Polymorph Any Object -> Form of the Dragon

Rules Questions

Our DM is allowing me to get a wizard to cast Polymorph Any Object on my character and allow me to get the spell "Form of the Dragon 1". With all of the modifiers, the duration is permanent.

Now to my questions:

1) Does my type change to Dragon?
2) The spell says I get a single usage of breath weapon. Would it remain as a single usage? Or would the permanent nature change that?


Cavanath wrote:

Our DM is allowing me to get a wizard to cast Polymorph Any Object on my character and allow me to get the spell "Form of the Dragon 1". With all of the modifiers, the duration is permanent.

Now to my questions:

1) Does my type change to Dragon?
2) The spell says I get a single usage of breath weapon. Would it remain as a single usage? Or would the permanent nature change that?


This sounds like you are already applying house rules to the spell. So those are questions for you and your GM to determine together.

Cavanath wrote:

Our DM is allowing me to get a wizard to cast Polymorph Any Object on my character and allow me to get the spell "Form of the Dragon 1". With all of the modifiers, the duration is permanent.

Now to my questions:

1) Does my type change to Dragon?
2) The spell says I get a single usage of breath weapon. Would it remain as a single usage? Or would the permanent nature change that?


It's a single casting of the spell and the limit is once per casting og the spell, so yep.

I don't believe that polymorph school spells change type.


My reading of the spell is that the duration table is used only when the basic transmutation effect is selected - when duplicating effects of any of the listed spells it would use the regular spell description with only the spell level and saving throw DC increased to match the polymorph any object so you and your GM entered the realm of houseruling twice - once with allowing form of the dragon I and once with using the duration table.

#1: Polymorphs, as a rule, don't change the type, regardless of duration.

#2: This is the problem with making permanent spells that weren't intended to be permanent. By RAW they have no clause about any form of recharging so they would not be usable more than once. RAI seems to be that they won't be made permanent.

Some possible solution: maybe your GM will come with some creative way of recharging your breath weapon between uses... Maybe you could get to recharge your fire breath by bathing in hot springs, maybe your lightning breath is recharged by flying during thunderstorm, maybe your cold breath is recharged by flying so high that the frost gathers on the tips of your wings. For acid breath it could be gorging on noxious foods and minerals.

Dark Archive

He must be able to change type otherwise polymorph any object wouldn't work....it clearly can change ANY object....say a chair to a dragon. All that varies is duration. A small kobold to a small dragon would be permanent.... changing a human to say a bugbear or elf would be permanent.

Obviously a chair to a dog say would be temporary...but its clearly in the bounds of the spell, and those are radically different types.

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