Adventures taking place in Hell / Baator?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Are there any Dungeon adventures featuring Hell as a main location? I've seen several adventures featuring the Abyss, but I can't remember any taking place in the other iconic evil plane.

Frankly, no. Hell never was popular as a setting. Some Planescape stuff, but little else.

There was one in Gehenna, many in the Abyss, that I can recall. None in Hell off the top of my head though.

Okay, thanks. I suppose I'll just have to write my own :)

Grand Lodge

Writing your own is fine but remember you asked about Dungeon Magazine only.

Monte Cook's adventure A Paladin in Hell is regarded as one of the best adventures not just of 2E but of all time.

(Also, Hell wasn't used in Dungeon not because of a popularity problem -- Dragon issues 75 & 76 were super popular from the day Greenwood wrote them and were ranked the top two issues ever done a few years ago by the Paizo staff. Hell wasn't used in Dungeon because of James Ward's famous editorial "Angry Mothers from Heck." (Remember there were only about a dozen or so issues of Dungeon prior to that issue of Dragon.

The editors were just always a bit skittish in doing something that the extreme right wing would really get them on. Sadly.

If you are talking about ANY adventures set in Hell, there was one in Well of Worlds (I think), for Planescape, at intro level, no less. There was one or a few in Planes of Law, just short ones. IIRC, there are also visits to Baator in

both Dead Gods and Tales from the Infinite Staircase

W E Ray wrote:

Writing your own is fine but remember you asked about Dungeon Magazine only.

Monte Cook's adventure A Paladin in Hell is regarded as one of the best adventures not just of 2E but of all time.

Good point; I primarily asked about Dungeon because I have reasonably easy access to those.

I'll try to locate that adventure. Thank you for the suggestion!

And thank you to Sissyl, too. I'll check those suggestions out as well :)

If you don't mind a bit of do-it-yourself, I think the Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells volume that Wizards produced some time back has a lot of really great, atmospheric stuff in it. It can be a bit pricy to pick up on Ebay, though!

Are wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

Writing your own is fine but remember you asked about Dungeon Magazine only.

Monte Cook's adventure A Paladin in Hell is regarded as one of the best adventures not just of 2E but of all time.

Good point; I primarily asked about Dungeon because I have reasonably easy access to those.

I'll try to locate that adventure. Thank you for the suggestion!

And thank you to Sissyl, too. I'll check those suggestions out as well :)

It's given as a 15th-20th level adventure for ADD, if your quest to locate it is fruitless give me your email.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's not exactly in Hell itself proper, but the devilish influences are so strong it might as well be. Heart of Hellfire Mountain (Dungeon 148 p. 68) is a 20th level adventure involving a cult of Mephistopheles diabolists... the twist is that they're all fire giants. The non-devil-worshipping fire giants (the 'proper' fire giants) ask you to take care of the problem for them, which is a neat twist. Lots of devils and fire and brimstone there (even has an artifact which is literally Mephistopheles' heart) If you wanted to place it in hell, perhaps the cult is threatening a planar conjunction of some kind that drags the entire mountain range temporarily into hell (and perhaps permanently if the cult is not stopped).

It's not dungeon, but you might also look at "Hell In Freeport" by Green Ronin (3.0 D&D, levels 10-12). It's a bit railroady at times and quite difficult/hack and slashy in places, but it's got several neat locations and roleplaying opportunities. Planescape also had another adventure in hell called "Fires of Dis"- although I've never played or read it (unlike Hell in Freeport)

Grand Lodge

.... And if you are interested in "Heart of Hellfire Mountain" even though it only deals with devil worshipers on the Material Plane then there are a couple more most awesome examples:

"Strike on the Rabid Dawn" (#111) by Frank Brunner is excellent and ALL about a High Priest of Asmodeus.

"The Styes" by Richard Pett (#121) is universally accepted as one of the greatest Dungeon adventures of ALL TIME and the villain is (marginally to the plot) a worshiper of Asmodeus.

Also I'd like to point out the module "Fires of Dis" in the Planescape setting, which I ran and absolutely had a blast with a few years ago.

It includes

A visit to Dis, and exploring Dispater's Iron Tower, no less. Oh, and it has pit fiend gardeners!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
W E Ray wrote:

Writing your own is fine but remember you asked about Dungeon Magazine only.

Monte Cook's adventure A Paladin in Hell is regarded as one of the best adventures not just of 2E but of all time.

(Also, Hell wasn't used in Dungeon not because of a popularity problem -- Dragon issues 75 & 76 were super popular from the day Greenwood wrote them and were ranked the top two issues ever done a few years ago by the Paizo staff. Hell wasn't used in Dungeon because of James Ward's famous editorial "Angry Mothers from Heck." (Remember there were only about a dozen or so issues of Dungeon prior to that issue of Dragon.

The editors were just always a bit skittish in doing something that the extreme right wing would really get them on. Sadly.

That's whole reason TSR put in the idea of godless clerics... to placate the MADD crowd.... along stripping the two D words from the game.... it didn't work. But fortunately... it didn't have to.

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