I purchased almost all of it on the gold auction hall for 5-10K each just to try and survive Inferno back before all the nerfs (Resist All is about 750) though I did find my current weapon (right after spending 20K to buy one that turned out to be not as good... go figure).

Oh, yeah: I'm still Paragon level 1. Lawlz?

Grand Lodge

Can you post a link to your character's profile? If I come across any decent intelligence upgrades for you I can send them your way. I think I have a 150 intelligence 90-330 damage Demilich offhand I can send over at the moment, as well as a high intelligence critical hit +10 arcane power helm. If I find anything else that I'd normally vendor I can keep it around for you. My recommendation would be to get your DPS up to 50k and then start the Hellfire Ring quest.

Friend me! Kuropoe#6611

I got outbid on Depth Diggers. Grrr.
Last night I had a legendary crossbow drop. My heart skipped a beat. Picked it up, and found it was an amazingly bad pus spitter. That was it. I got really excited that it may have been a Manticore. I hurled that pus-covered bit of jungle nonsense at the blacksmith. I wish Inferno essences were useful for something right now.

The hunt continues :b

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

YOu see my post about finding a pus spitter? >600 damage. was...so...fricking...disgusted..

Math on uber weapons.

Assume 2500 Dex (x25 dmg), 30% crit chance, +200% crit damage, and Archery.

1300 damage bow (+15% damage with Archery)

(1300 x25 x .7 + 3900x25 x.3) x 1.15 = 59800

1100 Manticore with Socket +90% gem (+340%crit dmg w +50% from Archery)

(1100 x25 x .7) + 4840 x 25 x .3) = 55500

i.e. without 2 90% gem sockets, you'll always be behind the higher damage bow on damage (the second 90% gem puts you at par).

So, there's a reason the ubers are using high end Windforce. I'm not saying an 1100 damage Manticore is bad, gawd, I'd take it in a heartbeat, but high base damage will beat an extra socket of crit damage without much problem.

A 1400 dmg crossbow will just make the manticore look silly. (+250% crit damage, assume no socket)

(1400 x 25 x .7) + (4900 x .3 x 25) = 61250.

A 1400 dmg xbow with +250 crits higher then a Manticore 1100 +340%.

And your sentries will be dealing 25% more damage.

:P So, Unless you're able to get a double socket Manticore to stay on par, you're best off just going for raw damage with a crit damage mod and some dex. Of course, Manticore gives a lot of extras, but the truly high damage ones seem to be quite rare...and they go for insane amounts of money.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Macharius wrote:
KestlerGunner wrote:
Macharius, if you are able to build Critical Mass Wizard, other players will basically worship you and your ability to permafreeze the uber bosses. There were a lot of changes to how crowd control works that really buffed the wizards freezing abilities.

Checked out your link, but ended up going to the Blizzard forums and looked at the build of some guy who'd posted a talent-build DPS comparison as I figured he knew what he was talking about so his active skills would be optimized. Whirlwinds that stay in place, Critical Mass, Frost Aura, Diamond Skin, etc. with Teleport on RMB. Tried it out, it seemed OK but it's very counter-intuitive to my usual play-style so there were some adjustment issues. I'm still in Act 2 Inferno, and looking for Kulle's body parts (Aelrynn, I know you like farming that part of the Act) so I figure, too, that the build comes into its own a lot more in dense mob packs instead of just a few weak monsters all by themselves or in small clumps.

My DPS is 21-22K according to my character sheet, so I clearly don't have particularly good gear. I purchased almost all of it on the gold auction hall for 5-10K each just to try and survive Inferno back before all the nerfs (Resist All is about 750) though I did find my current weapon (right after spending 20K to buy one that turned out to be not as good... go figure).

Oh, yeah: I'm still Paragon level 1. Lawlz?

every character you play should be using a helm with a socket. you either stick a +Magic Find jewel in it or a +xp jewel in it. Really helps with the levelling and stuff.

The helm of Andariel is the best second tier helm you can find, I've found. The bonus to crits and attack speed is VERY hard to beat for damage output.

My wizardess has a DPS of 60k, higher then my DH normally does, and is paragon 1. The demilich boosting weapon damage really makes a difference. She's got a 997 damage wand, the combo takes her DPS way up and things go from there.

And I don't even play her. Her throw off gear is just that good. If I equipped the flaming mace thing (what is the name of that uber one hand weapon? I've got two of them) that my barb is using that nevertheless has a +Int mod attached to it, she'd probably hit 65k.

If She was level 42, it'd be 70k. Hah.

Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.

BTW, remember that those paragon stats include characters with multiple characters hitting inferno level...I've got 5, and 4 of them are still Paragon 1. So, it should be based on highest character per account, and you'd probably see a quick narrowing in numbers.

I'm an outlier. Still no Dead Man's Legacy, and don't really need one...heh.


My wizard (link), for which the character info doesn't seem to be updating... maybe after a few hours it'll take. I put a ruby in my helm after dropping the amethyst from pre-nerf/Paragon-level Inferno, and the I'm using the CM/WW build instead of whatever it's showing for my skills right now.

Grand Lodge

You can't find a Windforce with 250% crit damage. They can only roll one random magic affix, and the crit damage modifier would be 60-80%. Far, far away from the 250% needed to beat the dreaded Manticore.

As well as that, a rare 1400 damage bow with 250% would be incredibly, incredibly expensive. They would be a fluke of randomly generated treasure, as compared to the 2-socket manticores that almost come pre-built as a legendary, thus being more common.

Beggars can't be choosers, however, and if a 1400 dam bow dropped for me I'd be all over that like grease on a hamburger.

What I'm really getting confused by is the best amulet for Demon Hunters. Do we go for all resist? Life %? Or more crit boosting? I have been wearing my 40% magic find amulet for so long I have forgotten what I'm meant to be looking for.

EDIT: Mach your gear rolls are actually pretty good. Your items are all doing the right things. The only issue is your offhand boosted damage is woeful (36-55) and although your hammer rolled all the right modifiers, the actual dps is too low in the 700's. I'd be looking to boost up to a 1000k dps 1-hander as soon as possible.

KestlerGunner wrote:

EDIT: Mach your gear rolls are actually pretty good. Your items are all doing the right things. The only issue is your offhand boosted damage is woeful (36-55) and although your hammer rolled all the right modifiers, the actual dps is too low in the 700's. I'd be looking to boost up to a 1000k dps 1-hander as soon as possible.

I had a bid on an offhand that finished about 2am local time, so I don't know if I got it or not - will have to wait til I get home from work in 9 hours. I looked at upgrading my weapon, but getting a 1000 dps one-hand from the auction hall is beyond my current gold reserves... I may consider doing a gold-farming run or two of Act 3 Hell on a higher MP setting (probably not 10, though).

I played for about an hour last night before getting too tired to continue. I'm becoming more accustomed to the CM/WW build now, though I've yet to master its particular play-style. Got my 5 NV stacks fairly easily, but two separate elite packs a bit later on with more challenging combinations of abilities killed me several times each... inevitable with 28K hp.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

KestlerGunner wrote:

You can't find a Windforce with 250% crit damage. They can only roll one random magic affix, and the crit damage modifier would be 60-80%. Far, far away from the 250% needed to beat the dreaded Manticore.

As well as that, a rare 1400 damage bow with 250% would be incredibly, incredibly expensive. They would be a fluke of randomly generated treasure, as compared to the 2-socket manticores that almost come pre-built as a legendary, thus being more common.

Beggars can't be choosers, however, and if a 1400 dam bow dropped for me I'd be all over that like grease on a hamburger.

What I'm really getting confused by is the best amulet for Demon Hunters. Do we go for all resist? Life %? Or more crit boosting? I have been wearing my 40% magic find amulet for so long I have forgotten what I'm meant to be looking for.

EDIT: Mach your gear rolls are actually pretty good. Your items are all doing the right things. The only issue is your offhand boosted damage is woeful (36-55) and although your hammer rolled all the right modifiers, the actual dps is too low in the 700's. I'd be looking to boost up to a 1000k dps 1-hander as soon as possible.

When I say 250%, I'm assuming the base +50% of a crit, +any additional modifiers from rings/amulets/weapons. I'm assuming the Windforce has a base +crit mod of something, and the Windforce has a base +crit mod of something equal. The Manticore then equips a socket for +90% gain.

Double socketed WIndforces at 1100 are NOT common, and are also expensive...becuase its the only way they are competitive with damage from higher base damage weapons.

For an amulet, you want the same thing as you want on gauntlets : +Dex, +Crit chance, +Crit damage, +Attack Speed, +vit, +Magic Find. A fellow I know from Austrailia showed me his last night...he had +220 Dex, +140Vit +8 crit%, and +62% crit damage. He said that comparing it to the ones on the Auction House, he had one of the top 3 in the world.

He was using a single socket Manticore, too. He's looking to buy a good double socket. He also lucked into a Fist of Shenlong with uber stats that he sold for 100 mil gold, and went on a buying spree to get his uber gear (the monk pants, 9% AS Witching hour, high Dex Vile Ward, 19% Attack speed Dead Man Eyes, etc). He's wondering how to get 1 billion gold to afford the truly uber stuff he wants, but his base damage (no sharpshooter), hit 200k when he rolled really well on his dex-based Hellfire ring (+196 dex, +6 attack, +5% crit chance). His SS damage was over 500k. He said that looking at stats he was finally in the top 1500 in DPS in the world, and he's only looking higher.

He gave me a very low end Natalya's Embrace, just because it was useless to him. he also sold me a nice pair of dex/vit/res all pants with sockets, and a trifecta gauntlets (as, crit%, crit dmg) that he used to use. He was willing to sell me a socketed 1200 DPS bow, but I didn't have the money.

And I'm higher level then he is, with more playing time. Blah.


Mach, I have some one hand wands or weapons I'm happy to give away to you. I might have a spare source, but it is quite easy to pick up a good one on the AH for a million or less (i.e. a day's killing). If you need one, look me up.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

A note here, Mach.

When you are looking at damage on things, the base damage is usually more important then the stat modifier.

Simple comparison for you.

Say you have 2000 Int and a base 800 weapon. That's 800 x 20 = 16,000 DPS base.

You have a choice of a weapon with +200 Int & 800 dmg, or plain 900 damage. Which do you take?

2200 Int x 800 dmg = 17,600 damage, goes up 10%.

2000 Int x 900 dmg = 18,000 dmg, goes up 11.11%.

:P You're better off with a plain 900 damage weapon.

High base weapon damage is VERY important.


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For ease of use for all of us, here's the list of Battle.net IDs after looking through the whole thread.

Aelryinth - Aelryinth#1804
Aranna - Ariaspinner#?
KestlerGunner - Kuropoe#6611
Macharius - Macharius#1984
TinyCoffeeGolem - Coffeegolem#1717

Aelryinth wrote:
Mach, I have some one hand wands or weapons I'm happy to give away to you. I might have a spare source, but it is quite easy to pick up a good one on the AH for a million or less (i.e. a day's killing). If you need one, look me up.

Thanks, Aelryinth, I'll probably do that at some point in this weekend.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Mach, I picked up a very nice source in loot for you.

+150ish Int, +8% crit, +12ish magic find, -300 dmg spread. I'm holding onto it for you...tell me if you need it.
Well, I tried putting on the first two parts of the Ntalya's set, and my health dropped to 36k. This was after putting +50 dex gems into the slots.


Until I get part 3 of the set, looks like I'm just going to be using Andariels and my +dex/vit bp.

Of course, the boots and ring are ungodly pricey. Bah.


Grand Lodge

I got my Depth Diggers for 3 million!
194 dex, 125 vit, 71 all resist and apprx 20 for gold find and magic find.

Pretty surprised I won the bid so low, given the last pair I was bidding on moved for 6,200,000. I think we are really seeing the market for average legendary items and set items begin to slow down. I found a decent Zunimassa's Helm, 270 int plus a socket and haven't had any luck selling it yet, with a minimum bid of 3 million. I have also noticed the plans to build a flawless star emerald dropped by about 100k over the weekend. I am also having difficulty moving a pair of Immortal King gauntlets.

With this dropping market, I am beginning to keep my eyes open for any good chances to bid early on Manticores. I have 19 million saved, so the odds are against me, but I'm hoping the number of buyers have dried up to such an extent that a high early bid will ward off any interest.

That amulet you described sounds insane, Aelryinth. I haven't found anything like that. Currently Paragon 35, and I'm finding more sub-par legendaries every day. Most of it ends up as Brimstone, though some have filtered down to my followers.

DPS is now high enough to farm MP2 without any slowdown. When I die, it'll only be because there are about 6 walls all around me with desecration pools and arcane sentries persisting around me.

Aelryinth wrote:

Mach, I picked up a very nice source in loot for you.

+150ish Int, +8% crit, +12ish magic find, -300 dmg spread. I'm holding onto it for you...tell me if you need it.

Aelryinth, that would be absolutely fantastic!

KestlerGunner was kind enough to share gloves and a hat with my wizard on Friday night (local time for me), and between them and that new source mentioned last week that I'd won off the AH (not nearly as good as what you found) my Damage went from 21K to about 38K.

I have serious reservations about my health: 25K. Is that acceptable as a wizard, or should I just play more cautiously until I can get some all-around upgrades of my armor pieces?

Grand Lodge

That HP seems low to me. I'm on 26k but I'm constantly popping gloom defense or smokescreen to survive. My resists are about equal to yours too.

Battlenet was really laggy for me last night. Had a 500DPS 300th Spear drop. Yech. I only need two more Dervish keys before I'm ready for another Hellfire run.

I had a successful bid on a two socketed Manticore:
1060 DPS
186 Dexterity
80% natural crit
10% attack speed

It went for 16 million. I don't know how I'm going to properly fill up those two slots with 2 million left. Looks like it's time to start building gems up! It will cost me 3.2 million gold and 162 flawless squares.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Nice gearing up. Mach, it's all yours if you want it.

I usually go on MP2 when solo, too. My DPS can hit 88k, but my survivability tanks if I go that high. I'm usually in the 65-75 range depending on my precise configuration and how much gold find I have.

I discovered 3 legends yesterday, all in less then an hour, down in the stonefort while doing a solo run of ACt3. Two were junk, one was a set of firewalkers that was some +50 dex higher then the boots I was wearing, so i swapped in.

My goals right now are a Vile Ward, or a part3 of the Natalya's Set. Wearing the hat and cloak isn't going to be worth it without the third part of the set to work with.

I have a ring with a +crit chance and +crit damage...the only problem is the +120 Str mod, not a Dex mod. It's still better then my old ring. :P

My main damage amulet is +210 Dex, +8% crit. Adds like 12k damage over my +dex/vit/MF amulet...but tanks my HP by 6k when I put it on :/. I have a +100 Dex, +42 MF amulet I put on for public group runs.

And of course the guy I was with last night got two legends, Including an Immortal King set peice. (sighs) Well, at least I'm starting the work on my last Infernal Machine, and can then see about making a Hellfire Ring and crossing my fingers for uberness.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16


25k health is marginally okay if you've got decent regen and force armor reducing damage down going. If you get hit several times fast, it's gonna destroy you. However, if you're also using prismatic armor for a damage soak, you'll find that it actually won't be that bad. The lower health means incoming damage is reduced, which means less hits the prismatic armor, which means it lasts longer.

Particularly if you're playing a critical mass mage, it shouldn't be that much of a problem, as enemies aren't going to be hitting you frequently, if at all.


Just finished helping Aelryinth with his key runs for a little bit; good times!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16


Got aset of ditch diggers...the highest level non-set pants.

And naturally the high bonus is to Strength, and the vitality is below 100.

Oh, well, I suppose my barb needs them.

And let's not talk about the Lacuni Prowlers granting +80 dex and lightning resistance, although the +9% attack speed looks nice, it's a trap.



Was able to get an hour in for the first time since last week and blew through the end of Act 2 Inferno. I got killed by Belial twice because I'd gotten overconfident in handling elite packs with 36K Damage... both times were effectively one-hit kills. My third attempt I played a bit more cautiously, and he went down with little difficulty in.

I found a sword that was a damage upgrade, mostly because it had a socket to put a big, fat emerald in to take advantage of my 40% crit rate. Also found a huge upgrade for my Templar companion - his Damage doubled!

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