Potion of Jester's Jaunt

Rules Questions

As far as I can tell this spell can be made into a potion.

APG pg.230:

Jester’s Jaunt
School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one living creature
Duration instantiations
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You teleport the target to a space you can see within 30 feet of the target. The destination must be on solid ground, and the teleportation cannot end in a space that is by nature hazardous to the creature you are teleporting.

The potion rules state:

Potions are like spells cast upon the imbiber. The character taking the potion doesn’t get to make any decisions about the effect—the caster who brewed the potion has already done so. The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect (though the potion indicates the caster level, the drinker still controls the effect).

The bolded text is where I am confused. Would a potion of Jester's Jaunt allow you to determine where you teleported, within 30 ft or would it have to be a predetermined when the spell was made and thus likely to be useless since you would almost certainly be more than 30 ft from the intended destination.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, the drinker controls the effect, therefore, yeah, you can decide where you want to teleport to.

I think the first section of bolded text refers to variables such as protection from energy; the potion would provide protection from electricity or fire, chosen by the creator.

That's my reading, anywho. Having preprogrammed potions to teleport you to a particular spot would be situationaly useful, but not generally a good thing.

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