Qinggong Monk and Purity of Body

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge

11 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

So, my Tetori Qingong Monk is slowly climbing the levels and I started plotting my swap outs for Level 5 & 7, the earliest I can do with the Tetori/Qinggong combo, when I noticed an issue with the Qinggong description.


A qinggong monk can select a ki power (see below) for which she qualifies in place of the following monk class abilities: slow fall (4th), high jump (5th), wholeness of body (7th), diamond body (11th), abundant step (12th), diamond soul (13th), quivering palm (15th), timeless body (17th), tongue of the sun and moon (17th), empty body (19th), and perfect self (20th). This replaces the monk class ability the qinggong monk gives up for this ki power.

Ki powers are abilities that draw on the power of a monk’s ki. The standard monk has several abilities that count as ki powers, such as wholeness of body, abundant step, and empty body. A qinggong monk can learn additional ki powers, which often replaces a non-ki monk ability such as purity of body. Ki powers are divided into three categories: feats, monk abilities, and spells.

(emphasis mine)

So, the first paragraph lists that only high jump can be swapped out at 5th level but the paragraph immediately following lists purity of body as an example of a ability that can be swapped out.

Since the Tetori archetype already swaps out high jump, I'm trying to figure out if purity of body is a legal swap out or not. Note: this is a PFS character, so I want to make sure it's legal for PFS play.


I've been asking this same question since the archetype came out.

Ditto for me - FAQed this!


"The standard monk has several abilities that count as ki powers, such as wholeness of body, abundant step, and empty body. A qinggong monk can learn additional ki powers, which often replaces a non-ki monk ability such as purity of body."

Purity of Body is listed as an example of a non-ki monk ability--nothing about the sentence suggests that you can trade it just because it is an example of a non-ki ability.

Yes, it may have been a poor choice of an example, but the list at the beginning is pretty clear. You can only trade those abilities on that list.

I think the real question is, why can you only trade those specific abilities?

Silver Crusade

If you look at the list of monk abilities that the qinggong monk can swap it includes all the monk abilities at level 4+ except Purity of body - why exclude this ability - it makes no sense and seems more an mistake of omission instead than intended.(RAI)

But that doesn't matter because in the next paragraph the writer reiterates the qinggongs monks capacity to "learn additional ki powers, which replace a non-ki monk ability" and give an example - "such as purity of body" (RAW). So "purity of body" is specifically mentioned as a ability that a monk can swapped out for another ki power.

The alternative interpretation makes no sense. Why would the designers use the line "such as purity of body" if as some above have stated it is in fact the ONLY ability they can't trade out.

So RAI and RAW both indicate purity of body should be included in abilities that can be swapped out.

Scarab Sages

The inset on Sammy T's original post says it's answered in the FAQ - but where is this FAQ? I can't find it.

Silver Crusade

yeah I looked for it too, but I suspect they thought it so obvious it wasn't worth the effort. It's amazing how people twist the written word and confuse what is obvious. When you read what is written the intention is clear. Purity of body is exchangeable. End of story.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
The inset on Sammy T's original post says it's answered in the FAQ - but where is this FAQ? I can't find it.

As I mentioned in another thread you asked this in, "Answered in the FAQ" used to be a catchall for "This is no longer in the FAQ queue" whether that be because it was actually answered or the devs determined it didn't need to be answered.

Scarab Sages

I don't recall which earlier thread your referring to. Anyways, if that's the case, how does one find the answer (assuming it's there)?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I don't recall which earlier thread your referring to. Anyways, if that's the case, how does one find the answer (assuming it's there)?

If it was answered, it'd be in the FAQ.

If it's not in the FAQ, the tagging of "Answered in the FAQ" is the equivalent of the "No Reply Required" tag (which they added after the "Answered in the FAQ" tag sowed a lot of confusion when used for this purpose).

Scarab Sages

Rynjin wrote:

If it was answered, it'd be in the FAQ.

Where IS the FAQ for things like this? The only FAQ I could find on here was one that addressed 4-6 questions, all in the legal/business/publishing vein.

Nevermind, I found it. This isn't the easiest site to navigate.

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