He's just MOSTLY dead...


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Silver Crusade

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I currently have it that only heroes and major contributing members of society can be brought back.

Contributing can be for good or evil, but if one of the gods does not think your time is up yet, then its too late and you've passed on to the afterlife.

Add to that, there is always the choice.

Do you want to come back from the dead.

Characters who have died, with any form of will, especially with an inheritance or title, void that title on death. Resurrection does not re-grant you a title that passes on your death.

Add to amusing plot lines where repo collections arrive to take a family heirloom off to the next heir.


And in one campaign I even assigned quests from the gods for each resurrection.

In my current campaign I awaken their signature item with intelligence and increase it intelligence for each death of the character.

One of the characters has just died enough for the item to start forcing its will on the character...

I can say that no player ever thinks resurrection is a good thing after being in one of my campaigns, and NPCs try to avoid it where possible ;)

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